compass-jquery-plugin ===================== Get gem from [Gemcutter][1]. Get source from [github][2]. Get example application showing everything live from [github][32]. Description ----------- A Sass-based Meta-Framework for Compass that allows you to mix and match any of the following: * jquery-rails with jQuery 1.6.1 and jQuery.UI 1.8.13 including themes * jQuery Tools 1.2.5 * jquery.jstree.js V1.0rc3 * jquery.dynatree.js V1.1.1 * jquery.ribbon.js * jquery.jqGrid.js V4.0 (with minor changes to make it RESTful) * jquery.tinymce.js V3.4 and for mobile devices <i>(using pure haml/sass without compass)</i>: * 1.0a4.1 * jquery.jqtouch.js V1.0b3 This library requires [Compass][3]. For the moment this plugin supports Rails 2.3. An upgrade to Rails 3.x is planned, but depends on the upgrade of compass which actually has alpha state. *Hint: When trying to build the gem under Windows, bundler can't locate the rakefile. Apply the patch from [Arve Knudsen][4] to fix it.* jquery-rails, jQuery and jQuery.UI including themes --------------------------------------------- Use compass to install the jquery-rails, jQuery and jQuery.UI javascript library including themes into your project. For jQuery: <pre>compass install [-r jquery] jquery/jquery <project name></pre> You will find all the stylesheets in easy-to-read Sass format at: <pre>stylesheets/jquery/ui</pre> To use the localized stylesheets and javacripts for jQuery include (using the rails_xss plugin): <pre> = stylesheet_link_tag "compiled/jquery/ui/[theme].css", :media => 'screen, projection' = javascript_include_tag :jquery_ui = javascript_include_tag :jrails = raw jquery_javascripts(I18n.locale)</pre> into your layouts. jQuery TOOLS ------------ Use compass to install the jQuery TOOLS javascript library into your project. <pre>compass install [-r jquery] jquery/tools <project name></pre> To use the javascripts include: <pre> = javascript_include_tag :tools</pre> jQuery Dynatree Plugin ---------------------- Use compass to install the jQuery Dynatree javascript library into your project. <pre>compass install [-r jquery] jquery/dynatree <project name></pre> You will find all the stylesheets in easy-to-read Sass format at: <pre>stylesheets/jquery/ui</pre> To use the stylesheets and javascripts include: <pre> = stylesheet_link_tag :dynatree_[skin], :media => 'screen, projection' = javascript_include_tag :dynatree</pre> jQuery jsTree Plugin -------------------- Use compass to install the jQuery jsTree javascript library into your project. <pre>compass install [-r jquery] jquery/jstree <project name></pre> You will find all the stylesheets in easy-to-read Sass format at: <pre>stylesheets/jquery/ui</pre> To use the stylesheets and javascripts include: <pre> = stylesheet_link_tag :jstree_[theme], :media => 'screen, projection' = javascript_include_tag :jstree</pre> jQuery Ribbon Plugin -------------------- Use compass to install the jQuery Ribbon javascript library into your project. <pre>compass install [-r jquery] jquery/ribbon <project name></pre> You will find all the stylesheets in easy-to-read Sass format at: <pre>stylesheets/jquery/ui</pre> To use the stylesheets and javascripts include: <pre> = stylesheet_link_tag :ribbon_[theme], :media => 'screen, projection' = javascript_include_tag :ribbon</pre> jqGrid ------ Use compass to install the jqGrid javascript library into your project. <pre>compass install [-r jquery] jquery/jqgrid <project name></pre> You will find the jqGrid stylesheet in easy-to-read Sass format at: <pre>stylesheets/jquery/ui</pre> To use the stylesheets and javascripts include: <pre> = stylesheet_link_tag :jqGrid, :media => 'screen, projection' = raw jqgrid_javascripts(I18n.locale)</pre> Secret Sauce ------------ Use compass to install the Secret Sauce for jqGrid javascript library into your project. <pre>compass install [-r jquery] jquery/secret_sauce <project name></pre> You will find all the stylesheets in easy-to-read Sass format. <pre>stylesheets/jquery/ui</pre> To use the stylesheets and javascripts include: <pre> = stylesheet_link_tag :secret_sauce, :media => 'screen, projection' = javascript_include_tag :secret_sauce</pre> jquery.ical ----------- Use compass to install the jquery.ical javascript library into your project. <pre>compass install [-r jquery] jquery/ical <project name></pre> You will find all the stylesheets in easy-to-read Sass format. <pre>stylesheets/jquery/ui</pre> To use the stylesheets and javacripts include: <pre> = stylesheet_link_tag :ical, :media => 'screen, projection' = javascript_include_tag :ical</pre> jQuery TinyMCE Plugin -------------------- Use compass to install the jQuery TinyMCE Javascript WYSIWYG Editor into your project. <pre>compass install [-r jquery] jquery/tiny_mce <project name></pre> To use the javascripts include: <pre> = javascript_include_tag :tiny_mce</pre> jQuery markItUp! Plugin -------------------- Use compass to install the jQuery markItUp! Editor J into your project. <pre>compass install [-r jquery] jquery/markitup <project name></pre> To use the javascripts include: <pre> = javascript_include_tag :markitup</pre> Graphics -------- Use compass to install the jquery.ganttView, jquery.highcharts and jquery.sparklines javascript libraries into your project. <pre>compass install [-r jquery] jquery/graphics <project name></pre> You will find all the stylesheets in easy-to-read Sass format. <pre>stylesheets/jquery/ui</pre> To use the stylesheets and javascripts include: <pre> = stylesheet_link_tag :ganttView', :media => 'screen, projection' = javascript_include_tag :ganttView = javascript_include_tag :highcharts = javascript_include_tag :sparkline</pre> Emulators --------- Use compass to install the emulator stylesheets and fullsize images for iPhone and iPad into your project. <pre>compass install [-r jquery] jquery/emulators <project name></pre> You will find all the stylesheets in easy-to-read Sass format at: <pre>stylesheets/emulators</pre> To use the stylesheets and javacripts include: <pre> = stylesheet_link_tag :ipad_landscape, :media => 'screen, projection' = stylesheet_link_tag :iphone_portrait, :media => 'screen, projection'</pre> jQuery mobile ------------- Use compass to install the jQuery mobile javascript library and themes into your project. <pre>compass install [-r jquery] jquery/mobile <project name></pre> You will find all the stylesheets in easy-to-read Sass format at: <pre>stylesheets/mobile</pre> To use the stylesheets and javascripts include: <pre> = stylesheet_link_tag :mobile_[theme], :media => 'screen, projection' = javascript_include_tag :mobile'</pre> jQTouch ------- Use compass to install the jQTouch javascript library into your project. <pre>compass install [-r jquery] jquery/jqtouch <project name></pre> You will find all the stylesheets in easy-to-read Sass format at: <pre>stylesheets/jqtouch</pre> To use the stylesheets and javascripts include: <pre> = stylesheet_link_tag :jqt_[theme], :media => 'screen, projection' = javascript_include_tag :jqtouch'</pre> Thanks to the Contributors: =========================== Rails: ------ * Andre Arko for [jquery-rails][5] * David Turnbull for [compass-jquery][6] * Jonathan Linowes for [gridify][7] * ahe for [2dc_jqgrid][8] * scrubber for [jquery_grid_for_rails][9] * ariesroyaal for [secret_sauce][10] now [at][11]. * Ryan Heath for [pretty_flash][12]. jQuery Plugins included: ------------------------ * Chris Domigan for [jQuery ContextMenu Plugin][13] * Klaus Hartl for [jQuery Cookie Plugin][14] * "Cowboy" Ben Alman for [jQuery doTimeout Plugin][37] * Pete Gamache for [jQuery DSt Plugin][38] * Martin Wendt for [jQuery Dynatree Plugin][15] * Frank (JC) Grubbs for [jQuery Gantt View Plugin][39] * Tony Tomov for [jQuery Grid Plugin][17] * Tim Caswell for [jQuery haml Plugin][18] * John Reisig et. al. for [jQuery Form Plugin][16] * Ivan Bozhanov for [jQuery jsTree Plugin][20] * Fabrizio Balliano and Kevin Dalman for [jQuery Layout Plugin][21] * Jay Salvat for [markItUp!][44] * Scott Jehl for [jQuery Media Helper Plugin][43] * Brandon Aaron and Fabrizio Balliano for [jQuery Mousewheel Plugin][35] * Yehuda Katz for [jQuery Offline Plugin][34] * Andreas Eberhard for [jQuery PngFix Plugin][22] (for IE) * "Cowboy" Ben Alman for [jQuery replaceText Plugin][36] * Mikael Soederstroem for [jQuery Ribbon Plugin][23] * Gareth Watts from Splunk Inc for [jQuery Sparklines plugin][24] * Denis Howlett for [jQuery Table Drag and Drop Plugin][25] * John Reisig et. al. for [jQuery Templating Plugin][26] * James Smith for [jQuery Tokeninput][41] * Juan G. Hurtado for [jQuery TOOLS][27] * Michael Aufreiter for [jQuery UI Multiselect Plugin][28] * Andrew M Andrews III for [Any+Time][29] * Steven Wittens for [Farbtastic Colorpicker plugin][30] * Adam Shaw for [FullCalendar][31] * Moxiecode Systems AB for [TinyMCE][40] Other stuff included: --------------------- * Benjamin Lupton for [History.js][19] * Rick DeNatale for [ri_cal][33] * Highslide Software Torstein Hønsi for [Highcharts][42] Note on Patches/Pull Requests ============================= * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull) * Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. Copyright ========= Copyright © 2009-2011 Kosmas Schuetz. See LICENSE for details. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: http://indirect/jquery-rails/ [6]: [7]: [8]: [9]: [10]: [11]: [12]: [13]: [14]: [15]: [16]: [17]: [18]: [19]: [20]: [21]: [22]: [23]: [24]: [25]: [26]: [27]: [28]: [29]: [30]: [31]: [32]: [33]: [34]: [35]: [36]: [37]: [38]: [39]: [40]: [41]: [42]: http:// [43]: [44]: