module Caboose class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base protect_from_forgery before_filter :before_before_action helper_method :logged_in? helper :all @find_page = true def before_before_action # Modify the built-in params array with URL params if necessary parse_url_params if Caboose.use_url_params @use_page_cache = !request.fullpath.starts_with?('/admin') # Get the site we're working with @domain = Domain.where(:domain => request.host_with_port).first @site = @domain ? : nil # Set the site in any mailers = @site # Make sure someone is logged in if !logged_in? elo = User.find(User::LOGGED_OUT_USER_ID) login_user(elo) end session['use_redirect_urls'] = true if session['use_redirect_urls'].nil? # Initialize AB Testing AbTesting.init(request.session_options[:id]) if Caboose.use_ab_testing # Try to find the page @request = request @page = @crumbtrail = @subnav = {} @actions = {} @tasks = {} @page_tasks = {} @is_real_page = false @ga_events = [] #if @find_page @page = Page.page_with_uri(request.host_with_port, request.fullpath) @crumb_trail = Caboose::Page.crumb_trail(@page) #end # Sets an instance variable of the logged in user @logged_in_user = logged_in_user # Initialize the card init_cart if @site && @site.use_store && !@domain.under_construction before_action end # Initialize the cart in the session def init_cart # Check if the cart ID is defined and that it exists in the database create_new_order = false if session[:cart_id] @order = Caboose::Order.where(:id => session[:cart_id]).first create_new_order = true if @order.nil? || @order.status != 'cart' else create_new_order = true end if create_new_order # Create an order to associate with the session @order = @order.site_id = @site ? : nil @order.status = Caboose::Order::STATUS_CART @order.financial_status = Caboose::Order::STATUS_PENDING @order.date_created = @order.referring_site = request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] @order.landing_page = request.fullpath @order.landing_page_ref = params[:ref] || nil # Save the cart ID in the session session[:cart_id] = end end def add_ga_event(cat, action, label = nil, value = nil) # Category String Required Typically the object that was interacted with (e.g. button) # Action String Required The type of interaction (e.g. click) # Label String Option Useful for categorizing events (e.g. nav buttons) # Value Number Option Values must be non-negative. Useful to pass counts (e.g. 4 times) @ga_events << [cat, action, label, value] end # Parses any parameters in the URL and adds them to the params def parse_url_params return if !Caboose.use_url_params url = "#{request.fullpath}" url[0] = "" if url.starts_with?('/') url = url.split('?')[0] if url.include?('?') arr = url.split('/') i = arr.count - 1 while i >= 1 do k = arr[i-1] v = arr[i] if v && v.length > 0 v = v.gsub('%20', ' ') params[k] = v end i = i-2 end end # To be overridden by the child controllers def before_action end # Logs a user out def logout_user cookies.delete(:caboose_user_id) session["app_user"] = nil reset_session end # Logs in a user def login_user(user, remember = false) session["app_user"] = user cookies.permanent[:caboose_user_id] = if remember end # Returns whether or not a user is logged in def logged_in? validate_token validate_cookie return true if !session["app_user"].nil? && session["app_user"] != false && session["app_user"].id != -1 && session["app_user"].id != User::LOGGED_OUT_USER_ID return false end # Checks to see if a token is given. If so, it tries to validate the token # and log the user in. def validate_token token = params[:token] return false if token.nil? user = User.validate_token(token) return false if user.nil? login_user(user) return true end # Checks to see if a remember me cookie value is present. def validate_cookie if cookies[:caboose_user_id] && User.exists?(cookies[:caboose_user_id]) user = User.find(cookies[:caboose_user_id]) login_user(user) return true end return false end # Returns the currently logged in user def logged_in_user if (!logged_in?) return User.logged_out_user end #return nil if !logged_in? return session["app_user"] end # DEPRECATED: Use user_is_allowed_to(action, resource) # # Checks to see if a user has permission to perform the given action # on the given resource. # Redirects to login if not logged in. # Redirects to error page with message if not allowed. def user_is_allowed(resource, action) if (!logged_in?) redirect_to "/login?return_url=" + URI.encode(request.fullpath) return false end @user = logged_in_user if (!@user.is_allowed(resource, action)) @error = "You don't have permission to " + action + " " + resource @return_url = request.fullpath render :template => "caboose/extras/error" return false end return true end # Checks to see if a user has permission # to perform action on resource # # Redirects to login if not logged in # Redirects to error page with message if not allowed # # useful for creating super-readable code, for example: # > return unless user_is_allowed_to 'edit', 'pages' # Even your mom could read that code. def user_is_allowed_to(action, resource) unless logged_in? redirect_to "/login?return_url=" + URI.encode(request.fullpath) return false end @user = logged_in_user unless @user.is_allowed(resource, action) @error = "You don't have permission to #{action} #{resource}" @return_url = request.fullpath render :template => "caboose/extras/error" return false end return true end # Redirects to login if not logged in. def verify_logged_in if !logged_in? redirect_to "/modal/login?return_url=" + URI.encode(request.fullpath) return false end return true end # Removes a given parameter from a URL querystring def reject_param(url, param) arr = url.split('?') return url if (arr.count == 1) qs = arr[1].split('&').reject { |pair| pair.split(/[=;]/).first == param } url2 = arr[0] url2 += "?" + qs.join('&') if qs.count > 0 return url2 end #def auth_or_error(message) # if (!logged_in?) # redirect_to "/login?return_url=#{request.request_uri}" and return false # end # redirect_to "/error?message=#{message}" #end def var(name) s = Setting.where(:name => name).first return "" if s.nil? return s.value end # Redirects/Converts querystrings into hashes def hashify_query_string if request.query_string && request.query_string.length > 0 redirect_to request.url.gsub('?', '#') return true end return false end # Standard methods used by model binder def admin_index() raise 'This method should be overridden.' end def admin_json() raise 'This method should be overridden.' end def admin_json_single() raise 'This method should be overridden.' end def admin_edit() raise 'This method should be overridden.' end def admin_update() raise 'This method should be overridden.' end def admin_bulk_update() raise 'This method should be overridden.' end def admin_add() raise 'This method should be overridden.' end def admin_bulk_add() raise 'This method should be overridden.' end def admin_delete() raise 'This method should be overridden.' end def admin_bulk_delete() raise 'This method should be overridden.' end # Make sure we're not under construction or on a forwarded domain def under_construction_or_forwarding_domain? d = Caboose::Domain.where(:domain => request.host_with_port).first if d.nil? Caboose.log("Could not find domain for #{request.host_with_port}\nAdd this domain to the caboose site.") elsif d.under_construction == true if && > 0 render :text => else render :file => 'caboose/application/under_construction', :layout => false end return true # See if we're on a forwarding domain elsif d.primary == false && d.forward_to_primary == true pd = if pd && pd.domain != url = "#{request.protocol}#{pd.domain}" if d.forward_to_uri && d.forward_to_uri.strip.length > 0 url << d.forward_to_uri elsif request.fullpath && request.fullpath.strip.length > 0 && request.fullpath.strip != '/' url << request.fullpath end redirect_to url return true end # Check for a 301 redirect else new_url = PermanentRedirect.match(, request.fullpath) if new_url redirect_to new_url, :status => 301 return true end end return false end end end