# frozen_string_literal: true module PlatformosCheck class Config DOTFILE = '.platformos-check.yml' BUNDLED_CONFIGS_DIR = Pathname.new("#{__dir__}/../../config").realpath BOOLEAN = [true, false] attr_reader :root attr_accessor :auto_correct class << self attr_reader :last_loaded_config def from_path(path) if (filename = find(path)) new(root: filename.dirname, configuration: load_config(filename)) else # No configuration file new(root: path) end end def from_string(config) new(configuration: YAML.load(config), should_resolve_requires: false) end def from_hash(config) new(configuration: config, should_resolve_requires: false) end def find(root, needle = DOTFILE) Pathname.new(root).descend.reverse_each do |path| pathname = path.join(needle) return pathname if pathname.exist? end nil end def load_file(absolute_path) @last_loaded_config = absolute_path # An empty file returns false, so we || {}. YAML.load_file(absolute_path) || {} end def bundled_config_path(name) "#{BUNDLED_CONFIGS_DIR}/#{name.to_s.sub(/^:/, '')}.yml" end def bundled_config?(name) name.is_a?(Symbol) || (name.is_a?(String) && name[0] == ":") end def load_bundled_config(name) load_file(bundled_config_path(name)) end def load_config(name, pwd = Pathname.pwd) return load_bundled_config(name) if bundled_config?(name) path = name.is_a?(Pathname) ? name : Pathname.new(name) path = pwd.join(path) if path.relative? return {} unless path.exist? config = load_file(path) extends = config["extends"] || :default merge_configurations!(load_config(extends, path.realpath.dirname), config) end def merge_configurations!(config, other) config.merge(other) do |_key, old_value, new_value| case old_value when Hash merge_configurations!(old_value, new_value) else new_value end end end def default load_config(":default") end end def initialize(root: nil, configuration: nil, should_resolve_requires: true) @configuration = if configuration validate_configuration(configuration) else self.class.default end extends = @configuration["extends"] || :default @configuration = self.class.merge_configurations!(self.class.load_config(extends), @configuration) @root = if root && @configuration.key?("root") Pathname.new(root).join(@configuration["root"]) elsif root Pathname.new(root) end @auto_correct = false resolve_requires if @root && should_resolve_requires end def [](name) @configuration[name] end def to_h @configuration end def check_configurations @check_configurations ||= @configuration.select { |name, _| check_name?(name) } end def enabled_checks @enabled_checks ||= check_configurations.map do |check_name, options| next unless options["enabled"] check_class = PlatformosCheck.const_get(check_name) next if check_class.categories.any? { |category| exclude_categories.include?(category) } next if include_categories.any? && !include_categories.all? { |category| check_class.categories.include?(category) } options_for_check = options.transform_keys(&:to_sym) options_for_check.delete(:enabled) severity = options_for_check.delete(:severity) check_ignored_patterns = options_for_check.delete(:ignore) || [] check = if options_for_check.empty? check_class.new else check_class.new(**options_for_check) end check.severity = severity.to_sym if severity check.ignored_patterns = check_ignored_patterns + ignored_patterns check.options = options_for_check check end.compact end def ignored_patterns self["ignore"] || [] end def include_categories self["include_categories"] || [] end def include_categories=(categories) @configuration["include_categories"] = categories end def exclude_categories self["exclude_categories"] || [] end def exclude_categories=(categories) @configuration["exclude_categories"] = categories end private def check_name?(name) name.to_s.start_with?(/[A-Z]/) end def validate_configuration(configuration, default_configuration = self.class.default, parent_keys = []) valid_configuration = {} configuration.each do |key, value| # No validation possible unless we have a default to compare to unless default_configuration valid_configuration[key] = value next end default = default_configuration[key] keys = parent_keys + [key] name = keys.join(".") if check_name?(key) if value.is_a?(Hash) valid_configuration[key] = validate_configuration(value, default, keys) else warn("bad configuration type for #{name}: expected a Hash, got #{value.inspect}") end elsif key == "extends" if value.is_a?(Symbol) || value.is_a?(String) valid_configuration[key] = value else warn("bad configuration type for extends: expected a Symbol or a String, got #{value.inspect}") end elsif key == "severity" valid_configuration[key] = value elsif default.nil? warn("unknown configuration: #{name}") elsif BOOLEAN.include?(default) && !BOOLEAN.include?(value) warn("bad configuration type for #{name}: expected true or false, got #{value.inspect}") elsif !BOOLEAN.include?(default) && default.class != value.class warn("bad configuration type for #{name}: expected a #{default.class}, got #{value.inspect}") else valid_configuration[key] = value end end valid_configuration end def resolve_requires self["require"]&.each do |path| file_to_require = @root.join(path).realpath require(file_to_require.to_s) end end end end