define(function(require, exports, module) { var registers = require("../registers"); var dom = require("../../../lib/dom"); dom.importCssString('.insert-mode. ace_cursor{\ border-left: 2px solid #333333;\ }\ .ace_dark.insert-mode .ace_cursor{\ border-left: 2px solid #eeeeee;\ }\ .normal-mode .ace_cursor{\ border: 0!important;\ background-color: red;\ opacity: 0.5;\ }', 'vimMode'); module.exports = { onVisualMode: false, onVisualLineMode: false, currentMode: 'normal', noMode: function(editor) { editor.unsetStyle('insert-mode'); editor.unsetStyle('normal-mode'); if (editor.commands.recording) editor.commands.toggleRecording(); editor.setOverwrite(false); }, insertMode: function(editor) { this.currentMode = 'insert'; // Switch editor to insert mode editor.setStyle('insert-mode'); editor.unsetStyle('normal-mode'); editor.setOverwrite(false); editor.keyBinding.$data.buffer = ""; editor.keyBinding.$data.state = "insertMode"; this.onVisualMode = false; this.onVisualLineMode = false; if(this.onInsertReplaySequence) { // Ok, we're apparently replaying ("."), so let's do it editor.commands.macro = this.onInsertReplaySequence; editor.commands.replay(editor); this.onInsertReplaySequence = null; this.normalMode(editor); } else { editor._emit("vimMode", "insert"); // Record any movements, insertions in insert mode if(!editor.commands.recording) editor.commands.toggleRecording(); } }, normalMode: function(editor) { // Switch editor to normal mode this.currentMode = 'normal'; editor.unsetStyle('insert-mode'); editor.setStyle('normal-mode'); editor.clearSelection(); var pos; if (!editor.getOverwrite()) { pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); if (pos.column > 0) editor.navigateLeft(); } editor.setOverwrite(true); editor.keyBinding.$data.buffer = ""; editor.keyBinding.$data.state = "start"; this.onVisualMode = false; this.onVisualLineMode = false; editor._emit("changeVimMode", "normal"); // Save recorded keystrokes if (editor.commands.recording) { editor.commands.toggleRecording(); return editor.commands.macro; } else { return []; } }, visualMode: function(editor, lineMode) { if ( (this.onVisualLineMode && lineMode) || (this.onVisualMode && !lineMode) ) { this.normalMode(editor); return; } editor.setStyle('insert-mode'); editor.unsetStyle('normal-mode'); editor._emit("changeVimMode", "visual"); if (lineMode) { this.onVisualLineMode = true; } else { this.onVisualMode = true; this.onVisualLineMode = false; } }, getRightNthChar: function(editor, cursor, char, n) { var line = editor.getSession().getLine(cursor.row); var matches = line.substr(cursor.column + 1).split(char); return n < matches.length ? matches.slice(0, n).join(char).length : null; }, getLeftNthChar: function(editor, cursor, char, n) { var line = editor.getSession().getLine(cursor.row); var matches = line.substr(0, cursor.column).split(char); return n < matches.length ? matches.slice(-1 * n).join(char).length : null; }, toRealChar: function(char) { if (char.length === 1) return char; if (/^shift-./.test(char)) return char[char.length - 1].toUpperCase(); else return ""; }, copyLine: function(editor) { var pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); editor.selection.clearSelection(); editor.moveCursorTo(pos.row, pos.column); editor.selection.selectLine(); registers._default.isLine = true; registers._default.text = editor.getCopyText().replace(/\n$/, ""); editor.selection.clearSelection(); editor.moveCursorTo(pos.row, pos.column); } }; });