=== Version 0.6.3 / 2015-3-26 * Enhancements * Added ability to disable ssl verification === Version 0.6.2 / 2015-3-12 * Enhancements * Calling xpath on Savon response, to take advantage of namespace collecting from response. === Version 0.6.1 / 2015-3-12 * Enhancements * Added xpath method to return to allow user to access path directly === Version 0.6 / 2014-12-22 * Enhancements * Added ability to call operation with hand rolled xml * Disabled logging by default, setting log_level enables it === Version 0.5.1 / 2013-6-1 * Enhancements * Added body method to return the body of the result as a Hash === Version 0.5 / 2013-6-1 * Enhancements * Removed the body accessor * Removed the body_xml method * Added to_xml method to return the response as a String containing the XML * Added to_hash method to return the respons as a Hash * Added doc method to return response as a Nokogiri::XML::Document document * Updated method_missing so when services methods are called the raw XML is returned === Version 0.4 / 2013-3-18 * Enhancements * Added body accessor to SoapObject to return raw body * Added body_xml method to SoapObject to return Nokogiri::XML::Document containing body === Version 0.3 / 2013-3-17 * Enhancements * Added SoapObject::Factory to assist in creating new service objects * Added accessor for @response === Version 0.2 / 2013-3-11 * Enhancements * Added ability to add XML to the soap header * Added ability to set the encoding for the messages * Added ability to use basic authentication * Added ability to use digest authentication * Added ability to set the log level === Version 0.1 / 2013-3-4 Initial release