require 'pact_broker/client/cli/custom_thor' require 'thor/error' module PactBroker module Client module CLI # Thor::Error will have its backtrace hidden class PactPublicationError < ::Thor::Error; end class WebhookCreationError < ::Thor::Error; end class AuthError < ::Thor::Error; end class Broker < CustomThor desc 'can-i-deploy', '' long_desc, 'can_i_deploy_long_desc.txt')) method_option :pacticipant, required: true, aliases: "-a", desc: "The pacticipant name. Use once for each pacticipant being checked." method_option :version, required: false, aliases: "-e", desc: "The pacticipant version. Must be entered after the --pacticipant that it relates to." method_option :latest, required: false, aliases: "-l", banner: '[TAG]', desc: "Use the latest pacticipant version. Optionally specify a TAG to use the latest version with the specified tag." method_option :to, required: false, banner: 'TAG', desc: "This is too hard to explain in a short sentence. Look at the examples.", default: nil method_option :broker_base_url, required: true, aliases: "-b", desc: "The base URL of the Pact Broker" method_option :broker_username, aliases: "-u", desc: "Pact Broker basic auth username" method_option :broker_password, aliases: "-p", desc: "Pact Broker basic auth password" method_option :broker_token, aliases: "-k", desc: "Pact Broker bearer token" method_option :output, aliases: "-o", desc: "json or table", default: 'table' method_option :verbose, aliases: "-v", type: :boolean, default: false, required: false, desc: "Verbose output. Default: false" method_option :retry_while_unknown, banner: 'TIMES', type: :numeric, default: 0, required: false, desc: "The number of times to retry while there is an unknown verification result (ie. the provider verification is likely still running)" method_option :retry_interval, banner: 'SECONDS', type: :numeric, default: 10, required: false, desc: "The time between retries in seconds. Use in conjuction with --retry-while-unknown" # Allow limit to be set manually until is fixed method_option :limit, hide: true def can_i_deploy(*ignored_but_necessary) require 'pact_broker/client/cli/version_selector_options_parser' require 'pact_broker/client/can_i_deploy' validate_credentials selectors = validate_can_i_deploy_selectors(selectors) can_i_deploy_options = { output: options.output, retry_while_unknown: options.retry_while_unknown, retry_interval: options.retry_interval } result =, selectors, {to_tag:, limit: options.limit}, can_i_deploy_options, pact_broker_client_options) $stdout.puts result.message exit(1) unless result.success end desc 'publish PACT_DIRS_OR_FILES ...', "Publish pacts to a Pact Broker." method_option :consumer_app_version, required: true, aliases: "-a", desc: "The consumer application version" method_option :broker_base_url, required: true, aliases: "-b", desc: "The base URL of the Pact Broker" method_option :broker_username, aliases: "-u", desc: "Pact Broker basic auth username" method_option :broker_password, aliases: "-p", desc: "Pact Broker basic auth password" method_option :broker_token, aliases: "-k", desc: "Pact Broker bearer token" method_option :tag, aliases: "-t", type: :array, banner: "TAG", desc: "Tag name for consumer version. Can be specified multiple times." method_option :tag_with_git_branch, aliases: "-g", type: :boolean, default: false, required: false, desc: "Tag consumer version with the name of the current git branch. Default: false" method_option :verbose, aliases: "-v", type: :boolean, default: false, required: false, desc: "Verbose output. Default: false" def publish(*pact_files) validate_credentials validate_pact_files(pact_files) success = publish_pacts(pact_files) raise PactPublicationError, "One or more pacts failed to be published" unless success rescue PactBroker::Client::Error => e raise PactPublicationError, "#{e.class} - #{e.message}" end desc 'create-version-tag', 'Add a tag to a pacticipant version' method_option :pacticipant, required: true, aliases: "-a", desc: "The pacticipant name" method_option :version, required: true, aliases: "-e", desc: "The pacticipant version" method_option :tag, aliases: "-t", type: :array, banner: "TAG", desc: "Tag name for pacticipant version. Can be specified multiple times." method_option :tag_with_git_branch, aliases: "-g", type: :boolean, default: false, required: false, desc: "Tag pacticipant version with the name of the current git branch. Default: false" method_option :broker_base_url, required: true, aliases: "-b", desc: "The base URL of the Pact Broker" method_option :broker_username, aliases: "-u", desc: "Pact Broker basic auth username" method_option :broker_password, aliases: "-p", desc: "Pact Broker basic auth password" method_option :broker_token, aliases: "-k", desc: "Pact Broker bearer token" method_option :verbose, aliases: "-v", type: :boolean, default: false, required: false, desc: "Verbose output. Default: false" def create_version_tag require 'pact_broker/client/create_tag' validate_credentials options.broker_base_url, options.pacticipant, options.version, tags, pact_broker_client_options) end method_option :pacticipant, required: true, aliases: "-a", desc: "The name of the pacticipant that the version belongs to." method_option :version, required: false, aliases: "-e", desc: "The pacticipant version number." method_option :latest, required: false, aliases: "-l", banner: '[TAG]', desc: "Describe the latest pacticipant version. Optionally specify a TAG to describe the latest version with the specified tag." method_option :broker_base_url, required: true, aliases: "-b", desc: "The base URL of the Pact Broker" method_option :broker_username, aliases: "-u", desc: "Pact Broker basic auth username" method_option :broker_password, aliases: "-p", desc: "Pact Broker basic auth password" method_option :broker_token, aliases: "-k", desc: "Pact Broker bearer token" method_option :output, aliases: "-o", desc: "json or table or id", default: 'table' method_option :verbose, aliases: "-v", type: :boolean, default: false, required: false, desc: "Verbose output. Default: false" desc 'describe-version', 'Describes a pacticipant version. If no version or tag is specified, the latest version is described.' def describe_version require 'pact_broker/client/versions/describe' validate_credentials latest = !options.latest.nil? || (options.latest.nil? && options.version.nil?) params = { pacticipant: options.pacticipant, version: options.version, latest: latest, tag: options.latest != "latest" ? options.latest : nil } opts = { output: options.output } result =, opts, options.broker_base_url, pact_broker_client_options) $stdout.puts result.message exit(1) unless result.success end shared_options_for_webhook_commands desc 'create-webhook URL', 'Creates a webhook using the same switches as a curl request.' long_desc, 'create_webhook_long_desc.txt')) def create_webhook webhook_url run_webhook_commands webhook_url end shared_options_for_webhook_commands method_option :uuid, type: :string, required: true, desc: "Specify the uuid for the webhook" desc 'create-or-update-webhook URL', 'Creates or updates a webhook with a provided uuid and using the same switches as a curl request.' long_desc, 'create_or_update_webhook_long_desc.txt')) def create_or_update_webhook webhook_url run_webhook_commands webhook_url end desc 'test-webhook', 'Test the execution of a webhook' method_option :uuid, type: :string, required: true, desc: "Specify the uuid for the webhook" shared_authentication_options_for_pact_broker def test_webhook require 'pact_broker/client/webhooks/test' result =, pact_broker_client_options) $stdout.puts result.message end ignored_and_hidden_potential_options_from_environment_variables desc 'generate-uuid', 'Generate a UUID for use when calling create-or-update-webhook' def generate_uuid require 'securerandom' puts SecureRandom.uuid end desc 'create-or-update-pacticipant', 'Create or update pacticipant by name' method_option :name, type: :string, required: true, desc: "Pacticipant name" method_option :repository_url, type: :string, required: false, desc: "The repository URL of the pacticipant" shared_authentication_options_for_pact_broker verbose_option def create_or_update_pacticipant(*required_but_ignored) raise ::Thor::RequiredArgumentMissingError, "Pacticipant name cannot be blank" if == 0 require 'pact_broker/client/pacticipants/create' result ={ name:, repository_url: options.repository_url }, options.broker_base_url, pact_broker_client_options) $stdout.puts result.message exit(1) unless result.success end desc 'list-latest-pact-versions', 'List the latest pact for each integration' shared_authentication_options_for_pact_broker method_option :output, aliases: "-o", desc: "json or table", default: 'table' def list_latest_pact_versions(*required_but_ignored) require 'pact_broker/client/pacts/list_latest_versions' result =, options.output, pact_broker_client_options) $stdout.puts result.message exit(1) unless result.success end ignored_and_hidden_potential_options_from_environment_variables desc 'version', "Show the pact_broker-client gem version" def version require 'pact_broker/client/version' $stdout.puts PactBroker::Client::VERSION end no_commands do def self.exit_on_failure? true end def validate_credentials if options.broker_username && options.broker_token raise AuthError, "You cannot provide both a username/password and a bearer token. If your Pact Broker uses a bearer token, please remove the username and password configuration." end end def validate_pact_files pact_files unless pact_files && pact_files.any? raise ::Thor::RequiredArgumentMissingError, "No value provided for required pact_files" end end def validate_can_i_deploy_selectors selectors pacticipants_without_versions ={ |s| s[:version].nil? && s[:latest].nil? && s[:tag].nil? }.collect{ |s| s[:pacticipant] } raise ::Thor::RequiredArgumentMissingError, "The version must be specified using `--version VERSION`, `--latest`, `--latest TAG`, or `--all TAG` for pacticipant #{pacticipants_without_versions.join(", ")}" if pacticipants_without_versions.any? end def publish_pacts pact_files require 'pact_broker/client/publish_pacts' options.broker_base_url, file_list(pact_files), options.consumer_app_version, tags, pact_broker_client_options ) end def file_list pact_files require 'rake/file_list' correctly_separated_pact_files = pact_files.collect{ |path| path.gsub(/\\+/, '/') } Rake::FileList[correctly_separated_pact_files].collect do | path | if Rake::FileList[File.join(path, "*.json")] else path end end.flatten end def tags require 'pact_broker/client/git' t = [*options.tag] t << PactBroker::Client::Git.branch if options.tag_with_git_branch t.compact.uniq end def pact_broker_client_options client_options = { verbose: options.verbose } client_options[:token] = options.broker_token if options.broker_token if options.broker_username client_options[:basic_auth] = { username: options.broker_username, password: options.broker_password } end client_options end def parse_webhook_events events = [] events << 'contract_content_changed' if options.contract_content_changed events << 'contract_published' if options.contract_published events << 'provider_verification_published' if options.provider_verification_published events << 'provider_verification_succeeded' if options.provider_verification_succeeded events << 'provider_verification_failed' if options.provider_verification_failed events end def parse_webhook_options(webhook_url) events = parse_webhook_events if events.size == 0 raise"You must specify at least one of --contract-content-changed, --contract-published, --provider-verification-published, --provider-verification-succeeded or --provider-verification-failed") end username = options.user ? options.user.split(":", 2).first : nil password = options.user ? options.user.split(":", 2).last : nil headers = (options.header || []).each_with_object({}) { | header, headers | headers[header.split(":", 2).first.strip] = header.split(":", 2).last.strip } body = if body && body.start_with?("@") filepath = body[1..-1] begin body = rescue StandardError => e raise"Couldn't read data from file \"#{filepath}\" due to #{e.class} #{e.message}") end end { uuid: options.uuid, description: options.description, http_method: options.request, url: webhook_url, headers: headers, username: username, password: password, body: body, consumer: options.consumer, provider: options.provider, events: events } end def run_webhook_commands webhook_url require 'pact_broker/client/webhooks/create' validate_credentials result =, options.broker_base_url, pact_broker_client_options) $stdout.puts result.message exit(1) unless result.success rescue PactBroker::Client::Error => e raise WebhookCreationError, "#{e.class} - #{e.message}" end end end end end end