require 'jwe/alg/dir' require 'jwe/alg/rsa_oaep' require 'jwe/alg/rsa15' require 'openssl' describe JWE::Alg do describe '.for' do it 'returns a class for the specified alg' do expect(JWE::Alg.for('RSA-OAEP')).to eq JWE::Alg::RsaOaep end it 'raises an error for a not-implemented alg' do expect { JWE::Alg.for('ERSA-4096-MAGIC') }.to raise_error(JWE::NotImplementedError) end end end describe JWE::Alg::Dir do # The direct encryption method does not Encrypt the CEK. # When building the final JWE object, the "Encrypted CEK" part is left blank describe '#encrypt' do it 'returns an empty string' do expect('whatever').encrypt('any')).to eq '' end end describe '#decrypt' do it 'returns the original key' do expect('whatever').decrypt('any')).to eq 'whatever' end end end key_path = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../keys/rsa.pem' key = describe JWE::Alg::RsaOaep do let(:alg) { } describe '#encrypt' do it 'returns an encrypted string' do expect(alg.encrypt('random key')).to_not eq 'random key' end end it 'decrypts the encrypted key to the original key' do ciphertext = alg.encrypt('random key') expect(alg.decrypt(ciphertext)).to eq 'random key' end end describe JWE::Alg::Rsa15 do let(:alg) { } describe '#encrypt' do it 'returns an encrypted string' do expect(alg.encrypt('random key')).to_not eq 'random key' end end it 'decrypts the encrypted key to the original key' do ciphertext = alg.encrypt('random key') expect(alg.decrypt(ciphertext)).to eq 'random key' end end