// ========================================================================== // Project: Greenhouse.libraryController // Copyright: ©2009 Mike Ball // ========================================================================== /*globals Greenhouse */ /** @class Based on SCUI.SearchableTreeController http://github.com/etgryphon/sproutcore-ui/blob/master/frameworks/foundation/controllers/searchable_tree.js Thanks to Evin Grano and Brandon Blatnick! @extends SC.ArrayController */ Greenhouse.libraryController = SC.TreeController.create( SC.CollectionViewDelegate, /** @scope Greenhouse.libraryController.prototype */ { /** Call this method whenever you want to relaod the library from hte server */ reload: function() { var configQuery = Greenhouse.CONFIG_QUERY, target = Greenhouse.targetController.get('content'); configQuery.set('app', target.get('name')); var files = Greenhouse.store.find(configQuery), root = SC.Object.create({treeItemIsExpanded: YES}); root.set('contents', files); this.set('content', root); }, views: SC.outlet('content.treeItemChildren.0.treeItemChildren'), // .......................................................... // Collection View delegate drag methods // collectionViewShouldBeginDrag: function(view) { return YES; }, /** Called by the collection view just before it starts a drag so that you can provide the data types you would like to support in the data. You can implement this method to return an array of the data types you will provide for the drag data. If you return null or an empty array, can you have set canReorderContent to YES on the CollectionView, then the drag will go ahead but only reordering will be allowed. If canReorderContent is NO, then the drag will not be allowed to start. If you simply want to control whether a drag is allowed or not, you should instead implement collectionViewShouldBeginDrag(). The default returns an empty array. @param view {SC.CollectionView} the collection view to begin dragging. @returns {Array} array of supported data types. */ collectionViewDragDataTypes: function(view) { return ['SC.Object']; }, /** Called by a collection view when a drag concludes to give you the option to provide the drag data for the drop. This method should be implemented essentially as you would implement the dragDataForType() if you were a drag data source. You will never be asked to provide drag data for a reorder event, only for other types of data. The default implementation returns null. @param view {SC.CollectionView} the collection view that initiated the drag @param dataType {String} the data type to provide @param drag {SC.Drag} the drag object @returns {Object} the data object or null if the data could not be provided. */ collectionViewDragDataForType: function(view, drag, dataType) { //store the iframe's frame for use on drop var webView = Greenhouse.appPage.getPath('webView'); drag.iframeFrame = webView.get('parentView').convertFrameToView(webView.get('frame'), null); var ret = (dataType === 'SC.Object') ? this.get('selection').firstObject() : null; return ret ; }, ghostActsLikeCursor: YES, /** Renders a drag view for the passed content indexes. If you return null from this, then a default drag view will be generated for you. @param {SC.CollectionView} view @param {SC.IndexSet} dragContent @returns {SC.View} view or null */ collectionViewDragViewFor: function(view, dragContent) { var dragView = view.itemViewForContentIndex(dragContent.firstObject()); var layer = view.get('layer').cloneNode(false) ; dragView.set('parentView', view) ; dragView.set('layer', layer) ; dragView.adjust({height: view.get('rowHeight'), top: (dragContent.firstObject()*view.get('rowHeight')) }) ; return dragView ; }, /** Allows the ghost view created in collectionViewDragViewFor to be displayed like a cursor instead of the default implementation. This sets the view origin to be the location of the mouse cursor. @property {Boolean} ghost view acts like a cursor */ ghostActsLikeCursor: YES, // .......................................................... // type ahead search code // search: null, searchResults: [], searchKey: 'name', iconKey: 'icon', nameKey: 'name', init: function(){ sc_super(); this.set('searchResults', []); this._runSearch(); }, _searchDidChange: function(){ this._runSearch(); }.observes('search', 'content'), _sanitizeSearchString: function(str){ var specials = [ '/', '.', '*', '+', '?', '|', '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '\\' ]; var s = new RegExp('(\\' + specials.join('|\\') + ')', 'g'); return str.replace(s, '\\$1'); }, _runSearch: function(){ var searchResults = []; var search = this.get('search'); var c = this.get('content'); if(search === null || search === '' || search === undefined){ this.set('searchResults', c); } else { search = this._sanitizeSearchString(search).toLowerCase(); var searchRegex = new RegExp(search,'i'); var searchKey = this.get('searchKey'); this._iconKey = this.get('iconKey'); this._nameKey = this.get('nameKey'); searchResults = this._runSearchOnItem(c, search, searchRegex, searchKey); // create the root search tree var searchedTree = SC.Object.create({ treeItemIsExpanded: YES, treeItemChildren: searchResults }); this.set('searchResults', searchedTree); } }, /** @private Returns a flat list of matches for the foldered tree item. */ _runSearchOnItem: function(treeItem, search, searchRegex, searchKey) { var searchMatches = [], iconKey = this.get('iconKey'), searchedList, key, searchLen, children, nameKey = this._nameKey, that; if (SC.none(treeItem)) return searchMatches; children = treeItem.get('treeItemChildren'); if (!children) children = treeItem.get('children'); that = this; children.forEach( function(child){ if (child.treeItemChildren) { var searchedList = that._runSearchOnItem(child, search, searchRegex, searchKey); searchedList.forEach( function(m){ searchMatches.push(m); }); } if (searchKey && child.get(searchKey)) { key = child.get(searchKey).toLowerCase(); if(key.match(searchRegex)){ var match = SC.Object.create({}); match[searchKey] = child.get(searchKey); match[nameKey] = child.get(nameKey); match.treeItem = child; match.icon = child.get(this._iconKey); searchMatches.push(match); } } }); return searchMatches; } }) ;