require 'json' require 'tempfile' require 'version_sorter' require 'pp' class Docurium Version = VERSION = '0.0.1' attr_accessor :branch, :output_dir, :data def initialize(config_file) raise "You need to specify a config file" if !config_file raise "You need to specify a valid config file" if !valid_config(config_file) @sigs = {} clear_data end def clear_data(version = 'HEAD') @data = {:files => [], :functions => {}, :globals => {}, :types => {}, :prefix => ''} @data[:prefix] = option_version(version, 'input', '') end def option_version(version, option, default) if @options['legacy'] if valhash = @options['legacy'][option] valhash.each do |value, versions| return value if versions.include?(version) end end end opt = @options[option] opt = default if !opt opt end def generate_docs puts "generating docs" outdir = mkdir_temp copy_site(outdir) versions = get_versions versions << 'HEAD' versions.each do |version| puts "generating docs for version #{version}" workdir = mkdir_temp Dir.chdir(workdir) do clear_data(version) checkout(version, workdir) puts "parsing headers" parse_headers tally_sigs(version), "#{version}.json"), 'w+') do |f| f.write(@data.to_json) end end end Dir.chdir(outdir) do project = { :versions => versions.reverse, :github => @options['github'], :name => @options['name'], :signatures => @sigs }"project.json", 'w+') do |f| f.write(project.to_json) end end if @options['branch'] write_branch else final_dir = File.join(@project_dir, @options['output'] || 'docs') FileUtils.mkdir_p(final_dir) Dir.chdir(final_dir) do FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(outdir, '.'), '.') end end end def get_versions VersionSorter.sort(git('tag').split("\n")) end def parse_headers headers.each do |header| parse_header(header) end @data[:groups] = group_functions @data[:types] = @data[:types].sort # make it an assoc array find_type_usage end private def tally_sigs(version) @lastsigs ||= {} @data[:functions].each do |fun_name, fun_data| if !@sigs[fun_name] @sigs[fun_name] ||= {:exists => [], :changes => {}} else if @lastsigs[fun_name] != fun_data[:sig] @sigs[fun_name][:changes][version] = true end end @sigs[fun_name][:exists] << version @lastsigs[fun_name] = fun_data[:sig] end end def git(command) out = '' Dir.chdir(@project_dir) do out = `git #{command}` end out.strip end def checkout(version, workdir) ENV['GIT_INDEX_FILE'] = mkfile_temp ENV['GIT_WORK_TREE'] = workdir ENV['GIT_DIR'] = File.join(@project_dir, '.git') `git read-tree #{version}:#{@data[:prefix]}` `git checkout-index -a` ENV.delete('GIT_INDEX_FILE') ENV.delete('GIT_WORK_TREE') ENV.delete('GIT_DIR') end def valid_config(file) return false if !File.file?(file) fpath = File.expand_path(file) @project_dir = File.dirname(fpath) @config_file = File.basename(fpath) @options = JSON.parse( true end def group_functions func = {} @data[:functions].each_pair do |key, value| if @options['prefix'] k = key.gsub(@options['prefix'], '') else k = key end group, rest = k.split('_', 2) next if group.empty? if !rest group = value[:file].gsub('.h', '').gsub('/', '_') end func[group] ||= [] func[group] << key func[group].sort! end misc = [] func.to_a.sort end def headers h = [] Dir.glob(File.join('**/*.h')).each do |header| next if !File.file?(header) h << header end h end def find_type_usage # go through all the functions and see where types are used and returned # store them in the types data @data[:functions].each do |func, fdata| @data[:types].each_with_index do |tdata, i| type, typeData = tdata @data[:types][i][1][:used] ||= {:returns => [], :needs => []} if fdata[:return][:type].index(/#{type}[ ;\)\*]/) @data[:types][i][1][:used][:returns] << func @data[:types][i][1][:used][:returns].sort! end if fdata[:argline].index(/#{type}[ ;\)\*]/) @data[:types][i][1][:used][:needs] << func @data[:types][i][1][:used][:needs].sort! end end end end def header_content(header_path) File.readlines(header_path) end def parse_header(filepath) lineno = 0 content = header_content(filepath) # look for structs and enums in_block = false block = '' linestart = 0 tdef, type, name = nil content.each do |line| lineno += 1 line = line.strip if line[0, 1] == '#' #preprocessor if m = /\#define (.*?) (.*)/.match(line) @data[:globals][m[1]] = {:value => m[2].strip, :file => filepath, :line => lineno} else next end end if m = /^(typedef )*(struct|enum) (.*?)(\{|(\w*?);)/.match(line) tdef = m[1] # typdef or nil type = m[2] # struct or enum name = m[3] # name or nil linestart = lineno name.strip! if name tdef.strip! if tdef if m[4] == '{' # struct or enum in_block = true else # single line, probably typedef val = m[4].gsub(';', '').strip if !name.empty? name = name.gsub('*', '').strip @data[:types][name] = {:tdef => tdef, :type => type, :value => val, :file => filepath, :line => lineno} end end elsif m = /\}(.*?);/.match(line) if !m[1].strip.empty? name = m[1].strip end name = name.gsub('*', '').strip @data[:types][name] = {:block => block, :tdef => tdef, :type => type, :value => val, :file => filepath, :line => linestart, :lineto => lineno} in_block = false block = '' elsif in_block block += line + "\n" end end in_comment = false in_block = false current = -1 data = [] lineno = 0 # look for functions content.each do |line| lineno += 1 line = line.strip next if line.size == 0 next if line[0, 1] == '#' in_block = true if line =~ /\{/ if m = /(.*?)\/\*(.*?)\*\//.match(line) code = m[1] comment = m[2] current += 1 data[current] ||= {:comments => clean_comment(comment), :code => [code], :line => lineno} elsif m = /(.*?)\/\/(.*?)/.match(line) code = m[1] comment = m[2] current += 1 data[current] ||= {:comments => clean_comment(comment), :code => [code], :line => lineno} else if line =~ /\/\*/ in_comment = true current += 1 end data[current] ||= {:comments => '', :code => [], :line => lineno} data[current][:lineto] = lineno if in_comment data[current][:comments] += clean_comment(line) + "\n" else data[current][:code] << line end if (m = /(.*?);$/.match(line)) && (data[current][:code].size > 0) && !in_block current += 1 end in_comment = false if line =~ /\*\// in_block = false if line =~ /\}/ end end data.compact! meta = extract_meta(data) funcs = extract_functions(filepath, data) @data[:files] << {:file => filepath, :meta => meta, :functions => funcs, :lines => lineno} end def clean_comment(comment) comment = comment.gsub(/^\/\//, '') comment = comment.gsub(/^\/\**/, '') comment = comment.gsub(/^\**/, '') comment = comment.gsub(/^[\w\*]*\//, '') comment end # go through all the comment blocks and extract: # @file, @brief, @defgroup and @ingroup def extract_meta(data) file, brief, defgroup, ingroup = nil data.each do |block| block[:comments].each do |comment| m = [] file = m[1] if m = /@file (.*?)$/.match(comment) brief = m[1] if m = /@brief (.*?)$/.match(comment) defgroup = m[1] if m = /@defgroup (.*?)$/.match(comment) ingroup = m[1] if m = /@ingroup (.*?)$/.match(comment) end end {:file => file, :brief => brief, :defgroup => defgroup, :ingroup => ingroup} end def extract_functions(file, data) @data[:functions] funcs = [] data.each do |block| ignore = false code = block[:code].join(" ") code = code.gsub(/\{(.*)\}/, '') # strip inline code rawComments = block[:comments] comments = block[:comments] if m = /^(.*?) ([a-z_]+)\((.*)\)/.match(code) ret = m[1].strip if r = /\((.*)\)/.match(ret) # strip macro ret = r[1] end fun = m[2].strip origArgs = m[3].strip # replace ridiculous syntax args = origArgs.gsub(/(\w+) \(\*(.*?)\)\(([^\)]*)\)/) do |m| type, name = $1, $2 cast = $3.gsub(',', '###') "#{type}(*)(#{cast}) #{name}" end args = args.split(',').map do |arg| argarry = arg.split(' ') var = argarry.pop type = argarry.join(' ').gsub('###', ',') + ' ' ## split pointers off end of type or beg of name var.gsub!('*') do |m| type += '*' '' end desc = '' comments = comments.gsub(/\@param #{Regexp.escape(var)} ([^@]*)/m) do |m| desc = $1.gsub("\n", ' ').gsub("\t", ' ').strip '' end ## TODO: parse comments to extract data about args {:type => type.strip, :name => var, :comment => desc} end sig = do |arg| arg[:type].to_s end.join('::') return_comment = '' comments.gsub!(/\@return ([^@]*)/m) do |m| return_comment = $1.gsub("\n", ' ').gsub("\t", ' ').strip '' end comments = strip_block(comments) comment_lines = comments.split("\n\n") desc = '' if comments.size > 0 desc = comment_lines.shift.split("\n").map { |e| e.strip }.join(' ') comments = comment_lines.join("\n\n").strip end next if fun == 'defined' @data[:functions][fun] = { :description => desc, :return => {:type => ret, :comment => return_comment}, :args => args, :argline => origArgs, :file => file, :line => block[:line], :lineto => block[:lineto], :comments => comments, :sig => sig, :rawComments => rawComments } funcs << fun end end funcs end # TODO: rolled this back, want to strip the first few spaces, not everything def strip_block(block) block.strip end def write_branch puts "Writing to branch #{@branch}" puts "Done!" end def mkdir_temp tf ='docurium') tpath = tf.path tf.unlink FileUtils.mkdir_p(tpath) tpath end def mkfile_temp tf ='docurium-index') tpath = tf.path tf.close tpath end def copy_site(outdir) puts "Copying site files to temp path (#{outdir})" here = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) FileUtils.mkdir_p(outdir) Dir.chdir(outdir) do FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(here, '..', 'site', '.'), '.') end end def write_dir puts "Writing to directory #{output_dir}" puts "Done!" end end