require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../helpers/acceptance" class ManualBuildProjectTest < Test::Unit::AcceptanceTestCase story <<-EOS As an administrator, I want to manually build my project So that I know if it builds properly EOS scenario "clicking on 'Manual Build' triggers a successful build" do git_repo(:my_test_project).add_successful_commit Project.gen(:my_test_project, :uri => git_repo(:my_test_project).path) login_as "admin", "test" visit "/my-test-project" click_button "manual build" assert_have_tag("h1", :content => "Built #{git_repo(:my_test_project).short_head} successfully") assert_have_tag("blockquote p", :content => "This commit will work") assert_have_tag("span.who", :content => "by: John Doe") assert_have_tag("span.when", :content => "today") assert_have_tag("pre.output", :content => "Running tests...") end scenario "clicking on 'Manual Build' triggers a failed build" do git_repo(:my_test_project).add_failing_commit Project.gen(:my_test_project, :uri => git_repo(:my_test_project).path) login_as "admin", "test" visit "/my-test-project" click_button "manual build" assert_have_tag("h1", :content => "Built #{git_repo(:my_test_project).short_head} and failed") assert_have_tag("blockquote p", :content => "This commit will fail") end scenario "fixing the build command and then rebuilding result in a successful build" do git_repo(:my_test_project).add_successful_commit Project.gen(:my_test_project, :uri => git_repo(:my_test_project).path, :command => "ruby not-found.rb") login_as "admin", "test" visit "/my-test-project" click_button "manual build" assert_have_tag("h1", :content => "failed") visit "/my-test-project/edit" fill_in "Build script", :with => "./test" click_button "Update Project" visit "/my-test-project" click_button "Build the last commit" assert_have_tag("h1", :content => "success") end scenario "Successful builds should not display the 'Rebuild' button" do git_repo(:my_test_project).add_successful_commit Project.gen(:my_test_project, :uri => git_repo(:my_test_project).path) login_as "admin", "test" visit "/my-test-project" click_button "manual build" assert_have_no_tag("button", :content => "Rebuild") end scenario "Failed builds should display the 'Rebuild' button" do git_repo(:my_test_project).add_failing_commit Project.gen(:my_test_project, :uri => git_repo(:my_test_project).path) login_as "admin", "test" visit "/my-test-project" click_button "manual build" assert_have_tag("button", :content => "Rebuild") end end