# vim: set filetype=ruby et sw=2 ts=2: require 'gem_hadar' GemHadar do name 'bullshit' author 'Florian Frank' email 'flori@ping.de' homepage "http://flori.github.com/#{name}" summary 'Benchmarking is Bullshit' description 'Library to benchmark ruby code and analyse the results' test_dir 'tests' ignore '.*.sw[pon]', 'pkg', 'Gemfile.lock' readme 'README.rdoc' title "#{name.camelize} -- Benchmarking in Ruby" executables << 'bs_compare' dependency 'tins', '~>0.3' dependency 'dslkit', '~>0.2' dependency 'more_math', '~>0.0.2' clobber 'data/*.{dat,log}' install_library do libdir = CONFIG["sitelibdir"] install('lib/bullshit.rb', libdir, :mode => 0644) mkdir_p subdir = File.join(libdir, 'bullshit') for f in Dir['lib/bullshit/*.rb'] install(f, subdir) end bindir = CONFIG["bindir"] install('bin/bs_compare', bindir, :mode => 0755) end end