--- en: errors: standard_error: "An error occured. Please see the attached message\n%{message}." invalid_component: Sorry, but argument "%{argument}" needs to respond to "#root_directory=". argument_error: The value "%{value}" for "%{argument}" is invalid. zip_filename_error: The provided zip filename "%{name}" is invalid. It needs to end with ".zip". middleman_build_error: 'An error occured while building the static version of the presentation:' undefined_arguments: At least one argument of "%{arguments}" needs to be defined. too_many_arguments: You pass to many arguments. Only "%{count}" argument(s) are allowed. doubled_arguments: Only one argument of "%{arguments}" is allowed to be defined. template_is_undefined: You need to provide information about your default template within "application.yaml". asset_not_found: I cannot find asset '%{asset}'. Please check the path and try again. slide_not_found: I cannot find a slide which matches %{patterns}. duplicate_slide_names: Your input will result in duplicate slide file names %{slide_names}. Maybe there are any existing slide names conflicting your input, e.g. 01.html.md (markdown) already exists and you try to create 01.html.erb (eruby). missing_argument: You need to define argument "%{argument}". missing_data_attribute: "You need to define an option in one of your config or data files: %{message}." invalid_helper_module: You did not provide a module or a block. Anything else can not be included as helper add_empty_frontend_component: You tried to add an empty frontend component. I will ignore that. Please check your code to make this message disappear. use_empty_locale: You tried to use an empty locale. It needs to one of %{codes}. I will ignore your input and will use "%{fallback_locale}" instead. use_invalid_locale: You tried to use an invalid locale. It needs to one of %{codes}. I will ignore your input and will use "%{fallback_locale}" instead. programm_execution_interrupted: You decided to interrupt the execution of "middleman-presentation" ... init_middleman_failed: Error executing "middleman init"-command. Please fix your setup and run again. bower_command_not_found: The "bower"-command cannot be found in PATH "%{path}". Please make sure it is installed and the PATH-variable includes the directory where is stored. bower_command_failed: "Error executing \"bower\"-command. Please fix your setup and run again:\n%{result}" bundle_command_failed: "Error executing \"bundle\"-command. Please fix your setup and run again:\n%{result}" extension_not_activated: You need to activate the presentation extension in config.rb before you can create a slide. path_is_empty: Path cannot be empty. infos: open_slide_in_editor: Sie haben sich dazu entschlossen die neue Datei in Ihrem Lieblings-Editor zu bearbeiten "%{editor}". views: application: help: Describe available commands or one specific command options: debug_mode: 'Enable debug mode.' edit: 'Start ENV["EDITOR"] to edit slide.' editor_command: Editor command to be used, e.g. ENV["EDITOR"] --servername presentation --remote-tab. regex: Search using regular expressions. runners: init: title: 'Initialize system, presentation, ...' show: title: 'Show information ...' create: title: 'Create something ...' change: title: 'Change something ...' list: title: 'List information about ...' export: title: 'Export something ...' build: title: 'Build something ...' serve: title: 'Serve something ...' edit: title: 'Edit something ...' presentations: create: title: 'Initialize a new presentation in DIR (default: $PWD)' options: runtime_environment: Runtime environment in which middleman-presentation is running, e.g. "test" activate_center: 'Activate center in reveal.js' activate_controls: 'Activate controls in reveal.js' activate_embedded: Activate embedded mode activate_fragments: Activate fragements activate_history: 'Activate history in reveal.js' activate_keyboard: Activate keyboard shortcuts activate_loop: Loop presentation activate_mouse_wheel: Activate mouse wheel for slide navigation activate_overview: Activate slides overview activate_progress: 'Activate progress in reveal.js' activate_rtl: Right to left for slides activate_slide_number: 'Activate slide number in reveal.js' activate_touch: Activate touch gestures for presentation audience: 'Audience of presentation' author: 'Author of presentation' auto_slide: Waiting time for automatic slide switch in milliseconds auto_slide_stoppable: Stop automatic slide switch on user input bower_directory: 'Directory for bower components in "source"-directory' check_for_bowe: 'Check if bower is installed on the system' company: 'Company or employer or organization of speaker' create_predefined_slides: 'Install predefined slides' date: 'Date of presentation' default_background_transition: Default switch animation for slideswith full-screen-backgrounds default_transition_speed: 'Default speed for slide transition. Can be overwridden per slide.' default_transition_type: 'Default slide transition. Can be overwridden per slide.' description: 'Description for presentation' email_address: 'Email address to contact speaker' force: 'Overwrite existing files' github_url: 'Url to Github account of speaker' height: Height of presentation hide_address_bar: Hide navigation bar of browser homepage: 'Homepage of company and/or speaker' initialize_git: 'Initialize git repository' install_assets: 'Install assets' language: 'Language to use for translatable slide templates, e.g. "de", "en"' license: 'License of the presentation, e.g. CC BY' location: 'Location where the presentation take place' margin: Whitespace around slides max_scale: Max scale for slides min_scale: Min scale for slides parallax_background_image: Parallax background image parallax_background_size: Parallax background size phone_number: 'Phone number to contact speaker' preview_links: Preview external links in iframe speaker: 'Name of speaker' subtitle: 'Subtitle of presentation' title: 'Title of presentation' version: 'Version number for your presentation' view_distance: Amount of future slides width: Width of presentation arguments: directory: 'Directory to create presentation in' plugins: create: title: 'Create a new plugin for middleman-presentation' options: prefix: 'Prefix for new plugin' author: 'Author of plugin' email: 'E-mail address of author of plugin' homepage: 'Project url' year: 'Copyright year for plugin' initialize_git: 'Initialize git' arguments: name: 'Name of plugin' themes: create: title: 'Create a new presentation theme for middleman-presentation' options: prefix: 'Prefix for new theme' stylesheets_directory: 'Create stylesheets directory' javascripts_directory: 'Create javascripts directory' images_directory: 'Create images directory' author: 'Author of theme' email: 'E-mail address of author of theme' homepage: 'Project homepage' version: Version of theme year: 'Copyright year for theme' license: 'License of theme' initialize_git: 'Initialize git' clean_css: 'Generate clean css without any classes defined' arguments: name: 'Name of theme' applications: init: title: 'Initialize system for use of middleman-presentation' options: configuration_file: 'Path to configuration file' force: 'Force creation of config file' predefined_slides: init: title: 'Initialize predefined_slides' options: directory: 'Directory where the predefined templates should be stored' slides: create: title: 'Create a new slide(s) or edit existing ones. If you want to create multiple slides enter them with a space between the names "01 02 03".' options: error_on_duplicates: 'Raise an error if a slide of the same base name alread exists, e.g. Filename: 01.html.erb => Basename: 01' title: 'Title of slide' arguments: names: Names of new slides change: title: 'Change an existing new slide(s). If you want to change multiple slides enter them with a space between the names "01 02 03". Changing the whole file name works only for a single slide.' options: error_on_duplicates: 'Raise an error if a slide of the same base name alread exists, e.g. Filename: 01.html.erb => Basename: 01' type: 'Template type of slide: Erb, Markdown, ...' base_name: 'Base name of slide' arguments: names: Names of slides which should be changed configs: show: title: 'Show configuration' used_config_files: zero: 'No configuration files for "middleman-presentation" found on your system. The values shown below are the default values.' one: 'Used configuration file: %{files}' other: 'Used configuration files: %{files}' options: defaults: 'Show default configuration' helpers: list: title: 'Show available presentation helpers' headline: 'Available helpers in this presentation' assets: list: title: 'Show available asset files' headline: 'Available assets in this presentation' frontend_components: list: title: 'Show available frontend components' headline: 'Available frontend components in this presentation' plugins: list: title: 'Show available plugins' headline: 'Available plugins on this system/in this presentation' support_informations: show: title: 'Collect information for support' headline: system_information: System Information rubygems_information: Rubygems Information installed_rubygems: Installed Rubygems styles: list: title: 'Show available styles' headline: 'Available css classes in templates used by middleman-presentation:' presentation: serve: title: Serve presentation headline: Serve presentation "%{title}" build: title: Build presentation headline: Build presentation "%{title}" options: title: 'Title of presentation' export: title: Export presentation headline: Export presentation "%{title}" to file "%{file}" options: output_file: 'Write archive to given file name' prefix: 'Prefix for files in zip file. Please make sure that the last character is a "/" if the prefix should be a directory' version: show: title: Show version slides: contact: title: Contact questions: title: Questions end: title: The End agenda: title: Agenda entry_one: Entry one entry_two: Entry two