# SOAP4R - encoded mapping registry. # Copyright (C) 2000-2007 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi . # This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can # redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license; # either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version. require 'soap/baseData' require 'soap/mapping/mapping' require 'soap/mapping/typeMap' require 'soap/mapping/factory' require 'soap/mapping/rubytypeFactory' module SOAP module Mapping # Inner class to pass an exception. class SOAPException attr_reader :excn_type_name, :cause def initialize(e) @excn_type_name = Mapping.name2elename(e.class.to_s) @cause = e end def to_e if @cause.is_a?(::Exception) @cause.extend(::SOAP::Mapping::MappedException) return @cause elsif @cause.respond_to?(:message) and @cause.respond_to?(:backtrace) e = RuntimeError.new(@cause.message) e.set_backtrace(@cause.backtrace) return e end klass = Mapping.class_from_name(Mapping.elename2name(@excn_type_name.to_s)) if klass.nil? or not klass <= ::Exception return RuntimeError.new(@cause.inspect) end obj = klass.new(@cause.message) obj.extend(::SOAP::Mapping::MappedException) obj end end class EncodedRegistry include TraverseSupport include RegistrySupport class Map def initialize(registry) @obj2soap = {} @soap2obj = {} @registry = registry end def obj2soap(obj) klass = obj.class if map = @obj2soap[klass] map.each do |soap_class, factory, info| ret = factory.obj2soap(soap_class, obj, info, @registry) return ret if ret end end klass.ancestors.each do |baseclass| next if baseclass == klass if map = @obj2soap[baseclass] map.each do |soap_class, factory, info| if info[:derived_class] ret = factory.obj2soap(soap_class, obj, info, @registry) return ret if ret end end end end nil end def soap2obj(node, klass = nil) if map = @soap2obj[node.class] map.each do |obj_class, factory, info| next if klass and obj_class != klass conv, obj = factory.soap2obj(obj_class, node, info, @registry) return true, obj if conv end end return false, nil end # Give priority to former entry. def init(init_map = []) clear init_map.reverse_each do |obj_class, soap_class, factory, info| add(obj_class, soap_class, factory, info) end end # Give priority to latter entry. def add(obj_class, soap_class, factory, info) info ||= {} (@obj2soap[obj_class] ||= []).unshift([soap_class, factory, info]) (@soap2obj[soap_class] ||= []).unshift([obj_class, factory, info]) end def clear @obj2soap.clear @soap2obj.clear end def find_mapped_soap_class(target_obj_class) map = @obj2soap[target_obj_class] map.empty? ? nil : map[0][1] end def find_mapped_obj_class(target_soap_class) map = @soap2obj[target_soap_class] map.empty? ? nil : map[0][0] end end StringFactory = StringFactory_.new BasetypeFactory = BasetypeFactory_.new FixnumFactory = FixnumFactory_.new DateTimeFactory = DateTimeFactory_.new ArrayFactory = ArrayFactory_.new Base64Factory = Base64Factory_.new URIFactory = URIFactory_.new TypedArrayFactory = TypedArrayFactory_.new TypedStructFactory = TypedStructFactory_.new HashFactory = HashFactory_.new SOAPBaseMap = [ [::NilClass, ::SOAP::SOAPNil, BasetypeFactory], [::TrueClass, ::SOAP::SOAPBoolean, BasetypeFactory], [::FalseClass, ::SOAP::SOAPBoolean, BasetypeFactory], [::String, ::SOAP::SOAPString, StringFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::DateTime, ::SOAP::SOAPDateTime, DateTimeFactory], [::Date, ::SOAP::SOAPDate, DateTimeFactory], [::Time, ::SOAP::SOAPDateTime, DateTimeFactory], [::Time, ::SOAP::SOAPTime, DateTimeFactory], [::Float, ::SOAP::SOAPDouble, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Float, ::SOAP::SOAPFloat, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Fixnum, ::SOAP::SOAPInt, FixnumFactory], [::Integer, ::SOAP::SOAPInt, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Integer, ::SOAP::SOAPLong, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Integer, ::SOAP::SOAPInteger, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Integer, ::SOAP::SOAPShort, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Integer, ::SOAP::SOAPByte, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Integer, ::SOAP::SOAPNonPositiveInteger, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Integer, ::SOAP::SOAPNegativeInteger, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Integer, ::SOAP::SOAPNonNegativeInteger, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Integer, ::SOAP::SOAPPositiveInteger, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Integer, ::SOAP::SOAPUnsignedLong, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Integer, ::SOAP::SOAPUnsignedInt, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Integer, ::SOAP::SOAPUnsignedShort, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Integer, ::SOAP::SOAPUnsignedByte, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::URI::Generic, ::SOAP::SOAPAnyURI, URIFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::String, ::SOAP::SOAPBase64, Base64Factory], [::String, ::SOAP::SOAPHexBinary, Base64Factory], [::String, ::SOAP::SOAPDecimal, BasetypeFactory], [::String, ::SOAP::SOAPDuration, BasetypeFactory], [::String, ::SOAP::SOAPGYearMonth, BasetypeFactory], [::String, ::SOAP::SOAPGYear, BasetypeFactory], [::String, ::SOAP::SOAPGMonthDay, BasetypeFactory], [::String, ::SOAP::SOAPGDay, BasetypeFactory], [::String, ::SOAP::SOAPGMonth, BasetypeFactory], [::String, ::SOAP::SOAPQName, BasetypeFactory], [::Hash, ::SOAP::SOAPArray, HashFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Hash, ::SOAP::SOAPStruct, HashFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Array, ::SOAP::SOAPArray, ArrayFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::SOAP::Mapping::SOAPException, ::SOAP::SOAPStruct, TypedStructFactory, {:type => XSD::QName.new(RubyCustomTypeNamespace, "SOAPException")}], ] RubyOriginalMap = [ [::NilClass, ::SOAP::SOAPNil, BasetypeFactory], [::TrueClass, ::SOAP::SOAPBoolean, BasetypeFactory], [::FalseClass, ::SOAP::SOAPBoolean, BasetypeFactory], [::String, ::SOAP::SOAPString, StringFactory], [::DateTime, ::SOAP::SOAPDateTime, DateTimeFactory], [::Date, ::SOAP::SOAPDate, DateTimeFactory], [::Time, ::SOAP::SOAPDateTime, DateTimeFactory], [::Time, ::SOAP::SOAPTime, DateTimeFactory], [::Float, ::SOAP::SOAPDouble, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Float, ::SOAP::SOAPFloat, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Fixnum, ::SOAP::SOAPInt, FixnumFactory], [::Integer, ::SOAP::SOAPInt, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Integer, ::SOAP::SOAPLong, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Integer, ::SOAP::SOAPInteger, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Integer, ::SOAP::SOAPShort, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Integer, ::SOAP::SOAPByte, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Integer, ::SOAP::SOAPNonPositiveInteger, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Integer, ::SOAP::SOAPNegativeInteger, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Integer, ::SOAP::SOAPNonNegativeInteger, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Integer, ::SOAP::SOAPPositiveInteger, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Integer, ::SOAP::SOAPUnsignedLong, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Integer, ::SOAP::SOAPUnsignedInt, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Integer, ::SOAP::SOAPUnsignedShort, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::Integer, ::SOAP::SOAPUnsignedByte, BasetypeFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::URI::Generic, ::SOAP::SOAPAnyURI, URIFactory, {:derived_class => true}], [::String, ::SOAP::SOAPBase64, Base64Factory], [::String, ::SOAP::SOAPHexBinary, Base64Factory], [::String, ::SOAP::SOAPDecimal, BasetypeFactory], [::String, ::SOAP::SOAPDuration, BasetypeFactory], [::String, ::SOAP::SOAPGYearMonth, BasetypeFactory], [::String, ::SOAP::SOAPGYear, BasetypeFactory], [::String, ::SOAP::SOAPGMonthDay, BasetypeFactory], [::String, ::SOAP::SOAPGDay, BasetypeFactory], [::String, ::SOAP::SOAPGMonth, BasetypeFactory], [::String, ::SOAP::SOAPQName, BasetypeFactory], [::Hash, ::SOAP::SOAPArray, HashFactory], [::Hash, ::SOAP::SOAPStruct, HashFactory], # Does not allow Array's subclass here. [::Array, ::SOAP::SOAPArray, ArrayFactory], [::SOAP::Mapping::SOAPException, ::SOAP::SOAPStruct, TypedStructFactory, {:type => XSD::QName.new(RubyCustomTypeNamespace, "SOAPException")}], ] attr_accessor :default_factory attr_accessor :excn_handler_obj2soap attr_accessor :excn_handler_soap2obj def initialize(config = {}) super() @config = config @map = Map.new(self) if @config[:allow_original_mapping] @allow_original_mapping = true @map.init(RubyOriginalMap) else @allow_original_mapping = false @map.init(SOAPBaseMap) end @allow_untyped_struct = @config.key?(:allow_untyped_struct) ? @config[:allow_untyped_struct] : true @rubytype_factory = RubytypeFactory.new( :allow_untyped_struct => @allow_untyped_struct, :allow_original_mapping => @allow_original_mapping ) @default_factory = @rubytype_factory @excn_handler_obj2soap = nil @excn_handler_soap2obj = nil end # initial mapping interface # new interface Registry#register is defined in RegisterSupport def add(obj_class, soap_class, factory, info = nil) @map.add(obj_class, soap_class, factory, info) end alias set add def obj2soap(obj, type_qname = nil) soap = _obj2soap(obj, type_qname) if @allow_original_mapping addextend2soap(soap, obj) end soap end def soap2obj(node, klass = nil) obj = _soap2obj(node, klass) if @allow_original_mapping addextend2obj(obj, node.extraattr[RubyExtendName]) addiv2obj(obj, node.extraattr[RubyIVarName]) end obj end def find_mapped_soap_class(obj_class) @map.find_mapped_soap_class(obj_class) end def find_mapped_obj_class(soap_class) @map.find_mapped_obj_class(soap_class) end private def _obj2soap(obj, type_qname = nil) ret = nil if obj.is_a?(SOAPCompoundtype) obj.replace do |ele| Mapping._obj2soap(ele, self) end return obj elsif obj.is_a?(SOAPBasetype) return obj elsif type_qname && type = TypeMap[type_qname] return base2soap(obj, type) end cause = nil begin if definition = schema_definition_from_class(obj.class) return stubobj2soap(obj, definition) end ret = @map.obj2soap(obj) || @default_factory.obj2soap(nil, obj, nil, self) return ret if ret rescue MappingError cause = $! end if @excn_handler_obj2soap ret = @excn_handler_obj2soap.call(obj) { |yield_obj| Mapping._obj2soap(yield_obj, self) } return ret if ret end raise MappingError.new("Cannot map #{ obj.class.name } to SOAP/OM.", cause) end # Might return nil as a mapping result. def _soap2obj(node, klass = nil) definition = find_node_definition(node) if klass klass_definition = schema_definition_from_class(klass) if definition and (definition.class_for < klass) klass = definition.class_for else definition = klass_definition end else klass = definition.class_for if definition end if definition and node.is_a?(::SOAP::SOAPNameAccessible) return elesoap2stubobj(node, klass, definition) end if node.extraattr.key?(RubyTypeName) conv, obj = @rubytype_factory.soap2obj(nil, node, nil, self) return obj if conv end conv, obj = @map.soap2obj(node) return obj if conv conv, obj = @default_factory.soap2obj(nil, node, nil, self) return obj if conv cause = nil if @excn_handler_soap2obj begin return @excn_handler_soap2obj.call(node) { |yield_node| Mapping._soap2obj(yield_node, self) } rescue Exception cause = $! end end raise MappingError.new("Cannot map #{ node.type.name } to Ruby object.", cause) end def addiv2obj(obj, attr) return unless attr vars = {} attr.__getobj__.each do |name, value| vars[name] = Mapping._soap2obj(value, self) end Mapping.set_attributes(obj, vars) end if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.8.0' def addextend2obj(obj, attr) return unless attr attr.split(/ /).reverse_each do |mstr| obj.extend(Mapping.module_from_name(mstr)) end end else # (class < false; self; end).ancestors includes "TrueClass" under 1.6... def addextend2obj(obj, attr) return unless attr attr.split(/ /).reverse_each do |mstr| m = Mapping.module_from_name(mstr) obj.extend(m) end end end def addextend2soap(node, obj) return if obj.is_a?(Symbol) or obj.is_a?(Fixnum) list = (class << obj; self; end).ancestors - obj.class.ancestors unless list.empty? node.extraattr[RubyExtendName] = list.collect { |c| name = c.name if name.nil? or name.empty? raise TypeError.new("singleton can't be dumped #{ obj }") end name }.join(" ") end end def stubobj2soap(obj, definition) case obj when ::Array array2soap(obj, definition) else unknownstubobj2soap(obj, definition) end end def array2soap(obj, definition) return SOAPNil.new if obj.nil? # ToDo: check nillable. eledef = definition.elements[0] soap_obj = SOAPArray.new(ValueArrayName, 1, eledef.elename) mark_marshalled_obj(obj, soap_obj) obj.each do |item| soap_obj.add(typedobj2soap(item, eledef.mapped_class)) end soap_obj end def unknownstubobj2soap(obj, definition) return SOAPNil.new if obj.nil? if definition.elements.size == 0 ele = Mapping.obj2soap(obj) ele.elename = definition.elename if definition.elename ele.extraattr[XSD::AttrTypeName] = definition.type if definition.type return ele else ele = SOAPStruct.new(definition.type) mark_marshalled_obj(obj, ele) end definition.elements.each do |eledef| name = eledef.elename.name if obj.respond_to?(:each) and eledef.as_array? obj.each do |item| ele.add(name, typedobj2soap(item, eledef.mapped_class)) end else child = Mapping.get_attribute(obj, eledef.varname) if child.respond_to?(:each) and eledef.as_array? child.each do |item| ele.add(name, typedobj2soap(item, eledef.mapped_class)) end else ele.add(name, typedobj2soap(child, eledef.mapped_class)) end end end ele end def typedobj2soap(value, klass) if klass and klass.include?(::SOAP::SOAPBasetype) base2soap(value, klass) else Mapping._obj2soap(value, self) end end def elesoap2stubobj(node, obj_class, definition) obj = Mapping.create_empty_object(obj_class) add_elesoap2stubobj(node, obj, definition) obj end # XXX consider to merge with the method in LiteralRegistry def add_elesoap2stubobj(node, obj, definition) vars = {} node.each do |name, value| item = definition.elements.find_element(value.elename) if item child = soap2typedobj(value, item.mapped_class) else # unknown element is treated as anyType. child = Mapping._soap2obj(value, self) end if item and item.as_array? (vars[name] ||= []) << child elsif vars.key?(name) vars[name] = [vars[name], child].flatten else vars[name] = child end end if obj.is_a?(::Array) and is_stubobj_elements_for_array(vars) Array.instance_method(:replace).bind(obj).call(vars.values[0]) else Mapping.set_attributes(obj, vars) end end def soap2typedobj(value, klass) unless klass raise MappingError.new("unknown class: #{klass}") end if klass.include?(::SOAP::SOAPBasetype) obj = base2obj(value, klass) else obj = Mapping._soap2obj(value, self, klass) end obj end end Registry = EncodedRegistry DefaultRegistry = EncodedRegistry.new RubyOriginalRegistry = EncodedRegistry.new(:allow_original_mapping => true) end end