require 'thor' require 'dawn/utils' module Dawn module Cli # This class is responsible for the "dawn kb" command and related # subcommands. class Kb < Thor package_name "dawn" class_option :verbose, :type=>:boolean class_option :debug, :type=>:boolean no_commands{ def init_globals $debug = true if options[:debug] $verbose = true if options[:verbose] end } desc "find", "Searches the knowledge base for a given vulnerability" def find(string) init_globals kb = Dawn::KnowledgeBase.instance kb.find(string) end desc "lint", "Checks knowledge base content for correcteness" def lint init_globals kb = Dawn::KnowledgeBase.instance kb.load(true) end desc "unpack", "Unpacks security checks in KB library path" def unpack init_globals $logger.helo APPNAME, Dawn::VERSION kb = Dawn::KnowledgeBase.instance kb.unpack $logger.bye Kernel.exit(0) end desc "status", "Checks the status of the knowledge base" def status init_globals $logger.helo APPNAME, Dawn::VERSION Dawn::KnowledgeBase.enabled_checks=[:bulletin, :generic_check] kb = Dawn::KnowledgeBase.instance kb.load if kb.security_checks.empty? $logger.error(kb.error) end $"" + kb.security_checks.count.to_s + " security checks loaded") if kb.is_packed? $logger.error "The knowledge base is packed. It must be unpacked with the 'unpack' command before it can be used" end $logger.bye Kernel.exit(0) end desc "list gem_name[gem_version]", "List all security issues affecting a gem passed as argument (the version string is optional)." def list(gem_name, gem_version=nil) init_globals to_check="#{gem_name}" to_check += ":#{gem_version}" unless gem_version.nil? Dawn::KnowledgeBase.enabled_checks=[:bulletin] kb = Dawn::KnowledgeBase.instance kb.load if kb.security_checks.empty? $logger.error(kb.error) end issues = kb.find_issues_by_gem(to_check) issues.each do |issue| puts "#{} " end end end class DawnCli < Thor package_name "dawn" class_option :verbose, :type=>:boolean class_option :debug, :type=>:boolean map %w[--version -v] => :__print_version desc "--version, -v", "Prints the dawnscanner version" def __print_version puts Dawn::VERSION Kernel.exit(0) end desc "kb SUBCOMMAND ... ARGS", "Interacts with the knowledge base" subcommand "kb", Dawn::Cli::Kb desc "scan", "scans a ruby written web application for security issues" method_option :config_file, :type=>:string, :default=>"", :aliases => "-c", :desc=>"tells dawn to load configuration from filename" method_option :gemfile, :type=>:boolean, :default=>true, :aliases => "-G", :desc => "uses Gemfile.lock to detect MVC" method_option :skip, :type=>:array, :aliases => "-S", :desc => "specify a list of security checks to be skipped" method_option :report_format, :type=>:string, :aliases => "-F", :desc=>"specify the report format (text, html, json). Default is plain text files." method_option :exit_on_warn, :type=>:boolean, :default=>false, :aliases => "-z", :desc =>"return number of found vulnerabilities as exit code" method_option :count, :type=>:boolean, :default=>false, :aliases => "-C", :desc=>"count vulnerabilities (useful for scripts)" method_option :output, :type=>:string, :aliases => "-O", :desc=>"write output to a file with the name specified by the parameter" method_option :dependencies, :type=>:boolean, :default=>false, :aliases => "-d", :desc=>"scan only for vulnerabilities affecting dependencies in Gemfile.lock" def scan(target) $logger.helo APPNAME, Dawn::VERSION trap("INT") { $logger.die('[INTERRUPTED]') } $logger.die("invalid directory (#{target})") unless Dawn::Core.is_good_target?(target) $debug = true if options[:debug] $verbose = true if options[:verbose] checks_to_be_skipped = [] checks_to_be_skipped = options[:skip] unless options[:skip].nil? debug_me("scanning #{target}") $config_file= Dawn::Core.find_conf(true) if options[:config_file].nil? $config = Dawn::Core.read_conf($config_file) debug_me($config) engine = Dawn::Core.detect_mvc(target) unless options[:gemfile] engine = if options[:gemfile] if engine.nil? $logger.error("MVC detection failure. Please open an issue at") $logger.die('ruby framework auto detect failed.') end if options[:exit_on_warn] Kernel.at_exit do if engine.count_vulnerabilities != 0 Kernel.exit(engine.count_vulnerabilities) end end end engine.load_knowledge_base ret = engine.apply_all(checks_to_be_skipped) if options[:report_format] and options[:report_format].eql? "json" STDERR.puts (ret)? {:status=>"OK", :vulnerabilities_count=>engine.count_vulnerabilities}.to_json : {:status=>"KO", :vulnerabilities_count=>-1}.to_json $logger.bye Kernel.exit(0) end $"#{engine.count_vulnerabilities} issues found") $"#{engine.checks.count} checks applied"){:engine=>engine, :apply_all_code=>ret}).report $logger.bye Kernel.exit(0) end end end end