/* ========================================================================= czmq - generated layer of public API Copyright (c) the Contributors as noted in the AUTHORS file. This file is part of CZMQ, the high-level C binding for 0MQ: http://czmq.zeromq.org. This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ################################################################################ # THIS FILE IS 100% GENERATED BY ZPROJECT; DO NOT EDIT EXCEPT EXPERIMENTALLY # # Read the zproject/README.md for information about making permanent changes. # ################################################################################ ========================================================================= */ #ifndef CZMQ_LIBRARY_H_INCLUDED #define CZMQ_LIBRARY_H_INCLUDED // Set up environment for the application #include "czmq_prelude.h" // External dependencies #include // CZMQ version macros for compile-time API detection #define CZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR 4 #define CZMQ_VERSION_MINOR 0 #define CZMQ_VERSION_PATCH 0 #define CZMQ_MAKE_VERSION(major, minor, patch) \ ((major) * 10000 + (minor) * 100 + (patch)) #define CZMQ_VERSION \ CZMQ_MAKE_VERSION(CZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR, CZMQ_VERSION_MINOR, CZMQ_VERSION_PATCH) #if defined (__WINDOWS__) # if defined CZMQ_STATIC # define CZMQ_EXPORT # elif defined CZMQ_INTERNAL_BUILD # if defined DLL_EXPORT # define CZMQ_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) # else # define CZMQ_EXPORT # endif # elif defined CZMQ_EXPORTS # define CZMQ_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) # else # define CZMQ_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport) # endif #else # define CZMQ_EXPORT #endif // Opaque class structures to allow forward references // These classes are stable or legacy and built in all releases typedef struct _zactor_t zactor_t; #define ZACTOR_T_DEFINED typedef struct _zarmour_t zarmour_t; #define ZARMOUR_T_DEFINED typedef struct _zcert_t zcert_t; #define ZCERT_T_DEFINED typedef struct _zcertstore_t zcertstore_t; #define ZCERTSTORE_T_DEFINED typedef struct _zchunk_t zchunk_t; #define ZCHUNK_T_DEFINED typedef struct _zclock_t zclock_t; #define ZCLOCK_T_DEFINED typedef struct _zconfig_t zconfig_t; #define ZCONFIG_T_DEFINED typedef struct _zdigest_t zdigest_t; #define ZDIGEST_T_DEFINED typedef struct _zdir_t zdir_t; #define ZDIR_T_DEFINED typedef struct _zdir_patch_t zdir_patch_t; #define ZDIR_PATCH_T_DEFINED typedef struct _zfile_t zfile_t; #define ZFILE_T_DEFINED typedef struct _zframe_t zframe_t; #define ZFRAME_T_DEFINED typedef struct _zhash_t zhash_t; #define ZHASH_T_DEFINED typedef struct _zhashx_t zhashx_t; #define ZHASHX_T_DEFINED typedef struct _ziflist_t ziflist_t; #define ZIFLIST_T_DEFINED typedef struct _zlist_t zlist_t; #define ZLIST_T_DEFINED typedef struct _zlistx_t zlistx_t; #define ZLISTX_T_DEFINED typedef struct _zloop_t zloop_t; #define ZLOOP_T_DEFINED typedef struct _zmsg_t zmsg_t; #define ZMSG_T_DEFINED typedef struct _zpoller_t zpoller_t; #define ZPOLLER_T_DEFINED typedef struct _zsock_t zsock_t; #define ZSOCK_T_DEFINED typedef struct _zstr_t zstr_t; #define ZSTR_T_DEFINED typedef struct _zuuid_t zuuid_t; #define ZUUID_T_DEFINED typedef struct _zauth_t zauth_t; #define ZAUTH_T_DEFINED typedef struct _zbeacon_t zbeacon_t; #define ZBEACON_T_DEFINED typedef struct _zgossip_t zgossip_t; #define ZGOSSIP_T_DEFINED typedef struct _zmonitor_t zmonitor_t; #define ZMONITOR_T_DEFINED typedef struct _zproxy_t zproxy_t; #define ZPROXY_T_DEFINED typedef struct _zrex_t zrex_t; #define ZREX_T_DEFINED typedef struct _zsys_t zsys_t; #define ZSYS_T_DEFINED // Draft classes are by default not built in stable releases #ifdef CZMQ_BUILD_DRAFT_API typedef struct _zproc_t zproc_t; #define ZPROC_T_DEFINED typedef struct _ztimerset_t ztimerset_t; #define ZTIMERSET_T_DEFINED typedef struct _ztrie_t ztrie_t; #define ZTRIE_T_DEFINED #endif // CZMQ_BUILD_DRAFT_API // Public classes, each with its own header file #include "zactor.h" #include "zarmour.h" #include "zcert.h" #include "zcertstore.h" #include "zchunk.h" #include "zclock.h" #include "zconfig.h" #include "zdigest.h" #include "zdir.h" #include "zdir_patch.h" #include "zfile.h" #include "zframe.h" #include "zhash.h" #include "zhashx.h" #include "ziflist.h" #include "zlist.h" #include "zlistx.h" #include "zloop.h" #include "zmsg.h" #include "zpoller.h" #include "zsock.h" #include "zstr.h" #include "zuuid.h" #include "zauth.h" #include "zbeacon.h" #include "zgossip.h" #include "zmonitor.h" #include "zproxy.h" #include "zrex.h" #include "zsys.h" #ifdef CZMQ_BUILD_DRAFT_API #include "zproc.h" #include "ztimerset.h" #include "ztrie.h" #endif // CZMQ_BUILD_DRAFT_API #endif /* ################################################################################ # THIS FILE IS 100% GENERATED BY ZPROJECT; DO NOT EDIT EXCEPT EXPERIMENTALLY # # Read the zproject/README.md for information about making permanent changes. # ################################################################################ */