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This view handles the rendering of a topic list

@class ListTopicsView
@extends Discourse.View
@namespace Discourse
@uses Discourse.LoadMore
@module Discourse
Discourse.ListTopicsView = Discourse.View.extend(Discourse.LoadMore, {
  templateName: 'list/topics',
  categoryBinding: 'controller.controllers.list.category',
  canCreateTopicBinding: 'controller.controllers.list.canCreateTopic',
  listBinding: 'controller.model',
  loadedMore: false,
  currentTopicId: null,
  eyelineSelector: '.topic-list-item',

  topicTrackingState: function() {
    return Discourse.TopicTrackingState.current();

  didInsertElement: function() {
    this._super();'afterRender', function() {
      $('html, body').scrollTop(0);

  hasTopics:'list.topics.length', 0),
  showTable: Em.computed.or('hasTopics', 'topicTrackingState.hasIncoming'),

  updateTitle: function(){

  loadMore: function() {
    var listTopicsView = this;
    listTopicsView.get('controller').loadMore().then(function (hasMoreResults) {'afterRender', function() {
      if (!hasMoreResults) {

  // Remember where we were scrolled to
  saveScrollPosition: function() {
    Discourse.Session.current().set('topicListScrollPosition', $(window).scrollTop());

  // When the topic list is scrolled
  scrolled: function(e) {


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