module = angular.module('maestrano.dashboard.dashboard-organization-settings',['maestrano.assets']) #============================================ # #============================================ module.controller('DashboardOrganizationSettingsCtrl',[ '$scope','$window','DhbOrganizationSvc', 'Utilities','AssetPath' ($scope, $window, DhbOrganizationSvc, Utilities, AssetPath) -> #==================================== # Pre-Initialization #==================================== $scope.assetPath = AssetPath $scope.isLoading = true $scope.model = {} $scope.origModel = {} $scope.forms = {} #==================================== # Scope Management #==================================== # Initialize the data used by the directive $scope.initialize = (organization) -> angular.copy(organization,$scope.model) angular.copy(organization,$scope.origModel) $scope.isLoading = false # Save the current state of the credit card $ = -> $scope.isLoading = true DhbOrganizationSvc.organization.update($scope.model).then( (organization) -> $scope.errors = '' angular.copy(organization,$scope.model) angular.copy(organization,$scope.origModel) , (errors) -> $scope.errors = Utilities.processRailsError(errors) ).finally(-> $scope.isLoading = false) # Cancel the temporary changes made by the # user $scope.cancel = -> angular.copy($scope.origModel,$scope.model) $scope.errors = '' # Check if the user has started editing the # form $scope.isChanged = -> !angular.equals($scope.model,$scope.origModel) # Check whether we should display the cancel # button or not $scope.isCancelShown = -> $scope.isChanged() # Should we enable the save button $scope.isSaveEnabled = -> f = $scope.forms $scope.isChanged() && f.settings.$valid # Return the class to add to the btn # based on soa_enabled $scope.connecBtnClassFor = (action) -> if action == 'enable' return ( $scope.model.soa_enabled && 'btn-info') else return ( !$scope.model.soa_enabled && 'btn-info') # Action to be perform when user clicks on 'enable' # or 'disable' $scope.connecBtnClickOn = (action) -> $scope.model.soa_enabled = (action == 'enable') #==================================== # Post-Initialization #==================================== $scope.$watch DhbOrganizationSvc.getId, (val) -> $scope.isLoading = true if val? DhbOrganizationSvc.load().then (organization)-> $scope.initialize(organization.organization) ]) module.directive('dashboardOrganizationSettings', ['TemplatePath', (TemplatePath) -> return { restrict: 'A', scope: { }, templateUrl: TemplatePath['mno_enterprise/dashboard/organization/settings.html'], controller: 'DashboardOrganizationSettingsCtrl' } ])