// Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey // Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/ #ifndef TAO_JSON_PEGTL_CONTRIB_UNESCAPE_HPP #define TAO_JSON_PEGTL_CONTRIB_UNESCAPE_HPP #include #include #include "../ascii.hpp" #include "../config.hpp" #include "../parse_error.hpp" namespace TAO_JSON_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::unescape { // Utility functions for the unescape actions. [[nodiscard]] inline bool utf8_append_utf32( std::string& string, const unsigned utf32 ) { if( utf32 <= 0x7f ) { string += char( utf32 & 0xff ); return true; } if( utf32 <= 0x7ff ) { char tmp[] = { char( ( ( utf32 & 0x7c0 ) >> 6 ) | 0xc0 ), char( ( ( utf32 & 0x03f ) ) | 0x80 ) }; string.append( tmp, sizeof( tmp ) ); return true; } if( utf32 <= 0xffff ) { if( utf32 >= 0xd800 && utf32 <= 0xdfff ) { // nope, this is a UTF-16 surrogate return false; } char tmp[] = { char( ( ( utf32 & 0xf000 ) >> 12 ) | 0xe0 ), char( ( ( utf32 & 0x0fc0 ) >> 6 ) | 0x80 ), char( ( ( utf32 & 0x003f ) ) | 0x80 ) }; string.append( tmp, sizeof( tmp ) ); return true; } if( utf32 <= 0x10ffff ) { char tmp[] = { char( ( ( utf32 & 0x1c0000 ) >> 18 ) | 0xf0 ), char( ( ( utf32 & 0x03f000 ) >> 12 ) | 0x80 ), char( ( ( utf32 & 0x000fc0 ) >> 6 ) | 0x80 ), char( ( ( utf32 & 0x00003f ) ) | 0x80 ) }; string.append( tmp, sizeof( tmp ) ); return true; } return false; } // This function MUST only be called for characters matching TAO_JSON_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::ascii::xdigit! template< typename I > [[nodiscard]] I unhex_char( const char c ) { switch( c ) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': return I( c - '0' ); case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': return I( c - 'a' + 10 ); case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': return I( c - 'A' + 10 ); default: // LCOV_EXCL_LINE throw std::runtime_error( "invalid character in unhex" ); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE } } template< typename I > [[nodiscard]] I unhex_string( const char* begin, const char* end ) { I r = 0; while( begin != end ) { r <<= 4; r += unhex_char< I >( *begin++ ); } return r; } // Actions for common unescape situations. struct append_all { template< typename ActionInput > static void apply( const ActionInput& in, std::string& s ) { s.append( in.begin(), in.size() ); } }; // This action MUST be called for a character matching T which MUST be TAO_JSON_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::one< ... >. template< typename T, char... Rs > struct unescape_c { template< typename ActionInput > static void apply( const ActionInput& in, std::string& s ) { assert( in.size() == 1 ); s += apply_one( in, static_cast< const T* >( nullptr ) ); } template< typename ActionInput, char... Qs > [[nodiscard]] static char apply_one( const ActionInput& in, const one< Qs... >* /*unused*/ ) { static_assert( sizeof...( Qs ) == sizeof...( Rs ), "size mismatch between escaped characters and their mappings" ); return apply_two( in, { Qs... }, { Rs... } ); } template< typename ActionInput > [[nodiscard]] static char apply_two( const ActionInput& in, const std::initializer_list< char >& q, const std::initializer_list< char >& r ) { const char c = *in.begin(); for( std::size_t i = 0; i < q.size(); ++i ) { if( *( q.begin() + i ) == c ) { return *( r.begin() + i ); } } throw parse_error( "invalid character in unescape", in ); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE } }; // See src/example/pegtl/unescape.cpp for why the following two actions // skip the first input character. They also MUST be called // with non-empty matched inputs! struct unescape_u { template< typename ActionInput > static void apply( const ActionInput& in, std::string& s ) { assert( !in.empty() ); // First character MUST be present, usually 'u' or 'U'. if( !utf8_append_utf32( s, unhex_string< unsigned >( in.begin() + 1, in.end() ) ) ) { throw parse_error( "invalid escaped unicode code point", in ); } } }; struct unescape_x { template< typename ActionInput > static void apply( const ActionInput& in, std::string& s ) { assert( !in.empty() ); // First character MUST be present, usually 'x'. s += unhex_string< char >( in.begin() + 1, in.end() ); } }; // The unescape_j action is similar to unescape_u, however unlike // unescape_u it // (a) assumes exactly 4 hexdigits per escape sequence, // (b) accepts multiple consecutive escaped 16-bit values. // When applied to more than one escape sequence, unescape_j // translates UTF-16 surrogate pairs in the input into a single // UTF-8 sequence in s, as required for JSON by RFC 8259. struct unescape_j { template< typename ActionInput > static void apply( const ActionInput& in, std::string& s ) { assert( ( ( in.size() + 1 ) % 6 ) == 0 ); // Expects multiple "\\u1234", starting with the first "u". for( const char* b = in.begin() + 1; b < in.end(); b += 6 ) { const auto c = unhex_string< unsigned >( b, b + 4 ); if( ( 0xd800 <= c ) && ( c <= 0xdbff ) && ( b + 6 < in.end() ) ) { const auto d = unhex_string< unsigned >( b + 6, b + 10 ); if( ( 0xdc00 <= d ) && ( d <= 0xdfff ) ) { b += 6; (void)utf8_append_utf32( s, ( ( ( c & 0x03ff ) << 10 ) | ( d & 0x03ff ) ) + 0x10000 ); continue; } } if( !utf8_append_utf32( s, c ) ) { throw parse_error( "invalid escaped unicode code point", in ); } } } }; } // namespace TAO_JSON_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::unescape #endif