module Tonic module GhPages class << self def activate gh_pages end def push_pages if in_gh_pages_branch? exec 'git push -f origin gh-pages' else puts 'Forget about it bro' end end private def in_gh_pages_branch? branches = sh('git branch') branches.lines.any? { |it| it =~ /\* gh-pages/ } end def gh_pages if branch_exists? abort 'You shall no pass. First you should delete gh-pages branch' end puts 'Do you really want to create gh-pages branch with tonic? [y/n]' if gets.chomp =~ /y/i check_status create_branch remove_all_files Template.create commit_changes end end def branch_exists? branches = sh('git branch') branches.lines.any? { |it| it =~ /gh-pages/ } end def check_status unless sh('git status -s').to_s.empty? abort "You have uncommited changes. I don't want to you to loose it." end end # TODO: Later I will think about how to do it through github-gem properly def create_branch sh 'git branch gh-pages' sh 'git checkout gh-pages' end def remove_all_files sh 'rm -rf ./*' end def commit_changes sh "git add ." sh "git commit -am 'Init github pages'" end def sh(*command)*command) end end end end