require 'thor' require 'awesome_print' require 'json' module Pushapp class Generators < Thor include Thor::Actions namespace :generate source_root Pushapp::TEMPLATE_ROOT class_option :file, default: Pushapp::DEFAULT_CONFIG_LOCATION, type: :string, aliases: '-f', banner: 'Specify a pushapp configuration file' desc 'web REMOTE', 'generates all configs for REMOTE web (nginx, unicorn and gems)' def web(remote) options[:remote] options[:listen] = "80" uncomment_lines 'Gemfile', /gem 'unicorn'/ uncomment_lines 'Gemfile', /gem 'therubyracer'/ insert_into_file 'Gemfile', "\ngem 'pushapp'\ngem 'foreman'\ngem 'dotenv-rails'", after: /gem 'unicorn'/ unicorn_upstart unicorn_nginx(remote) unicorn(remote) template 'Procfile' template '.env.erb', ".env.#{app_env}" end desc 'unicorn-nginx REMOTE', 'generates nginx config for unicorn' method_option :host, desc: 'Nginx host, will use remote host as default.' method_option :env, desc: 'unicorn env, will use remote RAILS_ENV as default.' method_option :listen, default: '80', desc: 'Nginx port to listen. Default: 80' def unicorn_nginx(remote) options[:remote] = remote template 'unicorn_nginx.conf.erb', "config/deploys/#{app_name}.nginx.conf" end desc 'unicorn-upstart', 'generates unicorn binary for upstart/foreman' def unicorn_upstart template 'unicorn_upstart.erb', 'bin/unicorn_upstart' chmod 'bin/unicorn_upstart', 'a+x' end desc 'unicorn REMOTE', 'generates unicorn config' def unicorn(remote) options[:remote] = remote template 'unicorn.rb.erb', 'config/unicorn.rb' puts "NOTE: add tmp/pids to your git repo. ( touch tmp/pids/.keep && git add tmp/pids/.keep -f )" end desc 'chef-solo REMOTE', 'generates chef solo with knife solo configs' method_option :database, type: :string, default: 'postgresql', desc: 'mysql or postgresql', aliases: '-d' method_option :ssh_pub_key, type: :string, default: "#{ENV['HOME']}/.ssh/" method_option :vagrant_box, type: :string, default: 'opscode_ubuntu-12.04-i386_chef-11.4.4' method_option :vagrant_box_url, type: :string, default: '' method_option :db_password, type: :string, default: 'password1' method_option :ruby, type: :string, default: '2.1.0' def chef_solo(remote) options[:remote] = remote template 'Cheffile.erb', 'config/deploys/chef/Cheffile' template 'Vagrantfile.erb', 'config/deploys/chef/Vagrantfile' template 'knife.rb.erb', 'config/deploys/chef/.chef/knife.rb' template 'node.json.erb', "config/deploys/chef/nodes/#{app_host}.json" template 'user.json.erb', "config/deploys/chef/data_bags/users/#{app_user}.json" template 'chef.gitignore', 'config/deploys/chef/.gitignore' end private def app_name remote.path.split('/').last end def app_user remote.user end def app_host options[:host] || || '' end def app_path remote.path end def app_env remote.env[:RACK_ENV] || remote.env[:RAILS_ENV] || 'production' end def remote @remote ||= config.remotes_named_by(options[:remote]).first end def config @config ||= Pushapp::Config.parse(options[:file]) end def mysql? options[:database] == 'mysql' end def postgresql? options[:database] == 'postgresql' end def postgresql_config { :users => [ { :username => app_user, :superuser => true, :createdb => true, :login => true } ] } end def mysql_config { :server_root_password => options[:db_password], :server_repl_password => options[:db_password], :server_debian_password => options[:db_password], :service_name => 'mysql', :basedir => '/usr', :data_dir => '/var/lib/mysql', :root_group => 'root', :mysqladmin_bin => '/usr/bin/mysqladmin', :mysql_bin => '/usr/bin/mysql', :conf_dir => '/etc/mysql', :confd_dir => '/etc/mysql/conf.d', :socket => '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock', :pid_file => '/var/run/mysqld/', :grants_path => '/etc/mysql/grants.sql' } end def authorization_config { sudo: { users: [app_user], passwordless: true } } end def common_config cfg = { nginx: { dir: '/etc/nginx', log_dir: '/var/log/nginx', binary: '/usr/sbin/nginx', user: 'www-data', pid: '/var/run/', worker_connections: '1024' }, git: { prefix: '/usr/local' }, } cfg[:mysql] = mysql_config if mysql? cfg[:postgresql] = postgresql_config if postgresql? cfg end def chef_config common_config.merge({ authorization: authorization_config, rbenv: rbenv_config(app_user) }) end def config_json chef_config.merge({ run_list: run_list }) end def vagrant_config # common_config.merge({ # rbenv: rbenv_config('vagrant') # }) chef_config end def run_list [ 'apt', 'chef-solo-search', 'locale', 'users::sysadmins', 'sudo', 'runit', 'memcached', mysql? ? 'mysql::server' : nil, postgresql? ? ['postgresql::server', 'postgresql::contrib', 'postgresql::client', 'postgresql::libpq'] : nil, 'imagemagick', 'ruby_build', 'rbenv::user', 'nginx::repo', 'nginx', 'git' ].flatten.compact end def user_json { id: app_user, comment: 'Application User', ssh_keys: [[:ssh_pub_key])], groups: %w{sysadmin sudo staff}, shell: '/bin/bash' } end def rbenv_config(user) { user_installs: [{ user: user, rubies: [ options[:ruby] ], global: options[:ruby], environment: { CFLAGS: '-march=native -O2 -pipe' }, gems: { options[:ruby] => [{name: 'bundler', version: '1.5.0'}] } }] } end end end