require 'shell_helpers/version' require 'fileutils' #require 'dr/ruby_ext/core_ext' #load everything in shell_helpers/*.rb #dir=File.expand_path(File.basename(__FILE__).chomp('.rb'), File.dirname(__FILE__)) #Dir.glob(File.expand_path('*.rb',dir)) do |file| # require file #end require 'shell_helpers/logger' require 'shell_helpers/run' require 'shell_helpers/sh' require 'shell_helpers/utils' require 'shell_helpers/sysutils' require 'shell_helpers/export' require 'shell_helpers/pathname' module ShellHelpers include Run #run_command, run_output, run_status, run include CLILogging #logger.{debug info warn error fatal}, log_and_do include ExitNow #exit_now! include Sh #sh, sh! include Export #export include Utils #find, run_pager, rsync... include SysUtils #mount, find_devices... extend self #activates debug mode def self.debug(level=Logger::DEBUG) #activates logging on Pathname Pathname.send(:include, CLILogging) logger.level=(level) end #include SH::FU to add FileUtils module FU include ::FileUtils include ::ShellHelpers extend self end # #include LogHelper to set up CLILogging with some convenience facilities # module LogHelper # include CLILogging # CLILogging.logger.progname||=$0 # # #Activates in klass # # def self.included(klass) # # klass.const_set(:Sh,ShellHelpers::Sh) # # end # end end #for the lazy SH=ShellHelpers ## # to get logging ## module SHLog ## include ShellHelpers ## include ShellHelpers::ShLog ## end