class Hash # Returns a new hash just like this one, but with all the string keys expressed as symbols. # Also applies to hashes within self. # Based on an implementation within Rails 2.x, thanks Rails! def deep_symbolize target = dup target.inject({}) do |memo, (key, value)| value = value.deep_symbolize if value.is_a?(Hash) memo[(key.to_sym rescue key) || key] = value memo end end # Returns a new hash just like this one, but with all the symbol keys expressed as strings. # Also applies to hashes within self. # Based on an implementation within Rails 2.x, thanks Rails! def deep_stringify target = dup target.inject({}) do |memo, (key, value)| value = value.deep_stringify if value.is_a?(Hash) memo[(key.to_s rescue key) || key] = value memo end end # Merges self with another hash, recursively. # # This code was lovingly stolen from some random gem: # # # Thanks to whoever made it. def deep_merge(hash) target = dup hash.keys.each do |key| if hash[key].is_a? Hash and self[key].is_a? Hash target[key] = target[key].deep_merge(hash[key]) next end target[key] = hash[key] end target end def to_xml inject("") do |memo, (key, value)| memo << "<#{key}>#{(value.respond_to?(:to_xml))? value.to_xml : value}" end end end