#-- # Copyright (c) 2016 SolarWinds, LLC. # All rights reserved. #++ module AppOpticsAPM module SDK ## # Traces are best created with an AppOpticsAPM::SDK.start_trace block and # AppOpticsAPM::SDK.trace blocks around calls to be traced. # These two methods guarantee proper nesting of traces, handling of the tracing context, as well as avoiding # broken traces in case of exceptions. # # Some optional keys that can be used in the +opts+ hash: # * +:Controller+ # * +:Action+ # * +:HTTP-Host+ # * +:URL+ # * +:Method+ # # as well as custom keys. The information will show up in the raw data view of a span. # # Invalid keys: +:Label+, +:Layer+, +:Edge+, +:Timestamp+, +:Timestamp_u+, +:TransactionName+ (allowed in start_trace) # # The methods are exposed as singleton methods for AppOpticsAPM::SDK. # # === Usage: # * +AppOpticsAPM::SDK.appoptics_ready?+ # * +AppOpticsAPM::SDK.get_transaction_name+ # * +AppOpticsAPM::SDK.set_transaction_name+ # * +AppOpticsAPM::SDK.start_trace+ # * +AppOpticsAPM::SDK.start_trace_with_target+ # * +AppOpticsAPM::SDK.trace+ # * +AppOpticsAPM::SDK.tracing?+ # # === Example: # class MonthlyCouponEmailJob # def perform(*args) # # # KVs to report to the dashboard # report_kvs = {} # report_kvs[:Spec] = :job # report_kvs[:Controller] = :MonthlyEmailJob # report_kvs[:Action] = :CouponEmailer # # # Start tracing this job with start_trace # AppOpticsAPM::SDK.start_trace('starling', nil, report_kvs) do # monthly = MonthlyEmail.new(:CouponEmailer) # # # Trace a sub-component of this trace # AppOpticsAPM::SDK.trace(self.class.name) do # # # The work to be done # users = User.all # users.each do |u| # monthly.send(u.email) # end # # end # end # end # end # module Tracing # Trace a given block of code. # # Also detects any exceptions thrown by the block and report errors. # # === Arguments: # * +:span+ - The span the block of code belongs to. # * +:opts+ - (optional) A hash containing key/value pairs that will be reported along with the first event of this span. # * +:protect_op+ - (optional) The operation being traced. Used to avoid double tracing operations that call each other. # # === Example: # # def computation_with_appoptics(n) # AppOpticsAPM::SDK.trace('computation', { :number => n }, :computation) do # return n if n == 0 # n + computation_with_appoptics(n-1) # end # end # # result = computation_with_appoptics(100) # # === Returns: # * The result of the block. # def trace(span, opts = {}, protect_op = nil) return yield if !AppOpticsAPM.loaded || !AppOpticsAPM.tracing? || AppOpticsAPM.tracing_layer_op?(protect_op) opts.delete(:TransactionName) opts.delete('TransactionName') AppOpticsAPM::API.log_entry(span, opts, protect_op) begin yield rescue Exception => e AppOpticsAPM::API.log_exception(span, e) raise ensure AppOpticsAPM::API.log_exit(span, opts, protect_op) end end # Collect metrics and start tracing a given block of code. # # This will start a trace depending on configuration and probability, detect any exceptions # thrown by the block, and report errors. # # When start_trace returns control to the calling context, the trace will be # completed and the tracing context will be cleared. # # === Arguments: # # * +span+ - Name for the span to be used as label in the trace view. # * +xtrace+ - (optional) incoming X-Trace identifier to be continued. # * +opts+ - (optional) hash containing key/value pairs that will be reported with this span. # The value of :TransactionName will set the transaction_name. # # === Example: # # def handle_request(request, response) # # ... code that processes request and response ... # end # # def handle_request_with_appoptics(request, response) # start_trace('custom_trace', nil, :TransactionName => 'handle_request') do # handle_request(request, response) # end # end # # === Returns: # * The result of the block. # def start_trace(span, xtrace = nil, opts = {}) start_trace_with_target(span, xtrace, {}, opts) { yield } end # Collect metrics, trace a given block of code, and assign trace info to target. # # This will start a trace depending on configuration and probability, detect any exceptions # thrown by the block, report errors, and assign an X-Trace to the target. # # The motivating use case for this is HTTP streaming in rails3. We need # access to the exit event's trace id so we can set the header before any # work is done, and before any headers are sent back to the client. # # === Arguments: # * +span+ - The span the block of code belongs to. # * +xtrace+ - (optional) incoming X-Trace identifier to be continued. # * +target+ - (optional) has to respond to #[]=, The target object in which to place the trace information. # * +opts+ - (optional) hash containing key/value pairs that will be reported with this span. # # === Example: # # def handle_request(request, response) # # ... code that processes request and response ... # end # # def handle_request_with_appoptics(request, response) # start_trace_with_target('rails', request['X-Trace'], response) do # handle_request(request, response) # end # end # # === Returns: # * The result of the block. # def start_trace_with_target(span, xtrace, target, opts = {}) return yield unless AppOpticsAPM.loaded if AppOpticsAPM::Context.isValid # not an entry span! result = trace(span) { yield } target['X-Trace'] = AppOpticsAPM::Context.toString return result end # :TransactionName and 'TransactionName' need to be removed from opts # :TransactionName should only be sent after it is set by send_metrics transaction_name = opts.delete('TransactionName') transaction_name = opts.delete(:TransactionName) || transaction_name # This is the beginning of a transaction, therefore AppOpticsAPM.transaction_name # needs to be set to nil or whatever is provided in the opts AppOpticsAPM.transaction_name = transaction_name AppOpticsAPM::API.log_start(span, xtrace, opts) exit_evt = AppOpticsAPM::Context.createEvent result = begin AppOpticsAPM::API.send_metrics(span, opts) do target['X-Trace'] = AppOpticsAPM::EventUtil.metadataString(exit_evt) yield end rescue Exception => e AppOpticsAPM::API.log_exception(span, e) exit_evt.addEdge(AppOpticsAPM::Context.get) xtrace = AppOpticsAPM::API.log_end(span, opts, exit_evt) e.instance_variable_set(:@xtrace, xtrace) raise end exit_evt.addEdge(AppOpticsAPM::Context.get) AppOpticsAPM::API.log_end(span, opts, exit_evt) result end # Provide a custom transaction name # # The AppOpticsAPM gem tries to create meaningful transaction names from controller+action # or something similar depending on the framework used. However, you may want to override the # transaction name to better describe your instrumented operation. # # Take note that on the dashboard the transaction name is converted to lowercase, and might be # truncated with invalid characters replaced. Method calls with an empty string or a non-string # argument won't change the current transaction name. # # The configuration +AppOpticsAPM.Config+['transaction_name']+['prepend_domain']+ can be set to # true to have the domain name prepended to the transaction name when an event or a metric are # logged. This is a global setting. # # === Argument: # # * +name+ - A non-empty string with the custom transaction name # # === Example: # # class DogfoodsController < ApplicationController # # def create # @dogfood = Dogfood.new(params.permit(:brand, :name)) # @dogfood.save # # AppOpticsAPM::SDK.set_transaction_name("dogfoodscontroller.create_for_#{params[:brand]}") # # redirect_to @dogfood # end # # end # # === Returns: # * (String or nil) the current transaction name # def set_transaction_name(name) if name.is_a?(String) && name.strip != '' AppOpticsAPM.transaction_name = name else AppOpticsAPM.logger.debug "[appoptics_apm/api] Could not set transaction name, provided name is empty or not a String." end AppOpticsAPM.transaction_name end # Get the currently set custom transaction name. # # This is provided for testing # # === Returns: # * (String or nil) the current transaction name (without domain prepended) # def get_transaction_name AppOpticsAPM.transaction_name end # Determine if this transaction is being traced. # # Tracing puts some extra load on a system, therefor not all transaction are traced. # The +tracing?+ method helps to determine this so that extra work can be avoided when not tracing. # # === Example: # # kvs = expensive_info_gathering_method if AppOpticsAPM::SDK.tracing? # AppOpticsAPM::SDK.trace('some_span', kvs) do # # this may not create a trace every time it runs # db_request # end # def tracing? AppOpticsAPM.tracing? end # Wait for AppOptics to be ready to send traces. # # This may be useful in short lived background processes when it is important to capture # information during the whole time the process is running. Usually AppOptics doesn't block an # application while it is starting up. # # === Argument: # # * +wait_milliseconds+ (int, default 3000) the maximum time to wait in milliseconds # # === Example: # # unless AppopticsAPM::SDK.appoptics_ready?(10_000) # Logger.info "AppOptics not ready after 10 seconds, no metrics will be sent" # end # def appoptics_ready?(wait_milliseconds = 3000) # These codes are returned by isReady: # OBOE_SERVER_RESPONSE_UNKNOWN 0 # OBOE_SERVER_RESPONSE_OK 1 # OBOE_SERVER_RESPONSE_TRY_LATER 2 # OBOE_SERVER_RESPONSE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 3 # OBOE_SERVER_RESPONSE_INVALID_API_KEY 4 # OBOE_SERVER_RESPONSE_CONNECT_ERROR 5 AppopticsAPM::Context.isReady(wait_milliseconds) == 1 end end extend Tracing end end