require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' require 'database_cleaner/active_record/transaction' require 'database_cleaner/data_mapper/transaction' describe DatabaseCleaner do # These examples muck around with the constants for autodetection so we need to clean up.... before(:all) do TempAR = ActiveRecord unless defined?(TempAR) TempMM = MongoMapper unless defined?(TempMM) TempMI = Mongoid unless defined?(TempMI) Object.send(:remove_const, 'MongoMapper') if defined?(::MongoMapper) Object.send(:remove_const, 'Mongoid') if defined?(::Mongoid) # need to add one for each ORM that we load in the spec helper... end after(:all) do Object.send(:remove_const, 'ActiveRecord') if defined?(::ActiveRecord) #want to make sure we have the real one... ActiveRecord = TempAR MongoMapper = TempMM Mongoid = TempMI end before(:each) do DatabaseCleaner::ActiveRecord::Transaction.stub!(:new).and_return(@strategy = mock('strategy')) Object.const_set('ActiveRecord', "just mocking out the constant here...") unless defined?(::ActiveRecord) DatabaseCleaner.strategy = nil DatabaseCleaner.orm = nil end describe ".create_strategy" do it "should initialize and return the appropirate strategy" do DatabaseCleaner::ActiveRecord::Transaction.should_receive(:new).with('options' => 'hash') result = DatabaseCleaner.create_strategy(:transaction, {'options' => 'hash'}) result.should == @strategy end end describe ".clean_with" do it "should initialize the appropirate strategy and clean with it" do DatabaseCleaner::ActiveRecord::Transaction.should_receive(:new).with('options' => 'hash') @strategy.should_receive(:clean) DatabaseCleaner.clean_with(:transaction, 'options' => 'hash') end end describe ".strategy=" do it "should initialize the appropirate strategy based on the ORM adapter detected" do DatabaseCleaner::ActiveRecord::Transaction.should_receive(:new).with('options' => 'hash') DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transaction, {'options' => 'hash'} Object.send(:remove_const, 'ActiveRecord') Object.const_set('DataMapper', "just mocking out the constant here...") DatabaseCleaner.orm = nil DatabaseCleaner::DataMapper::Transaction.should_receive(:new).with(no_args) DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transaction end it "should raise an error when no ORM is detected" do Object.send(:remove_const, 'ActiveRecord') if defined?(::ActiveRecord) Object.send(:remove_const, 'DataMapper') if defined?(::DataMapper) Object.send(:remove_const, 'CouchPotato') if defined?(::CouchPotato) running { DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transaction }.should raise_error(DatabaseCleaner::NoORMDetected) end it "should use the strategy version of the ORM specified with #orm=" do DatabaseCleaner.orm = 'data_mapper' DatabaseCleaner::DataMapper::Transaction.should_receive(:new) DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transaction end it "should raise an error when multiple args is passed in and the first is not a symbol" do running {, {:foo => 'bar'} }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should raise an error when the specified strategy is not found" do running { DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :foo }.should raise_error(DatabaseCleaner::UnknownStrategySpecified) end it "should allow any object to be set as the strategy" do mock_strategy = mock('strategy') running { DatabaseCleaner.strategy = mock_strategy }.should_not raise_error end end %w[start clean].each do |strategy_method| describe ".#{strategy_method}" do it "should be delgated to the strategy set with strategy=" do DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transaction @strategy.should_receive(strategy_method) DatabaseCleaner.send(strategy_method) end it "should raise en error when no strategy has been set" do running { DatabaseCleaner.send(strategy_method) }.should raise_error(DatabaseCleaner::NoStrategySetError) end end end end