local model = cmsgpack.unpack(ARGV[1]) local attrs = cmsgpack.unpack(ARGV[2]) local indices = cmsgpack.unpack(ARGV[3]) local uniques = cmsgpack.unpack(ARGV[4]) local function save(model, attrs) redis.call("SADD", model.name .. ":all", model.id) redis.call("DEL", model.key) if math.mod(#attrs, 2) == 1 then error("Wrong number of attribute/value pairs") end if #attrs > 0 then redis.call("HMSET", model.key, unpack(attrs)) end end local function index(model, indices) for field, enum in pairs(indices) do for _, val in ipairs(enum) do local key = model.name .. ":indices:" .. field .. ":" .. tostring(val) redis.call("SADD", model.key .. ":_indices", key) redis.call("SADD", key, model.id) end end end local function remove_indices(model) local memo = model.key .. ":_indices" local existing = redis.call("SMEMBERS", memo) for _, key in ipairs(existing) do redis.call("SREM", key, model.id) redis.call("SREM", memo, key) end end local function unique(model, uniques) for field, value in pairs(uniques) do local key = model.name .. ":uniques:" .. field redis.call("HSET", model.key .. ":_uniques", key, value) redis.call("HSET", key, value, model.id) end end local function remove_uniques(model, uniques) local memo = model.key .. ":_uniques" for field, _ in pairs(uniques) do local key = model.name .. ":uniques:" .. field redis.call("HDEL", key, redis.call("HGET", memo, key)) redis.call("HDEL", memo, key) end end local function verify(model, uniques) local duplicates = {} for field, value in pairs(uniques) do local key = model.name .. ":uniques:" .. field local id = redis.call("HGET", key, tostring(value)) if id and id ~= tostring(model.id) then duplicates[#duplicates + 1] = field end end return duplicates, #duplicates ~= 0 end local duplicates, err = verify(model, uniques) if err then error("UniqueIndexViolation: " .. duplicates[1]) end save(model, attrs) remove_indices(model) index(model, indices) remove_uniques(model, uniques) unique(model, uniques) return model.id