module Dots module Bootstrap include Thor::Actions # These are the programs we are going to download from Homebrew. PROGRAMS = %w(git ruby python vim pip hub) PACKAGES = %w(httpie aws) # Install C binaries, Python programs, and other useful tools # from Homebrew. def install_programs if installed? "brew" programs_to_install = PROGRAMS.reduce([]) { |programs, program| programs << program unless installed? program }.join " " system "brew install #{programs_to_install}" \ unless programs_to_install.empty? install_packages else install_homebrew and install_programs end end # Install the latest version of all gems to the global gemset. These # gems are configured in +~/.Gemfile+. def install_bundle system "cd #{Dots::HOME} && #{bundle_install}" end # Install Python packages from pip. Pip! def install_packages system "pip install #{PACKAGES.join(' ')}" end private def installed? command `which #{command}` != "" end def bundle_install return install_global_gemset if installed? 'bundle' "#{install_bundler} #{install_global_gemset}" end def install_global_gemset "bundle install --gemfile=#{global_gemset}" end def install_bundler "gem install bundler" end # Install the latest version of the Homebrew package manager. def install_homebrew %x[ruby -e "$(curl -fsSkL"] end def global_gemset "#{Dots.root}/config/Gemfile" end end end