require 'spec_helper' describe New::Cli do describe '#projects' do before do allow(New).to receive(:templates).and_return([:foo]) allow(subject).to receive(:project) end after do allow(New).to receive(:templates).and_call_original allow(subject).to receive(:project).and_call_original end it 'should accept template name as argument' do expect { 'party' }.to_not raise_error end it 'should raise an error if no name is given' do expect { }.to raise_error end it 'should raise an error for non-template argument' do expect { }.to raise_error end end describe '#init' do before do stub_const 'New::CUSTOM_DIR', root('.tmp', '.new') subject.init end after :all do FileUtils.rm_r root('.tmp', '.new') end it 'should create .new dir' do expect(Dir.exists?(root('.tmp', '.new'))).to eq true end it 'should create .new file' do expect(File.exists?(root('.tmp', '.new', New::CONFIG_FILE))).to eq true # Check that the keys are properly formatted in the yaml file expect('.tmp', '.new', New::CONFIG_FILE))).to match /^version: 0.0.0$/ end it 'should create an empty templates & tasks dir' do expect(Dir.exists?(root('.tmp', '.new', 'templates'))).to eq true expect(Dir.exists?(root('.tmp', '.new', 'tasks'))).to eq true end end describe '#release' do context 'for an invalid project' do before do Dir.chdir root('.tmp') File.delete '.new' rescue nil end it 'should raise an error if no config file is found' do expect { subject.release }.to raise_error end end context 'for a valid project' do before do Dir.chdir root('spec', 'fixtures', 'project') end # test that the task is required describe 'require' do before do allow(New::Task).to receive :inherited subject.release end after do allow(New::Task).to receive(:inherited).and_call_original end it 'should require the task' do expect(New::Task).to have_received(:inherited).with(New::Task::FooTask).once end end # test that the task is initialized describe 'initialize' do before do require root('spec', 'fixtures', 'custom', 'tasks', 'custom_bar_task', 'custom_bar_task') allow(New::Task::CustomBarTask).to receive :new stub_const 'New::CONFIG_FILE', '.new_cli_release_spec' subject.release end after do allow(New::Task::CustomBarTask).to receive(:new).and_call_original end it 'should initialize the task' do expect(New::Task::CustomBarTask).to have_received(:new).with({ tasks: { custom_bar_task: nil }}) end end end end end