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Default to sandbox ``` ou via initializer: ```ruby Bs2Api.configure do |config| config.client_id = 'you_bs2_client_id' config.client_secret = 'you_bs2_client_secret' config.env = 'sandbox' # ou production end ``` ### Inicia ordem de Transferência PIX via: Chave ```ruby pix_key = Bs2Api::Entities::PixKey.new( key: 'joao@gmail.com', type: 'EMAIL' ) # Caso ocorra algum problema na criação, um erro será lançado # Veja abaixo (Classes de errors) quais erros que podem ser lançados pay_key = Bs2Api::Payment::Key.new(pix_key).call pay_key.payment.payment_id => "96f0b3c4-4c76-4a7a-9933-9c9f86df7490" # pagamentoId gerado no BS2 pay_key.payment.end_to_end_id => "E710278662021061618144401750781P" # endToEndId gerado no BS2 pay_key.payment.class => Bs2Api::Entities::Payment ``` ### Inicia ordem de Transferência PIX via: Manual ```ruby account = Bs2Api::Entities::Account.new( bank_code: "218", agency: "0993", number: "042312", type: "ContaCorrente" # ContaCorrente, ContaSalario ou Poupanca ) customer = Bs2Api::Entities::Customer.new( document: "88899988811", type: "CPF", name: "Rick Sanches", business_name: "Nome fantasia" # Utilizar apenas se for type CNPJ ) receiver_bank = Bs2Api::Entities::Bank.new( account: account, customer: customer ) pay_manual = Bs2Api::Payment::Manual.new(receiver_bank).call pay_manual.payment.payment_id => "96f0b3c4-4c76-4a7a-9933-9c9f86df7490" # Payment id no BS2 pay_manual.payment.end_to_end_id => "E710278662021061618144401750781P" # endToEndId gerado no BS2 pay_manual.payment.class => Bs2Api::Entities::Payment ``` ### Confirmar ordem de transferência Após criar um Payment é necessário confirmar, nessa etapa o dinheiro é de fato transferido. Nessa etapa é necessário **informar o valor** que deseja ser transferido. ```ruby # Ambos modelos de criação da ordem de pagamento possuem o mesmo objeto payment # podendo ser utilizado da mesma forma nos dois casos: # pay_key.payment ou pay_manual.payment payment = pay_key.payment amount = 10.50 confirmation = Bs2Api::Payment::Confirmation.new(payment, value: amount).call # Caso a confirmação dê problema, um erro será lançado. raise Bs2Api::Errors::ConfirmationError # Caso nenhum erro seja lançado significa que foi sucesso. Você pode ter certeza com confirmation.success? ``` ### Busca informações do pagamento ```ruby payment_id = "96f0b3c4-4c76-4a7a-9933-9c9f86df7490" payment = Bs2Api::Payment::Detail.new(payment_id).call # Payment id no BS2 payment.id => "96f0b3c4-4c76-4a7a-9933-9c9f86df7490" payment.end_to_end_id => "E710278662021061618144401750781P" # endToEndId gerado no BS2 payment.class => Bs2Api::Entities::Payment ``` ### Async API Add initial asyc BS2 API implementation. The API allows to pass multiple request all at once. In order to do so you must: 1. Create `Bs2Api::Payment::Async` 2. Create one or more PIX keys 3. For each PIX key create `Bs2Api::Entities::AsyncRequest` passing in the PIX key, internal identifier and the value of the transaction 4. Add each async request to the async payment via `Bs2Api::Payment::Async#add_request` 5. When all requests are added call `Bs2Api::Payment::Async#call` 6. In the response you will get list of payments of type `Bs2Api::Entities::AsyncResponse` whose confirmation will be sent via webhook 6.1 If even one of the requests has invalid data, the response will be 400 and we won't get anything via webhook 7. If the response from 6 was 202 but we don't get a webhook notification we should start polling the response manually. This is done by calling `Bs2Api::Payment::Async::check_payment_status`. It has one parameter the `Bs2Api::Entities::AsyncResponse#request_id`.The result from this will be `Bs2Api::Entities::AsyncStatus`, using it you can check if the payment was rejected or confirmed. ```ruby pix_key = Bs2Api::Entities::PixKey.new( key: 'joao@gmail.com', type: 'EMAIL' ) async_request = Bs2Api::Entities::AsyncRequest.new( pix_key: pix_key, value: 10.0, identificator: 'payment1' ) async_payment = Bs2Api::Payment::Async.new async_payment.add_request(async_request) response_list = async_payment.call # Wait for webhook if notification does not arrive (for example for the first item) response_status = Bs2Api::Payment::Async.check_payment_status(response_list[0].request_id) # Check the status if response_status.rejected? puts response_status.rejection_description end ``` ### Classes de erros: ```ruby # Todos erros herdam de: Bs2Api::Errors::Base # Errors possíveis de serem lançados Bs2Api::Errors::BadRequest Bs2Api::Errors::ConfirmationError Bs2Api::Errors::InvalidCustomer Bs2Api::Errors::InvalidPixKey Bs2Api::Errors::MissingConfiguration Bs2Api::Errors::ServerError Bs2Api::Errors::Unauthorized ``` --- ### Observações - Método `call` retorna o próprio objeto - Em caso de retorno diferente de sucesso na comunicação com a API do Bs2, um erro sempre será lançado.