# jruby-warck jruby-warck takes any Rack-based application builds a .war file that you can run either * with "java -jar" or * inside a servlet container (eg.Tomcat, JBoss, Jetty, etc...). Yes, it's like Warbler, but far simpler. ## Usage ### Dependencies * jruby-rack ### Basic 1. change directory to the root of your application 2. run "rake assets:precompile" if you've a Rails application. 3. run "warck package[war_name]" (If you need to compile the source code, use "warck package_compiled[war_name]" instead) 4. You can now deploy the resulting jar in a servlet container or run in standalone mode, i.e, java -jar [war_name].war ### Customizing what gets in the .war When packaging, jruby-warck will include all .rb files in the web archive. Additionally, by default it will also include all .yml and .erb files, but you can change this. * To select which files should be packaged, create a "select.files" inside the application directory containing a glob pattern per line for the filenames you need. Note that this will override the default, so that no other files will be included. * To keep any files from being included, create "reject.files" inside the app directory containing a glob pattern per line for the filenames you want to reject. ### Customizing classpath By default MANIFEST.MF includes jruby-complete on the classpath. However, if your application needs to add addicional entries to classpath, create a "cp.entries" file, and specify one entry per line. ##License jruby-warck is released under the [MIT License](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT).