require 'net/http' require 'json' module Seira class Setup SUMMARY = "Set up your local CLI with the right project and cluster configuration.".freeze attr_reader :target, :args, :settings def initialize(target:, args:, settings:) @target = target @args = args @settings = settings end # This script should be all that's needed to fully set up gcloud and kubectl cli, fully configured, # on a development machine. def run ensure_software_installed if target == 'status' run_status exit(0) elsif target == 'all' puts "We will now set up gcloud and kubectl for each project. Each cluster is specified in .seira.yml." settings.valid_cluster_names.each do |cluster| setup_cluster(cluster) end elsif settings.valid_cluster_names.include?(target) puts "We will now set up gcloud and kubectl for #{target}" setup_cluster(target) else puts "Please specify a valid cluster name or 'all'. Got #{target}" exit(1) end puts "You have now configured all of your configurations. Please note that 'gcloud' and 'kubectl' are two separate command line tools." puts "gcloud: For manipulating GCP entities such as sql databases and kubernetes clusters themselves" puts "kubectl: For working within a kubernetes cluster, such as listing pods and deployment statuses" puts "Always remember to update both by using 'seira ', such as 'seira staging'." puts "Except for special circumstances, you should be able to always use 'seira' tool and avoid `gcloud` and `kubectl` directly." puts "All set!" end private def use_service_account_auth? args.include?('--service-account') end def setup_cluster(cluster_name) cluster_metadata = settings.clusters[cluster_name] if system("gcloud config configurations describe #{cluster_name}") puts "Configuration already exists for #{cluster_name}..." else puts "Creating configuration for this cluster and activating it..." system("gcloud config configurations create #{cluster_name}") end system("gcloud config configurations activate #{cluster_name}") # For automation and scripting, us a service account. For personal CLI use google auth based # workflow which is much easier. if use_service_account_auth? puts "First, set up a service account in the #{cluster_metadata['project']} project and download the credentials for it. You may do so by accessing the below link. Save the file in a safe location." puts "{cluster_metadata['project']}&organizationId=#{settings.organization_id}" puts "Then, set up an IAM user that it will inherit the permissions for." puts "Please enter the path of your JSON key:" filename = STDIN.gets puts "Activating service account..." system("gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file #{filename}") else puts "Authenticating in order to set the auth for project #{cluster_name}. You will be directed to a google login page." system("gcloud auth login") end system("gcloud config set project #{cluster_metadata['project']}") system("gcloud config set compute/zone #{cluster_metadata['zone'] || settings.default_zone}") puts "Your new gcloud setup for #{cluster_name}:" system("gcloud config configurations describe #{cluster_name}") puts "Configuring kubectl for interactions with this project's kubernetes cluster" system("gcloud container clusters get-credentials #{cluster_name} --project #{cluster_metadata['project']}") puts "Your kubectl is set up with:" system("kubectl config current-context") end def ensure_software_installed puts "Making sure gcloud is installed..." unless system('gcloud --version &> /dev/null') puts "Installing gcloud..." system('curl | bash') system('exec -l $SHELL') system('gcloud init') end puts "Making sure kubectl is installed..." unless system('kubectl version &> /dev/null') puts "Installing kubectl..." system('gcloud components install kubectl') end puts "Making sure kubernetes-helm is installed..." # Only ask for client version since server config may not yet be configured, # and in some versions of Helm it hanged. unless system('helm version --client &> /dev/null') puts "Installing helm..." system('brew install kubernetes-helm') end end def run_status puts "Your gcloud CLI auths (which can be used for many projects):" system("gcloud auth list") puts "Your gcloud CLI configurations (which allow for switching between GCP projects):" system("gcloud config configurations list") puts "Your kubectl contexts (which allow for switching between clusters):" system("kubectl config view -o jsonpath='{.contexts[*].name}'") puts "Seira is configured using .seira.yml in the root folder." end end end