# fluent-plugin-festival tutorial
## Install fluentd
gem install fluent-plugin-festival
fluentd 0.14.x will be installed automatically.
## Create a sample configuration file
Create a sample configuration file as follows. You need to change festival_portal_login_name and festival_portal_password to your account information.
% vi fluent.conf
@type festival
tag test1
email festival_portal_registered_email_address
password festival_portal_password
polling_interval 30
path /aggregators/IOT-0/testbeds/jose/resources/train_station_kyoto001_humidity-info-value/current_data
path /aggregators/IOT-0/testbeds/jose/resources/train_station_kyoto001_barometer-info-value/current_data
@type festival
tag test2
email festival_portal_registered_email_address
password festival_portal_password
polling_interval 180
path /aggregators/IOT-0/testbeds/smartsantander/resources/smartsantander_u7jcfa_f3176-chemicalAgentAtmosphericConcentration:airParticles-sensor/current_data
@type stdout
## Start fluentd with debug mode
Start fluentd with debug mode as follows.
fluentd -c fluent.conf -vvv
Then, you can confirm the sensor values are output to your console.
You can try the other resources by browsing resources via FESTIVAL portal and change target resource URI to the ones listed in the resource information.
## Store data into Elasticsearch
About installation, please refer the following page.
In the followings, how to store FESTIVAL platform data into Elasticsearch will be shown.
First of all, you need to create mapping in Elasticsearch. An Elasticsearch server is assumed to run in localhost.
vi train_station-mapping.json
"train_station": {
"properties": {
"timestamp": {
"type": "date",
"format": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"
"resourceName": {
"type": "string"
"dataValue": {
"type": "double"
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/festival'
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/festival/train_station/_mapping' -d @train_station-mapping.json
% vi fluent.conf
@type festival
tag test1
email festival_portal_registered_email_address
password festival_portal_password
polling_interval 30
path /aggregators/IOT-0/testbeds/jose/resources/train_station_kyoto001_humidity-info-value/current_data
path /aggregators/IOT-0/testbeds/jose/resources/train_station_kyoto001_barometer-info-value/current_data
@label @test0