#= require date-formatter window.Alchemy = {} if typeof(window.Alchemy) is 'undefined' # The admin sitemap Alchemy module Alchemy.Sitemap = # Storing some objects. init: (options) -> @search_field = $(".search_input_field") @filter_field_clear = $('.js_filter_field_clear') @display = $('#page_filter_result') @sitemap_wrapper = $('#sitemap-wrapper p.loading') @template = Handlebars.compile($('#sitemap-template').html()) list_template_regexp = new RegExp '\/' + options.page_root_id, 'g' list_template_html = $('#sitemap-list').html().replace(list_template_regexp, '/{{id}}') @list_template = Handlebars.compile(list_template_html) @items = null @options = options @watchPagePublicationState() true Handlebars.registerPartial('list', list_template_html) @fetch() # Fetches the sitemap from JSON fetch: (foldingId) -> self = Alchemy.Sitemap if foldingId spinner = new Alchemy.Spinner('small') spinTarget = $('#fold_button_' + foldingId) renderTarget = $('#page_' + foldingId) renderTemplate = @list_template pageId = foldingId else spinner = @options.spinner || new Alchemy.Spinner('medium') spinTarget = @sitemap_wrapper renderTarget = @sitemap_wrapper renderTemplate = @template pageId = @options.page_root_id spinner.spin(spinTarget[0]) request = $.ajax url: @options.url, data: id: pageId full: @options.full request.done (data) -> # This will also remove the spinner renderTarget.replaceWith(renderTemplate({children: data.pages})) self.items = $(".sitemap_page", '#sitemap') self._observe() if self.options.ready self.options.ready() request.fail (jqXHR, status) -> Alchemy.debug("Request failed: " + status) # Filters the sitemap filter: (term) -> results = [] self = Alchemy.Sitemap self.items.map -> item = $(this) if term != '' && item.attr('name').toLowerCase().indexOf(term) != -1 item.addClass('highlight') item.removeClass('no-match') results.push item else item.addClass('no-match') item.removeClass('highlight') self.filter_field_clear.show() length = results.length if length == 1 self.display.show().text("1 #{Alchemy.t('page_found')}") $.scrollTo(results[0], {duration: 400, offset: -80}) else if length > 1 self.display.show().text("#{length} #{Alchemy.t('pages_found')}") else self.items.removeClass('no-match highlight') self.display.hide() $.scrollTo('0', 400) self.filter_field_clear.hide() # Adds onkey up observer to search field _observe: -> filter = @filter @search_field.on 'keyup', -> term = $(this).val() filter(term.toLowerCase()) @search_field.on 'focus', -> key.setScope('search') @filter_field_clear.click => @search_field.val('') filter('') # Handles the page publication date fields watchPagePublicationState: -> $(document).on 'DialogReady.Alchemy', (e, $dialog) -> $public_on_field = $('#page_public_on', $dialog) $public_until_field = $('#page_public_until', $dialog) $publication_date_fields = $('.page-publication-date-fields', $dialog) $('#page_public', $dialog).click -> $checkbox = $(this) format = $checkbox.data('date-format') now = new Date() if $checkbox.is(':checked') $publication_date_fields.removeClass('hidden') $public_on_field.val Date.format(now, format) else $publication_date_fields.addClass('hidden') $public_on_field.val('') $public_until_field.val('') true return