package org.embulk.test; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.embulk.EmbulkEmbed; import org.embulk.config.ConfigDiff; import org.embulk.config.ConfigLoader; import org.embulk.config.ConfigSource; import org.embulk.config.ModelManager; import org.embulk.config.TaskReport; import org.embulk.exec.PreviewResult; import org.embulk.plugin.PluginClassLoader; import org.embulk.spi.ColumnConfig; import org.embulk.spi.FileOutputRunner; import org.embulk.spi.Page; import org.embulk.spi.Schema; import org.embulk.spi.SchemaConfig; import org.embulk.spi.TempFileException; import org.embulk.spi.TempFileSpace; import org.embulk.spi.type.Type; import org.junit.rules.TestRule; import org.junit.rules.TestWatcher; import org.junit.runner.Description; import org.junit.runners.model.Statement; import static; import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8; import static java.nio.file.Files.newBufferedReader; import static java.util.Locale.ENGLISH; import static; import static; import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8; import static java.nio.file.Files.newBufferedReader; import static org.embulk.plugin.InjectedPluginSource.registerPluginTo; import static org.embulk.test.EmbulkTests.copyResource; public class TestingEmbulk implements TestRule { public static class Builder { private List modules = new ArrayList<>(); Builder() { } public Builder registerPlugin(final Class iface, final String name, final Class impl) { modules.add(new Module() { public void configure(Binder binder) { registerPluginTo(binder, iface, name, impl); } }); return this; } public TestingEmbulk build() { return new TestingEmbulk(this); } } public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } private final List modules; private EmbulkEmbed embed; private TempFileSpace tempFiles; TestingEmbulk(Builder builder) { this.modules = ImmutableList.copyOf(builder.modules); reset(); } public void reset() { destroy(); this.embed = new EmbulkEmbed.Bootstrap() .addModules(modules) .overrideModules(TestingBulkLoader.override()) .initializeCloseable(); try { this.tempFiles = new TempFileSpace(Files.createTempDirectory("embulk-test-temp-").toFile()); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new TempFileException(ex); } } public void destroy() { if (embed != null) { embed.destroy(); embed = null; } if (tempFiles != null) { tempFiles.cleanup(); tempFiles = null; } } @Override public Statement apply(Statement base, Description description) { return new EmbulkTestingEmbedWatcher().apply(base, description); } private class EmbulkTestingEmbedWatcher extends TestWatcher { @Override protected void starting(Description description) { reset(); } @Override protected void finished(Description description) { destroy(); } } public Path createTempFile(String suffix) { return tempFiles.createTempFile(suffix).toPath(); } public Injector injector() { return embed.getInjector(); } public ConfigLoader configLoader() { return embed.newConfigLoader(); } public ConfigSource newConfig() { return configLoader().newConfigSource(); } public ConfigSource loadYamlResource(String name) { return configLoader() .fromYamlString(EmbulkTests.readResource(name)); } private static final List SUPPORTED_TYPES = ImmutableList.of( "boolean", "long", "double", "string", "timestamp", "json" ); public static interface RunResult { ConfigDiff getConfigDiff(); List getIgnoredExceptions(); Schema getInputSchema(); Schema getOutputSchema(); List getInputTaskReports(); List getOutputTaskReports(); } public class InputBuilder { private ConfigSource inConfig = null; private List filtersConfig = ImmutableList.of(); private ConfigSource execConfig = newConfig(); private Path outputPath = null; private InputBuilder() { } public InputBuilder in(ConfigSource inConfig) { checkNotNull(inConfig, "inConfig"); this.inConfig = inConfig.deepCopy(); return this; } public InputBuilder filters(List filtersConfig) { checkNotNull(filtersConfig, "filtersConfig"); ImmutableList.Builder builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (ConfigSource filter : filtersConfig) { builder.add(filter.deepCopy()); } this.filtersConfig =; return this; } public InputBuilder exec(ConfigSource execConfig) { checkNotNull(execConfig, "execConfig"); this.execConfig = execConfig.deepCopy(); return this; } public InputBuilder outputPath(Path outputPath) { checkNotNull(outputPath, "outputPath"); this.outputPath = outputPath; return this; } public ConfigDiff guess() { checkState(inConfig != null, "in config must be set"); // config = {exec: execConfig, in: inConfig} ConfigSource config = newConfig() .set("exec", execConfig) .set("in", inConfig) .set("filters", filtersConfig); // embed.guess returns GuessExecutor.ConfigDiff return embed.guess(config).getNested("in"); } /** * This method returns PreviewResult. * * @return PreviewResult returns the result by PreviewExecutor * @throws IOException */ public PreviewResult preview() throws IOException { checkState(inConfig != null, "inputPath must be set"); checkState(outputPath != null, "outputPath must be set"); // Execute preview to get PreviewResult ConfigSource previewConfig = newConfig() .set("exec", execConfig.set("min_output_tasks", 1)) // exec: config .set("in", inConfig) .set("filters", filtersConfig); PreviewResult result = embed.preview(previewConfig); PreviewResultInputPlugin.setPreviewResult(result); String fileName = outputPath.getFileName().toString(); checkArgument(fileName.endsWith(".csv"), "outputPath must end with .csv"); Path dir = outputPath.getParent().resolve(fileName.substring(0, fileName.length() - 4)); Files.createDirectories(dir); // Execute run to write PreviewResult's Page objects to output files ConfigSource runConfig = newConfig() .set("in", newConfig().set("type", "preview_result")) // in: config .set("out", newConfig() // out: config .set("type", "file") .set("path_prefix", dir.resolve("fragments_").toString()) .set("file_ext", "csv") .set("formatter", newConfig() .set("type", "csv") .set("header_line", false) .set("newline", "LF")));; return buildPreviewResultWithOutput(result, dir, outputPath); } public RunResult run() throws IOException { checkState(inConfig != null, "in config must be set"); checkState(outputPath != null, "outputPath must be set"); String fileName = outputPath.getFileName().toString(); checkArgument(fileName.endsWith(".csv"), "outputPath must end with .csv"); Path dir = outputPath.getParent().resolve(fileName.substring(0, fileName.length() - 4)); Files.createDirectories(dir); // exec: config execConfig.set("min_output_tasks", 1); // out: config ConfigSource outConfig = newConfig() .set("type", "file") .set("path_prefix", dir.resolve("fragments_").toString()) .set("file_ext", "csv") .set("formatter", newConfig() .set("type", "csv") .set("header_line", false) .set("newline", "LF")); // combine exec:, out: and in: ConfigSource config = newConfig() .set("exec", execConfig) .set("in", inConfig) .set("filters", filtersConfig) .set("out", outConfig); // returns TestingBulkLoader.TestingExecutionResult because // LoaderState.buildExecuteResultWithWarningException is overridden. RunResult result = (RunResult); return buildRunResultWithOutput(result, dir, outputPath); } } public class ParserBuilder { private ConfigSource parserConfig = newConfig(); private ConfigSource execConfig = newConfig(); private Path inputPath = null; private Path outputPath = null; private ParserBuilder() { } public ParserBuilder parser(ConfigSource parserConfig) { checkNotNull(parserConfig, "parserConfig"); this.parserConfig = parserConfig.deepCopy(); return this; } public ParserBuilder exec(ConfigSource execConfig) { checkNotNull(execConfig, "execConfig"); this.execConfig = execConfig.deepCopy(); return this; } public ParserBuilder inputPath(Path inputPath) { checkNotNull(inputPath, "inputPath"); this.inputPath = inputPath; return this; } public ParserBuilder inputResource(String resourceName) throws IOException { checkNotNull(resourceName, "resourceName"); Path path = createTempFile("csv"); copyResource(resourceName, path); return inputPath(path); } public ParserBuilder outputPath(Path outputPath) { checkNotNull(outputPath, "outputPath"); this.outputPath = outputPath; return this; } public ConfigDiff guess() { checkState(inputPath != null, "inputPath must be set"); // in: config ConfigSource inConfig = newConfig() .set("type", "file") .set("path_prefix", inputPath.toAbsolutePath().toString()); inConfig.set("parser", parserConfig); // config = {exec: execConfig, in: inConfig} ConfigSource config = newConfig() .set("exec", execConfig) .set("in", inConfig); // embed.guess calls GuessExecutor and returns ConfigDiff return embed.guess(config).getNested("in").getNested("parser"); } public RunResult run() throws IOException { checkState(parserConfig != null, "parser config must be set"); checkState(inputPath != null, "inputPath must be set"); checkState(outputPath != null, "outputPath must be set"); String fileName = outputPath.getFileName().toString(); checkArgument(fileName.endsWith(".csv"), "outputPath must end with .csv"); Path dir = outputPath.getParent().resolve(fileName.substring(0, fileName.length() - 4)); Files.createDirectories(dir); // in: config ConfigSource inConfig = newConfig() .set("type", "file") .set("path_prefix", inputPath.toAbsolutePath().toString()); inConfig.set("parser", parserConfig); // exec: config execConfig.set("min_output_tasks", 1); // out: config ConfigSource outConfig = newConfig() .set("type", "file") .set("path_prefix", dir.resolve("fragments_").toString()) .set("file_ext", "csv") .set("formatter", newConfig() .set("type", "csv") .set("header_line", false) .set("newline", "LF")); // config = {exec: execConfig, in: inConfig, out: outConfig} ConfigSource config = newConfig() .set("exec", execConfig) .set("in", inConfig) .set("out", outConfig); // returns TestingBulkLoader.TestingExecutionResult because // LoaderState.buildExecuteResultWithWarningException is overridden. RunResult result = (RunResult); return buildRunResultWithOutput(result, dir, outputPath); } } public class OutputBuilder { private ConfigSource outConfig = null; private ConfigSource execConfig = newConfig(); private Path inputPath; private SchemaConfig inputSchema; public OutputBuilder() { } public OutputBuilder out(ConfigSource outConfig) { checkNotNull(outConfig, "outConfig"); this.outConfig = outConfig; return this; } public OutputBuilder exec(ConfigSource execConfig) { checkNotNull(execConfig, "execConfig"); this.execConfig = execConfig; return this; } public OutputBuilder inputPath(Path inputPath) { checkNotNull(inputPath, "inputPath"); this.inputPath = inputPath; return this; } public OutputBuilder inputResource(String resourceName) throws IOException { checkNotNull(resourceName, "resourceName"); Path path = createTempFile("csv"); copyResource(resourceName, path); return inputPath(path); } public OutputBuilder inputSchema(SchemaConfig inputSchema) { checkNotNull(inputSchema, "inputSchema"); this.inputSchema = inputSchema; return this; } public RunResult run() throws IOException { checkState(outConfig != null, "out config must be set"); checkState(inputPath != null, "inputPath must be set"); String fileName = inputPath.toAbsolutePath().toString(); checkArgument(fileName.endsWith(".csv"), "inputPath must end with .csv"); // exec: config execConfig.set("min_output_tasks", 1); // in: config ConfigSource inConfig = newConfig() .set("type", "file") .set("path_prefix", fileName) .set("parser", newParserConfig()); // config = {exec: execConfig, in: inConfig, out: outConfig} ConfigSource config = newConfig() .set("exec", execConfig) .set("in", inConfig) .set("out", outConfig); // returns TestingBulkLoader.TestingExecutionResult because // LoaderState.buildExecuteResultWithWarningException is overridden. return (RunResult); } private ConfigSource newParserConfig() { return newConfig() .set("charset", "UTF-8") .set("newline", "LF") .set("type", "csv") .set("delimiter", ",") .set("quote", "\"") .set("escape", "\"") .set("columns", newSchemaConfig()); } private SchemaConfig newSchemaConfig() { ImmutableList.Builder schema = ImmutableList.builder(); try (BufferedReader reader = newBufferedReader(inputPath, UTF_8)) { for (String column : reader.readLine().split(",")) { ColumnConfig columnConfig = newColumnConfig(column); if (columnConfig != null) { schema.add(columnConfig); } } return new SchemaConfig(; } catch (IOException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } private ColumnConfig newColumnConfig(String column) { String[] tuple = column.split(":", 2); checkArgument(tuple.length == 2, "tuple must be a pair of column name and type"); String type = tuple[1]; if (!SUPPORTED_TYPES.contains(type)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(ENGLISH, "Unknown column type %s. Supported types are boolean, long, double, string, timestamp and json: %s", tuple[1], column)); } return new ColumnConfig(newConfig() .set("name", tuple[0]) .set("type", type)); } } private PreviewResult buildPreviewResultWithOutput(PreviewResult result, Path outputDir, Path outputPath) throws IOException { copyToPath(outputDir, outputPath); return result; } private RunResult buildRunResultWithOutput(RunResult result, Path outputDir, Path outputPath) throws IOException { copyToPath(outputDir, outputPath); return result; } private void copyToPath(Path outputDir, Path outputPath) throws IOException { try (OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream(outputPath)) { List fragments = new ArrayList(); try (DirectoryStream stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(outputDir, "fragments_*.csv")) { for (Path fragment : stream) { fragments.add(fragment); } } Collections.sort(fragments); for (Path fragment : fragments) { try (InputStream in = Files.newInputStream(fragment)) { ByteStreams.copy(in, out); } } } } public InputBuilder inputBuilder() { return new InputBuilder(); } public ParserBuilder parserBuilder() { return new ParserBuilder(); } public OutputBuilder outputBuilder() { return new OutputBuilder(); } public RunResult runParser(ConfigSource parserConfig, Path inputPath, Path outputPath) throws IOException { return parserBuilder() .parser(parserConfig) .inputPath(inputPath) .outputPath(outputPath) .run(); } public RunResult runParser(ConfigSource parserConfig, Path inputPath, Path outputPath, ConfigSource execConfig) throws IOException { return parserBuilder() .parser(parserConfig) .inputPath(inputPath) .outputPath(outputPath) .exec(execConfig) .run(); } public RunResult runInput(ConfigSource inConfig, Path outputPath) throws IOException { return inputBuilder() .in(inConfig) .outputPath(outputPath) .run(); } public RunResult runInput(ConfigSource inConfig, Path outputPath, ConfigSource execConfig) throws IOException { return inputBuilder() .exec(execConfig) .in(inConfig) .outputPath(outputPath) .run(); } public RunResult runOutput(ConfigSource outConfig, Path inputPath) throws IOException { return outputBuilder() .out(outConfig) .inputPath(inputPath) .run(); } public RunResult runOutput(ConfigSource outConfig, Path inputPath, ConfigSource execConfig) throws IOException { return outputBuilder() .exec(execConfig) .out(outConfig) .inputPath(inputPath) .run(); } public ConfigDiff guessInput(ConfigSource inSeedConfig) { return inputBuilder() .in(inSeedConfig) .guess(); } public ConfigDiff guessInput(ConfigSource inSeedConfig, ConfigSource execConfig) { return inputBuilder() .exec(execConfig) .in(inSeedConfig) .guess(); } public ConfigDiff guessParser(Path inputPath) { return parserBuilder() .inputPath(inputPath) .guess(); } public ConfigDiff guessParser(ConfigSource parserSeedConfig, Path inputPath) { return parserBuilder() .parser(parserSeedConfig) .inputPath(inputPath) .guess(); } public ConfigDiff guessParser(ConfigSource parserSeedConfig, Path inputPath, ConfigSource execConfig) { return parserBuilder() .parser(parserSeedConfig) .inputPath(inputPath) .exec(execConfig) .guess(); } // TODO add runFilter(ConfigSource filterConfig, Path inputPath, Path outputPath) where inputPath is a path to // a CSV file whose column types can be naturally guessed using csv guess plugin. }