# # Author:: Daniel DeLeo (<dan@getchef.com>) # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 Chef Software, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'spec_helper' require 'tempfile' require 'chef/workstation_config_loader' describe Chef::WorkstationConfigLoader do let(:explicit_config_location) { nil } let(:env) { {} } let(:config_loader) do described_class.new(explicit_config_location).tap do |c| allow(c).to receive(:env).and_return(env) end end # Test methods that do I/O or reference external state which are stubbed out # elsewhere. describe "external dependencies" do let(:config_loader) { described_class.new(nil) } it "delegates to ENV for env" do expect(config_loader.env).to equal(ENV) end it "tests a path's existence" do expect(config_loader.path_exists?('/nope/nope/nope/nope/frab/jab/nab')).to be(false) expect(config_loader.path_exists?(__FILE__)).to be(true) end end describe "locating the config file" do context "without an explicit config" do before do allow(config_loader).to receive(:path_exists?).with(an_instance_of(String)).and_return(false) end it "has no config if HOME is not set" do expect(config_loader.config_location).to be(nil) expect(config_loader.no_config_found?).to be(true) end context "when HOME is set and contains a knife.rb" do let(:home) { "/Users/example.user" } before do env["HOME"] = home allow(config_loader).to receive(:path_exists?).with("#{home}/.chef/knife.rb").and_return(true) end it "uses the config in HOME/.chef/knife.rb" do expect(config_loader.config_location).to eq("#{home}/.chef/knife.rb") end context "and has a config.rb" do before do allow(config_loader).to receive(:path_exists?).with("#{home}/.chef/config.rb").and_return(true) end it "uses the config in HOME/.chef/config.rb" do expect(config_loader.config_location).to eq("#{home}/.chef/config.rb") end context "and/or a parent dir contains a .chef dir" do let(:env_pwd) { "/path/to/cwd" } before do if Chef::Platform.windows? env["CD"] = env_pwd else env["PWD"] = env_pwd end allow(config_loader).to receive(:path_exists?).with("#{env_pwd}/.chef/knife.rb").and_return(true) allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with("#{env_pwd}/.chef").and_return(true) allow(File).to receive(:directory?).with("#{env_pwd}/.chef").and_return(true) end it "prefers the config from parent_dir/.chef" do expect(config_loader.config_location).to eq("#{env_pwd}/.chef/knife.rb") end context "and the parent dir's .chef dir has a config.rb" do before do allow(config_loader).to receive(:path_exists?).with("#{env_pwd}/.chef/config.rb").and_return(true) end it "prefers the config from parent_dir/.chef" do expect(config_loader.config_location).to eq("#{env_pwd}/.chef/config.rb") end context "and/or the current working directory contains a .chef dir" do let(:cwd) { Dir.pwd } before do allow(config_loader).to receive(:path_exists?).with("#{cwd}/knife.rb").and_return(true) end it "prefers a knife.rb located in the cwd" do expect(config_loader.config_location).to eq("#{cwd}/knife.rb") end context "and the CWD's .chef dir has a config.rb" do before do allow(config_loader).to receive(:path_exists?).with("#{cwd}/config.rb").and_return(true) end it "prefers a config located in the cwd" do expect(config_loader.config_location).to eq("#{cwd}/config.rb") end context "and/or KNIFE_HOME is set" do let(:knife_home) { "/path/to/knife/home" } before do env["KNIFE_HOME"] = knife_home allow(config_loader).to receive(:path_exists?).with("#{knife_home}/knife.rb").and_return(true) end it "prefers a knife located in KNIFE_HOME" do expect(config_loader.config_location).to eq("/path/to/knife/home/knife.rb") end context "and KNIFE_HOME contains a config.rb" do before do env["KNIFE_HOME"] = knife_home allow(config_loader).to receive(:path_exists?).with("#{knife_home}/config.rb").and_return(true) end it "prefers a config.rb located in KNIFE_HOME" do expect(config_loader.config_location).to eq("/path/to/knife/home/config.rb") end end end end end end end end end context "when the current working dir is inside a symlinked directory" do before do # pwd according to your shell is /home/someuser/prod/chef-repo, but # chef-repo is a symlink to /home/someuser/codes/chef-repo env["CD"] = "/home/someuser/prod/chef-repo" # windows env["PWD"] = "/home/someuser/prod/chef-repo" # unix Dir.stub(:pwd).and_return("/home/someuser/codes/chef-repo") end it "loads the config from the non-dereferenced directory path" do expect(File).to receive(:exist?).with("/home/someuser/prod/chef-repo/.chef").and_return(false) expect(File).to receive(:exist?).with("/home/someuser/prod/.chef").and_return(true) expect(File).to receive(:directory?).with("/home/someuser/prod/.chef").and_return(true) expect(config_loader).to receive(:path_exists?).with("/home/someuser/prod/.chef/knife.rb").and_return(true) expect(config_loader.config_location).to eq("/home/someuser/prod/.chef/knife.rb") end end end context "when given an explicit config to load" do let(:explicit_config_location) { "/path/to/explicit/config.rb" } it "prefers the explicit config" do expect(config_loader.config_location).to eq(explicit_config_location) end end end describe "loading the config file" do context "when no explicit config is specifed and no implicit config is found" do before do allow(config_loader).to receive(:path_exists?).with(an_instance_of(String)).and_return(false) end it "skips loading" do expect(config_loader.config_location).to be(nil) expect(config_loader.load).to be(false) end end context "when an explict config is given but it doesn't exist" do let(:explicit_config_location) { "/nope/nope/nope/frab/jab/nab" } it "raises a configuration error" do expect { config_loader.load }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::ConfigurationError) end end context "when the config file exists" do let(:config_content) { "" } let(:explicit_config_location) do # could use described_class, but remove all ':' from the path if so. t = Tempfile.new("Chef-WorkstationConfigLoader-rspec-test") t.print(config_content) t.close t.path end after { File.unlink(explicit_config_location) if File.exists?(explicit_config_location) } context "and is valid" do let(:config_content) { "config_file_evaluated(true)" } it "loads the config" do expect(config_loader.load).to be(true) expect(Chef::Config.config_file_evaluated).to be(true) end it "sets Chef::Config.config_file" do config_loader.load expect(Chef::Config.config_file).to eq(explicit_config_location) end end context "and has a syntax error" do let(:config_content) { "{{{{{:{{" } it "raises a ConfigurationError" do expect { config_loader.load }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::ConfigurationError) end end context "and raises a ruby exception during evaluation" do let(:config_content) { ":foo\n:bar\nraise 'oops'\n:baz\n" } it "raises a ConfigurationError" do expect { config_loader.load }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::ConfigurationError) end end end end end