blueprints = [ { group: N_('Proxies'), name: 'pulp_low_disk_space', message: _("%{subject}'s disk is %{percentage} full. Since this proxy is running Pulp, it needs disk space to publish content views. Please ensure the disk does not get full."), level: 'warning', actions: { links: [ path_method: :smart_proxy_path, title: N_('Details') ] } }, { group: N_('Subscriptions'), name: 'subs_expire_soon', message: N_('%{expiring_subs} subscriptions in %{subject} are going to expire in less than %{days} days. Please renew them before they expire to guarantee your hosts will continue receiving content.'), level: 'warning' }, { group: N_('Subscriptions'), name: 'manifest_import_success', message: N_('Manifest in \'%{subject}\' imported.'), level: 'info' }, { group: N_('Subscriptions'), name: 'manifest_import_error', message: N_('Importing manifest into \'%{subject}\' failed.'), level: 'error' }, { group: N_('Subscriptions'), name: 'manifest_refresh_success', message: N_('Manifest in \'%{subject}\' refreshed.'), level: 'info' }, { group: N_('Subscriptions'), name: 'manifest_refresh_error', message: N_('Manifest in \'%{subject}\' failed to refresh.'), level: 'error' }, { group: N_('Subscriptions'), name: 'manifest_delete_success', message: N_('Manifest in \'%{subject}\' deleted.'), level: 'info' }, { group: N_('Subscriptions'), name: 'manifest_delete_error', message: N_('Deleting manifest in \'%{subject}\' failed.'), level: 'error' } ] blueprints.each { |blueprint| }