# RocketCMS Rails + RailsAdmin + Mongoid/PostgreSQL + Elasticsearch/pg_search (optional) **Before 1.0 API and class names should be considered unstable and can change at any time!** ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'rocket_cms_mongoid' or: gem 'rocket_cms_activerecord' Or, if you don't need CKeditor, GeoCoder, mongoid-audit\paper_trail: gem 'rocket_cms_mongoid_light' gem 'rocket_cms_activerecord_light' *Only PostgreSQL is tested or supported for AR. Others will probably work, but untested.* And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install rocket_cms For activerecord, generate migrations and run them rails g rails_admin_settings:migration rails g rocket_cms:migration rake db:migrate ## Usage ### Using app generator Make sure you have rails 4.1/4.2/5.0 installed rails -v If not, uninstall rails and install again gem uninstall rails gem install rocket_cms Then, for mongoid: rails new my_app -T -O -m https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rs-pro/rocket_cms/master/template.rb for ActiveRecord: rails new my_app -T --database=postgresql -m https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rs-pro/rocket_cms/master/template.rb generator creates a new RVM gemset, so after cd'ing to app dir, you should run `bundle install` again if you use rvm. ### Localization All models included in the gem support localization via either [hstore_translate](https://github.com/Leadformance/hstore_translate) or built-in Mongoid localize: true option. You can get a nice admin UI for editing locales by adding [rails_admin_hstore_translate](https://github.com/glebtv/rails_admin_hstore_translate) or [rails_admin_mongoid_localize_field](https://github.com/sudosu/rails_admin_mongoid_localize_field) Add to: ```app/models/page.rb``` ```ruby class Page < ActiveRecord::Base include RocketCMS::Models::Page RocketCMS.apply_patches self rails_admin &RocketCMS.page_config def regexp_prefix "(?:\/ru|\/en)?" end end ``` Wrap your routes with locale scope: ```ruby scope "(:locale)", locale: /en|ru/ do get 'contacts' => 'contacts#new', as: :contacts post 'contacts' => 'contacts#create', as: :create_contacts end ``` Add to application_controller.rb: ```ruby class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base include RocketCMS::Controller include RsLocalizeable end ``` Enable localization in RocketCMS: ```ruby RocketCMS.configure do |rc| rc.news_image_styles = {small: '107x126#'} rc.contacts_captcha = true rc.contacts_message_required = true ... rc.localize = true end ``` Add ```rails_admin_hstore_translate``` or ```hstore_translate``` gem if using PostgreSQL: ```ruby gem 'rails_admin_hstore_translate' ``` or ```ruby gem 'hstore_translate' ``` or ```ruby gem 'jsonb_translate' # requires postgresql 9.4 ``` Add ```rails_admin_mongoid_localize_field``` gem if using MongoDB: ```ruby gem 'rails_admin_mongoid_localize_field' ``` ### Capistrano generator rails g rocket_cms:capify data/home unicorn_port domain_name designed to be used together with our ansible app setup script. ### Documentation It's basically Rails Admin + some of our common models and controllers, capistrano config, etc. See their documentation for more info ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request