require_relative './file' require_relative '../util' module Builderator # :nodoc module Config ## # Global predefined defaults ## GLOBAL_DEFAULTS ={}, :source => 'GLOBAL_DEFAULTS') do cleanup true version '0.0.0' build_number 0 autoversion do |autoversion| autoversion.create_tags false autoversion.search_tags true end local do |local| local.cookbook_path Util.workspace('cookbooks') end chef do |chef| chef.log_level :info chef.staging_directory '/var/chef' chef.version = '12.5.1' end cookbook do |cookbook| cookbook.path = '.' cookbook.add_source '' end berkshelf do |berkshelf| berkshelf.solver :gecode end aws.region 'us-east-1' profile :default do |profile| profile.log_level :info profile.vagrant do |vagrant| vagrant.ec2 do |ec2| ec2.provider :aws 'dummy' ec2.box_url '' ec2.region = 'us-east-1' ec2.instance_type 't2.micro' ec2.ssh_username 'ubuntu' ec2.ssh_host_attribute :public_ip_address end vagrant.local do |local| local.provider :virtualbox ## Atlas metadata for Ubuntu cloud-images: 'ubuntu/trusty64' local.memory 1024 local.cpus 2 end end profile.packer do |packer| :default do |build| build.type 'amazon-ebs' build.region = 'us-east-1' build.instance_type 'c3.large' build.ami_virtualization_type 'hvm' build.ssh_username 'ubuntu' # Packer default is 300 seconds. Specify as a string to give units # such as s (seconds), ms (milliseconds), ns (nanoseconds), etc. # Ints will be interpreted as ns. Buyer beware. build.ssh_timeout '300s' build.ami_name [Config.build_name, Config.version, Config.build_number].reject(&:nil?).join('-') build.ami_description Config.description end end end profile :docker do |profile| profile.log_level :info profile.packer do |packer| :docker do |build| build.type 'docker' end end end cleaner do |cleaner| cleaner.commit false cleaner.force false cleaner.filters {} cleaner.sort_by 'creation_date' cleaner.keep 5 cleaner.limits do |limits| limits.images 24 limits.launch_configs 48 limits.snapshots 24 limits.volumes 8 end end generator.project :default do |default| default.builderator.version '~> 1.0' default.vagrant do |vagrant| vagrant.install false vagrant.version 'v1.8.0' vagrant.plugin 'vagrant-aws' vagrant.plugin 'vagrant-omnibus' end default.resource :berksfile do |berksfile| berksfile.path 'Berksfile', 'Berksfile.lock' berksfile.action :rm end default.resource :buildfile do |buildfile| buildfile.path 'Buildfile' buildfile.action :create buildfile.template 'template/Buildfile.erb' end default.resource :cookbook do |cookbook| cookbook.path 'cookbook' cookbook.action :rm end default.resource :gemfile do |gemfile| gemfile.path 'Gemfile' gemfile.action :create gemfile.template 'template/Gemfile.erb' end default.resource :gitignore do |gitignore| gitignore.path '.gitignore' gitignore.action :create gitignore.template 'template/gitignore.erb' end default.resource :packerfile do |packerfile| packerfile.path 'packer.json', 'packer' packerfile.action :rm end default.resource :rubocop do |rubocop| rubocop.path '.rubocop.yml' rubocop.action :create rubocop.template 'template/rubocop.erb' end default.resource :readme do |readme| readme.path '' readme.action :create readme.template 'template/' end default.resource :thorfile do |thorfile| thorfile.path 'Thorfile' thorfile.action :rm end default.resource :vagrantfile do |vagrantfile| vagrantfile.path 'Vagrantfile' vagrantfile.action :rm end end end end end