#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # This file exists to build the list of Gems to be installed in images built # using the Dockerfiles (see `build-dockerfiles.rb`). Note that the list of Gems # used for testing (copied from that used for image Version 0.1.9) has version # numbers specified for *each Gem*. Notice further that each Gem specified would # be explicitly included in a `Gemfile` (as of Conversagence `dev-14` builds), # rather than dependencies of such Gems (`dry-monads` is a special case.) These # two aspects are **critically important** to making this whole system work # correctly. Experience has shown that *not* having a set of Gems locked down in # this manner, or relying on the Gemfiles of client apps to Do The Right Thing, # is a recipe for a) insanity and b) the utter waste of arbitrary, non-trivial # amounts of time playing Whac-A-Mole(TM) with N-to-the-N independently moving # parts. # def deps_for(name_spec) name, version = name_spec.split(':') version ||= Gem.latest_version_for(name) dep = Gem::Dependency.new name, version deps = Array(Gem.latest_spec_for(name.to_s).dependencies) deps = [dep] + deps.reject { |gem| gem.type == :development } deps.flatten.sort end def all_deps_for(list) list.map { |gem| deps_for(gem) }.flatten.sort end # `list` must be in order as per client Gemfile; to get the values for `list`, # run the following in a Pry session in the directory containing the Gemfile: # # list = File.open('Gemfile', 'r') do |f| # f.lines.to_a }. # map(&:strip). # select { |s| s.start_with? 'gem ' }. # map { |str| str[5..-1] }. # map { |str| str.sub(/(\w)\'.*$/, '\1') } # end def gem_strings(list) resolved = Gem::Resolver.new(all_deps_for(list)).resolve resolved.map { |req| req.full_name.sub(/\-(\d)/, ':\1') } end list = [ 'bcrypt:3.1.13', 'dry-matcher:0.8.0', 'dry-monads:1.3.0', 'flay:2.12.0', 'flog:4.6.2', 'github-markup:3.0.4', 'guard:2.15.0', 'guard-minitest:2.4.6', 'guard-rake:1.0.0', 'guard-rubocop:1.3.0', 'guard-shell:0.7.1', 'hanami-model:1.3.2', 'inch:0.8.0', # 'minitest-fail-fast:0.1.0', 'minitest-hooks:1.5.0', 'minitest-matchers:1.4.1', 'minitest-reporters:1.3.6', 'minitest-tagz:1.7.0', 'minitest:5.11.3', # XXX: A useful Gem, but not needed for what we were considering using it for # immediately. # 'monotime:0.6.1', 'pry-byebug:3.7.0', 'pry-doc:1.0.0', 'rake:12.3.3', 'redcarpet:3.5.0', 'reek:5.4.0', 'rubocop:0.74.0', 'simplecov:0.17.0', 'timecop:0.9.1', 'yard-classmethods:1.0.0', 'yard:0.9.20', 'sqlite3' ] # pp [:file, __FILE__] # gemspec = Gem::Specification.load(File.expand_path('../../crypt_ident.gemspec', # __FILE__)) # pp [:gemspec, gemspec.dependencies.map(&:to_s)] # list2 = gemspec.dependencies.map do |dep| # [dep.name, dep.to_spec.version.to_s].join(':') # end # require 'pry-byebug'; binding.pry puts gem_strings(list).join(' ')