module Nylas # Plain HTTP client that can be used to interact with the Nylas API sans any type casting. class HttpClient HTTP_CODE_TO_EXCEPTIONS = { 400 => InvalidRequest, 402 => MessageRejected, 403 => AccessDenied, 404 => ResourceNotFound, 422 => MailProviderError, 429 => SendingQuotaExceeded, 500 => InternalError, 502 => BadGateway, 503 => ServiceUnavailable }.freeze include Logging attr_accessor :api_server, :default_headers attr_reader :access_token attr_reader :app_id attr_reader :app_secret # @param app_id [String] Your application id from the Nylas Dashboard # @param app_secret [String] Your application secret from the Nylas Dashboard # @param access_token [String] (Optional) Your users access token. # @param api_server [String] (Optional) Which Nylas API Server to connect to. Only change this if # you're using a self-hosted Nylas instance. # @param service_domain [String] (Optional) Host you are authenticating OAuth against. # @return [Nylas::API] def initialize(app_id:, app_secret:, access_token: nil, api_server: "", service_domain: "") unless api_server.include?("://") raise "When overriding the Nylas API server address, you must include https://" end @api_server = api_server @access_token = access_token @app_secret = app_secret @app_id = app_id @service_domain = service_domain end # Sends a request to the Nylas API and rai # @param method [Symbol] HTTP method for the API call. Either :get, :post, :delete, or :patch # @param url [String] (Optional, defaults to nil) - Full URL to access. Deprecated and will be removed in # 5.0. # @param path [String] (Optional, defaults to nil) - Relative path from the API Base. Preferred way to # execute arbitrary or-not-yet-SDK-ified API commands. # @param headers [Hash] (Optional, defaults to {}) - Additional HTTP headers to include in the payload. # @param query [Hash] (Optional, defaults to {}) - Hash of names and values to include in the query # section of the URI fragment # @param payload [String,Hash] (Optional, defaults to nil) - Body to send with the request. # @return [Array Hash Stringn] # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists def execute(method:, url: nil, path: nil, headers: {}, query: {}, payload: nil) headers[:params] = query url ||= url_for_path(path) resulting_headers = default_headers.merge(headers) rest_client_execute(method: method, url: url, payload: payload, headers: resulting_headers) do |response, _request, result| response = parse_response(response) handle_failed_response(result: result, response: response) response end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ParameterLists inform_on :execute, level: :debug, also_log: { result: true, values: %i(method url path headers query payload) } # Syntactical sugar for making GET requests via the API. # @see #execute def get(path: nil, url: nil, headers: {}, query: {}) execute(method: :get, path: path, query: query, url: url, headers: headers) end # Syntactical sugar for making POST requests via the API. # @see #execute def post(path: nil, url: nil, payload: nil, headers: {}, query: {}) execute(method: :post, path: path, url: url, headers: headers, query: query, payload: payload) end # Syntactical sugar for making PUT requests via the API. # @see #execute def put(path: nil, url: nil, payload:, headers: {}, query: {}) execute(method: :put, path: path, url: url, headers: headers, query: query, payload: payload) end # Syntactical sugar for making DELETE requests via the API. # @see #execute def delete(path: nil, url: nil, payload: nil, headers: {}, query: {}) execute(method: :delete, path: path, url: url, headers: headers, query: query, payload: payload) end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ParameterList private def rest_client_execute(method:, url:, headers:, payload:, &block) ::RestClient::Request.execute(method: method, url: url, payload: payload, headers: headers, &block) end inform_on :rest_client_execute, level: :debug, also_log: { result: true, values: %i(method url headers payload) } def default_headers @default_headers ||= { "X-Nylas-API-Wrapper" => "ruby", "User-Agent" => "Nylas Ruby SDK #{Nylas::VERSION} - #{RUBY_VERSION}", "Content-types" => "application/json" } end private def parse_response(response) response.is_a?(Enumerable) ? response : JSON.parse(response, symbolize_names: true) rescue JSON::ParserError response end private def url_for_path(path) raise NoAuthToken if @access_token.nil? && (!@app_secret.nil? || !@app_id.nil?) protocol, domain = @api_server.split("//") "#{protocol}//#{@access_token}:@#{domain}#{path}" end private def handle_failed_response(result:, response:) http_code = result.code.to_i handle_anticipated_failure_mode(http_code: http_code, response: response) raise UnexpectedResponse, result.msg if result.is_a?(Net::HTTPClientError) end private def handle_anticipated_failure_mode(http_code:, response:) return if http_code == 200 return unless response.is_a?(Hash) exception = HTTP_CODE_TO_EXCEPTIONS.fetch(http_code, APIError) raise["type"], response["message"], response.fetch("server_error", nil)) end end end