module Layout # A call to this function is mandatory when creating a graph. # The upper left and bottom right border positions are used as arguments. # This area will be used to draw graphs, grid, axis & more. # Calling this function will not draw anything this will only set the graph area boundaries. def set_graph_area(x1,y1,x2,y2) @g_area_x1 = x1 @g_area_y1 = y1 @g_area_x2 = x2 @g_area_y2 = y2 end # Prepare the graph area def draw_graph_area(r,g,b,stripe=false) draw_filled_rectangle(@g_area_x1,@g_area_y1,@g_area_x2,@g_area_y2,r,g,b,false) draw_rectangle(@g_area_x1,@g_area_y1,@g_area_x2,@g_area_y2,r-40,g-40,b-40) i=0 if stripe r2 = r-15 r2 = 0 if r2<0 g2 = r-15 g2 = 0 if g2 < 0 b2 = r-15 b2 = 0 if b2 < 0 line_color = allocate_color(@picture,r2,g2,b2) skew_width = @g_area_y2-@g_area_y1-1 i = @g_area_x1-skew_width while i.to_f<=@g_area_x2.to_f x1 = i y1 = @g_area_y2 x2 = i+skew_width y2 = @g_area_y1 if ( x1 < @g_area_x1 ) x1 = @g_area_x1 y1 = @g_area_y1 + x2 - @g_area_x1 + 1 end if ( x2 >= @g_area_x2 ) y2 = @g_area_y1 + x2 - @g_area_x2 +1 x2 = @g_area_x2 - 1 end image_line(@picture,x1,y1,x2,y2+1,r2,g2,b2) i = i+4 end end end # This function will draw a grid over the graph area. # line_width will be passed to the draw_dotted_line function. # The r,g,b 3 parameters are used to set the grid color. # Setting mosaic to true will draw grey area between two lines. # You can define the transparency factor of the mosaic area playing with the alpha parameter. def draw_grid(line_width,mosaic=true,r=220,g=220,b=220,alpha=100) # Draw mosaic */ if (mosaic) layer_width = @g_area_x2-@g_area_x1 layer_height = @g_area_y2-@g_area_y1 @layers[0] = image_create_true_color(layer_width,layer_height) #c_white = allocate_color(@layers[0],255,255,255) image_filled_rectangle(@layers[0],0,0,layer_width,layer_height,255,255,255) image_color_transparent(@layers[0],255,255,255) #c_rectangle =allocate_color(@layers[0],250,250,250) y_pos = layer_height #@g_area_y2-1 last_y = y_pos i =0 while(i<=@division_count) last_y= y_pos y_pos = y_pos - @division_height y_pos = 1 if ( y_pos <= 0 ) image_filled_rectangle(@layers[0],1, y_pos,layer_width-1,last_y,250,250,250) if ( i % 2 == 0 ) i = i+1 end image_copy_merge(@layers[0],@picture,@g_area_x1,@g_area_y1,0,0,layer_width,layer_height,alpha) #image_destroy(@layers[0]) end #Horizontal lines y_pos = @g_area_y2 - @division_height i=1 while(i<=@division_count) self.draw_dotted_line(@g_area_x1,y_pos,@g_area_x2,y_pos,line_width,r,g,b) if ( y_pos > @g_area_y1 && y_pos < @g_area_y2 ) y_pos = y_pos - @division_height i = i+1 end # Vertical lines if (@g_area_x_offset == 0 ) x_pos = @g_area_x1 + (@division_width) +@g_area_x_offset col_count = (@data_count.to_f-2).floor else x_pos = @g_area_x1 +@g_area_x_offset col_count = ( (@g_area_x2 - @g_area_x1) / @division_width ) end i= 1 while (i<=col_count) if ( x_pos > @g_area_x1 && x_pos < @g_area_x2 ) self.draw_dotted_line((x_pos).floor,@g_area_y1,(x_pos).floor,@g_area_y2,line_width,r,g,b) end x_pos = x_pos + @division_width i= i+1 end end # This function will draw an horizontal treshold ( this is an easy way to draw the 0 line ). # If show_label is set to true, the value of the treshold will be written over the graph. # If show_on_right is set to true, the value will be written on the right side of the graph. # r, g and b are used to set the line and text color. # Use tick_width to set the width of the ticks, if set to 0 this will draw a solid line. # You can optionnaly provide the caption of the treshold (by default the treshold value is used) def draw_treshold(value,r,g,b,show_label=false,show_on_right=false,tick_width=4,free_text=nil) b, g, r = validate_color(b, g, r) c_text_color =allocate_color(@picture,r,g,b) # c_text_color =,g,b) y = @g_area_y2 - (value - @vmin.to_f) * @division_ratio.to_f return(-1) if ( y <= @g_area_y1 || y >= @g_area_y2 ) if ( tick_width == 0 ) self.draw_line(@g_area_x1,y,@g_area_x2,y,r,g,b) else self.draw_dotted_line(@g_area_x1,y,@g_area_x2,y,tick_width,r,g,b) end if (show_label ) if ( free_text.nil? ) label = value else label = free_text end if ( show_on_right ) image_ttf_text(@picture,@font_size,0,@g_area_x2+2,y+(@font_size/2),c_text_color,@font_name,label.to_s) else image_ttf_text(@picture,@font_size,0,@g_area_x1+2,y-(@font_size/2),c_text_color,@font_name,label.to_s) end end end # This function will draw an area between two data series. # extracting the minimum and maximum value for each X positions. # You must specify the two series name and the area color. # You can specify the transparency which is set to 50% by default. def draw_area(data,serie1,serie2,r,g,b,alpha = 50) validate_data("draw_area",data) layer_width = @g_area_x2-@g_area_x1 layer_height = @g_area_y2-@g_area_y1 @layers[0] = image_create_true_color(layer_width,layer_height) image_filled_rectangle(@layers[0],0,0,layer_width,layer_height,255,255,255) image_color_transparent(@layers[0],255,255,255) x_pos = @g_area_x_offset last_x_pos = -1 last_y_pos1 = nil last_y_pos2= nil data.each do |key| value1 = key[serie1] value2 = key[serie2] y_pos1 = layer_height - ((value1-@vmin) * @division_ratio) y_pos2 = layer_height - ((value2-@vmin) * @division_ratio) if ( last_x_pos != -1 ) points = [] points << last_x_pos points << last_y_pos1 points << last_x_pos points << last_y_pos2 points << x_pos points << y_pos2 points << x_pos points << y_pos1 image_filled_polygon(@layers[0],points,r,g,b,4) end last_y_pos1 = y_pos1 last_y_pos2 = y_pos2 last_x_pos = x_pos x_pos= x_pos+ @division_width end image_copy_merge(@layers[0],@picture,@g_area_x1,@g_area_y1,0,0,layer_width,layer_height,alpha) image_destroy(@layers[0]) end # Use this function to add a border to your picture. Be carefull, drawing a border will change all the chart components positions, thus this call must be the last one before one of the rendering methods!!! # You can specify the size of the border and its color. # The width and height of the picture will be modified by 2x the size value. def add_border(size=3,r=0,g=0,b=0) width = @x_size+2*size height = @y_size+2*size resampled = image_create_true_color(width,height) image_filled_rectangle(resampled,0,0,width,height, r, g, b) image_copy(@picture,resampled,size,size,0,0,@x_size,@y_size) image_destroy(@picture) @x_size = width @y_size = height @picture = image_create_true_color(@x_size,@y_size) image_filled_rectangle(@picture,0,0,@x_size,@y_size,255,255,255) image_color_transparent(@picture,255,255,255) image_copy(resampled,@picture,0,0,0,0,@x_size,@y_size) end # You can use this function to display the values contained in the series on top of the charts. # It is possible to specify one or multiple series to display using and array. def write_values(data,data_description,series) data_description = self.validate_data_description("write_values",data_description) validate_data("write_values",data) series = [series] if ( !series.is_a?(Array)) id = 0 color_id =0 series.each do |col_name| data_description["description"].each do |key_i,value_i| if ( key_i == col_name ) color_id = id id = id+1 end end xpos = @g_area_x1 + @g_area_x_offset xlast = -1 data.each do |key| if ((!key[col_name].nil?) && (key[col_name].is_a?(Numeric))) value = key[col_name] ypos = @g_area_y2 - ((value-@vmin) * @division_ratio) positions = image_ftb_box(@font_size,0,@font_name,value.to_s) width = positions[2] - positions[6] x_offset = xpos - (width/2) height = positions[3] - positions[7] y_offset = ypos - 4 c_text_color = allocate_color(@picture,@palette[color_id]["r"],@palette[color_id]["g"],@palette[color_id]["b"]); image_ttf_text(@picture,@font_size,0,x_offset,y_offset,c_text_color,@font_name,value.to_s) end xpos = xpos + @division_width end end end # Use this function to enable error reporting during the chart rendering. # By default messages are redirected to the console while using the render command and using GD while using the stroke command. # You can force the errors to be redirected to either cli or gd specifying it as parameter. def report_warnings(interface="cli") @error_reporting = true @error_interface = interface end end