# frozen_string_literal: true module Danger # This plugin provides methods to check for the presence of unit tests for newly added classes in a pull request. # # @example Check missing unit tests using the default parameters: # android_unit_test_checker.check_missing_tests # # @example Check missing unit tests while excluding certain classes, subclasses, and paths: # android_unit_test_checker.check_missing_tests( # classes_exceptions: [/ViewHolder$/], # subclasses_exceptions: [/RecyclerView/], # path_exceptions: ['*.java', 'org/app/ui/**'] # ) # # @example Check missing unit tests with a custom bypass label: # android_unit_test_checker.check_missing_tests(bypass_label: 'BypassTestCheck') # # @example Check missing unit tests excluding certain classes, subclasses and paths: # android_unit_test_checker.check_missing_tests(classes_exceptions: [/ViewHolder$/], subclasses_exceptions: [/RecyclerView/], path_exceptions: ['*.java', 'org/app/ui/**']) # # @see Automattic/dangermattic # @tags android, unit test, github, pull request # class AndroidUnitTestChecker < Plugin ANY_CLASS_DETECTOR = /class\s+([A-Z]\w+)\s*(.*?)\s*{/m CLASS_MODIFIER_DETECTOR = /((?:\s|public|internal|protected|private|final|abstract|static|data|enum|sealed|value)*)class\s+([A-Z]\w+)\s*(.*?)\s*{/m CLASS_MODIFIER_EXCEPTIONS = [ /\s*data\s*/, /\s*private\s*/, /\s*enum\s*/, /\s*sealed\s*/, /\s*value\s*/ ].freeze DEFAULT_CLASSES_EXCEPTIONS = [ /ViewHolder$/, /Module$/, /Button$/ ].freeze DEFAULT_SUBCLASSES_EXCEPTIONS = [ /(Fragment|Activity)\b/, /RecyclerView/, /^BroadcastReceiver$/, /^ContentProvider$/, /Service$/, /View$/, /ViewGroup$/, /Layout$/ ].freeze DEFAULT_UNIT_TESTS_BYPASS_PR_LABEL = 'unit-tests-exemption' # Check and warns about missing unit tests for a Git diff, with optional classes/subclasses to ignore and an # optional PR label to bypass the checks. # # @param classes_exceptions [Array] Optional list of regexes matching class names to exclude from the # check. # Defaults to DEFAULT_CLASSES_EXCEPTIONS. # @param subclasses_exceptions [Array] Optional list of regexes matching base class names to exclude from # the check. # Defaults to DEFAULT_SUBCLASSES_EXCEPTIONS. # @param path_exceptions [Array] Optional list of file paths to exclude from the check. # Defaults to []. # @param bypass_label [String] Optional label to indicate we can bypass the check. Defaults to # DEFAULT_UNIT_TESTS_BYPASS_PR_LABEL. # # @return [void] def check_missing_tests(classes_exceptions: DEFAULT_CLASSES_EXCEPTIONS, subclasses_exceptions: DEFAULT_SUBCLASSES_EXCEPTIONS, path_exceptions: [], bypass_label: DEFAULT_UNIT_TESTS_BYPASS_PR_LABEL) list = find_classes_missing_tests( git_diff: git.diff, classes_exceptions: classes_exceptions, subclasses_exceptions: subclasses_exceptions, path_exceptions: path_exceptions ) return if list.empty? if danger.github.pr_labels.include?(bypass_label) list.each do |c| warn("Class `#{c.classname}` is missing tests, but `#{bypass_label}` label was set to ignore this.") end else list.each do |c| failure("Please add tests for class `#{c.classname}` (or add `#{bypass_label}` label to ignore this).") end end end private ClassViolation = Struct.new(:classname, :file) # @param git_diff [Git::Diff] the git diff object # @param classes_exceptions [Array] Regexes matching class names to exclude from the check. # @param subclasses_exceptions [Array] Regexes matching base class names to exclude from the check # @param path_exceptions [Array] Regexes matching base class names to exclude from the check # # @return [Array] An array of `ClassViolation` objects for each added class that is missing a test def find_classes_missing_tests(git_diff:, classes_exceptions:, subclasses_exceptions:, path_exceptions:) violations = [] removed_classes = [] added_test_lines = [] # Parse the diff of each file, storing test lines for test files, and added/removed classes for non-test files git_diff.each do |file_diff| file_path = file_diff.path next if path_exceptions.any? { |exception| File.fnmatch?(exception, file_path) } if test_file?(path: file_path) # Store added test lines from test files added_test_lines += file_diff.patch.each_line.select do |line| git_utils.change_type(diff_line: line) == :added end else # Detect added classes (violations) and removed classes in non-test files patch = file_diff.patch violations += find_violations( path: file_path, diff_patch: patch, classes_exceptions: classes_exceptions, subclasses_exceptions: subclasses_exceptions ) removed_classes += find_removed_classes(diff_patch: patch) end end # We only want newly added classes, not if class signature was modified or line was moved violations.reject! { |v| removed_classes.include?(v.classname) } # For each remaining candidate, only keep the ones _not_ used in a new test. # The regex will match usages of this class in any test file violations.select { |v| added_test_lines.none? { |line| line =~ /\b#{v.classname}\b/ } } end # Finds added classes that potentially will require a test (violations) in the given file based on the changes in the diff patch. # # @param path [String] The file in the diff to check for violations. # @param diff_patch [String] The diff patch containing the changes to the file. # @param classes_exceptions [Array] An array of class names that are exceptions and should be ignored. # @param subclasses_exceptions [Array] An array of class names whose subclasses should be ignored as well. # # @return [Array] An array of ClassViolation objects representing the violations found. def find_violations(path:, diff_patch:, classes_exceptions:, subclasses_exceptions:) added_lines = git_utils.added_lines(diff_patch: diff_patch) matches = added_lines.scan(CLASS_MODIFIER_DETECTOR) matches.reject! do |m| class_match_is_exception?( m, path, classes_exceptions, subclasses_exceptions ) end matches.map { |m| ClassViolation.new(m[1], path) } end # Finds the names of removed classes based on the removals the diff patch. # # @param diff_patch [String] The diff patch containing the changes to the file. # # @return [Array] An array with the class names of the classes that were removed in the diff. def find_removed_classes(diff_patch:) removed_lines = git_utils.removed_lines(diff_patch: diff_patch) matches = removed_lines.scan(ANY_CLASS_DETECTOR) matches.map { |m| m[0] } end # @param match [Array] match an array of captured substrings matching our `*_CLASS_DETECTOR` for a given line # @param file [String] file the path to the file where that class declaration line was matched # @param classes_exceptions [Array] Regexes matching class names to exclude from the check. # @param subclasses_exceptions [Array] Regexes matching base class names to exclude from the check # # @return [void] def class_match_is_exception?(match, file, classes_exceptions, subclasses_exceptions) return true if classes_exceptions.any? { |re| match[1] =~ re } return true if CLASS_MODIFIER_EXCEPTIONS.any? { |re| match[0] =~ re } subclass_regexp = File.extname(file) == '.java' ? /extends\s+([A-Z]\w+)/m : /\s*:\s*([A-Z]\w+)/m subclass = match[2].scan(subclass_regexp)&.last&.last subclasses_exceptions.any? { |re| subclass =~ re } end def test_file?(path:) path.match? %r{/(test|androidTest).*\.(java|kt)$} end end end