module Controll::Notify module Macros extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods def handler type, options = {}, &block unless valid_type? type raise ArgumentError, "Notification type must be any of: #{types}, was: #{type}" end clazz_name = "#{parent}::#{type.to_s.camelize}Handler" parent = options[:parent] || Controll::Notify::Base clazz = parent ? : Object.const_set clazz_name, clazz context = self.kind_of?(Class) ? self : self.class clazz = context.const_get(clazz_name) if block_given? clazz.instance_eval &block end clazz end def messages hash = nil, &block unless block_given? || !hash.blank? raise ArgumentError, "Must be called with non-empty Hash or block" end define_method :messages do block_given? ? instance_eval(&block) : hash end end def message event_name, text = nil, &block unless event_name.kind_of?(Symbol) || event_name.kind_of?(String) raise ArgumentError, "First argument must be an event name, was: #{event_name}" end unless block_given? || !text.blank? raise ArgumentError, "Must be called with non-empty String or block" end define_method event_name do block_given? ? instance_eval(&block) : hash end end alias_method :msg, :message protected def valid_type? type types.include? type.to_sym end end end end