module Capistrano class Logger #:nodoc: attr_accessor :level, :device, :disable_formatters IMPORTANT = 0 INFO = 1 DEBUG = 2 TRACE = 3 MAX_LEVEL = 3 COLORS = { :none => "0", :black => "30", :red => "31", :green => "32", :yellow => "33", :blue => "34", :magenta => "35", :cyan => "36", :white => "37" } STYLES = { :bright => 1, :dim => 2, :underscore => 4, :blink => 5, :reverse => 7, :hidden => 8 } # Set up default formatters @default_formatters = [ # TRACE { :match => /command finished/, :color => :white, :style => :dim, :level => 3, :priority => -10 }, { :match => /executing locally/, :color => :yellow, :level => 3, :priority => -20 }, # DEBUG { :match => /executing `.*/, :color => :green, :level => 2, :priority => -10, :timestamp => true }, { :match => /.*/, :color => :yellow, :level => 2, :priority => -30 }, # INFO { :match => /.*out\] (fatal:|ERROR:).*/, :color => :red, :level => 1, :priority => -10 }, { :match => /Permission denied/, :color => :red, :level => 1, :priority => -20 }, { :match => /sh: .+: command not found/, :color => :magenta, :level => 1, :priority => -30 }, # IMPORTANT { :match => /^err ::/, :color => :red, :level => 0, :priority => -10 }, { :match => /.*/, :color => :blue, :level => 0, :priority => -20 } ] @formatters = @default_formatters class << self def default_formatters @default_formatters end def default_formatters=(defaults=nil) @default_formatters = [defaults].flatten # reset the formatters @formatters = @default_formatters @sorted_formatters = nil end def add_formatter(options) #:nodoc: @formatters.push(options) @sorted_formatters = nil end def sorted_formatters # Sort matchers in reverse order so we can break if we found a match. @sorted_formatters ||= @formatters.sort_by { |i| -(i[:priority] || i[:prio] || 0) } end end def initialize(options={}) output = options[:output] || $stderr if output.respond_to?(:puts) @device = output else @device =, "a") @needs_close = true end @options = options @level = options[:level] || 0 @disable_formatters = options[:disable_formatters] end def close device.close if @needs_close end def log(level, message, line_prefix=nil) if level <= self.level # Only format output if device is a TTY or formatters are not disabled if device.tty? && !@disable_formatters color = :none style = nil Logger.sorted_formatters.each do |formatter| if (formatter[:level] == level || formatter[:level].nil?) if message =~ formatter[:match] || line_prefix =~ formatter[:match] color = formatter[:color] if formatter[:color] style = formatter[:style] || formatter[:attribute] # (support original cap colors) message.gsub!(formatter[:match], formatter[:replace]) if formatter[:replace] message = formatter[:prepend] + message unless formatter[:prepend].nil? message = message + formatter[:append] unless formatter[:append].nil? message ='%Y-%m-%d %T') + ' ' + message if formatter[:timestamp] break unless formatter[:replace] end end end if color == :hide # Don't do anything if color is set to :hide return false end term_color = COLORS[color] term_style = STYLES[style] # Don't format message if no color or style unless color == :none and style.nil? unless line_prefix.nil? line_prefix = format(line_prefix, term_color, term_style, nil) end message = format(message, term_color, term_style) end end indent = "%*s" % [MAX_LEVEL, "*" * (MAX_LEVEL - level)] (RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9" ? message.lines : message).each do |line| if line_prefix device.puts "#{indent} [#{line_prefix}] #{line.strip}\n" else device.puts "#{indent} #{line.strip}\n" end end end end def important(message, line_prefix=nil) log(IMPORTANT, message, line_prefix) end def info(message, line_prefix=nil) log(INFO, message, line_prefix) end def debug(message, line_prefix=nil) log(DEBUG, message, line_prefix) end def trace(message, line_prefix=nil) log(TRACE, message, line_prefix) end def format(message, color, style, nl = "\n") style = "#{style};" if style "\e[#{style}#{color}m" + message.to_s.strip + "\e[0m#{nl}" end end end