module Sbn class StringCovariable < Variable # :nodoc: attr_reader :text_to_match def initialize(net, manager_name, text_to_match, probabilities) @@covar_count ||= 0 @@covar_count += 1 @manager_name = manager_name @text_to_match = text_to_match.downcase super(net, "#{@manager_name}_covar_#{@@covar_count}", probabilities) end def to_xmlbif_variable(xml) super(xml) do |x|"ManagerVariableName = #{@manager_name.to_s}")"TextToMatch = #{@text_to_match.inspect}") end end def evidence_name # :nodoc: @manager_name end def get_observed_state(evidence) # :nodoc: evidence[@manager_name].include?(@text_to_match) ? :true : :false end def transform_evidence_value(val) # :nodoc: raise "Evidence should not be provided for string covariables" end def set_in_evidence?(evidence) # :nodoc: evidence.has_key?(@manager_name) end private def test_equal(covariable) returnval = true returnval = false unless self.class == covariable.class and self.is_a? StringCovariable returnval = false unless returnval and @manager_name == covariable.instance_eval('@manager_name') returnval = false unless returnval and @text_to_match == covariable.instance_eval('@text_to_match') returnval = false unless returnval and super(covariable) returnval end end class StringVariable < Variable DEFAULT_NGRAM_SIZES = [3, 5, 10] def initialize(net, name = '') @net = net @covariables = {} @covariable_children = [] @covariable_parents = [] super(net, name, [], []) end # create co-variables when new n-grams are encountered def add_sample_point(evidence) # :nodoc: val = evidence[@name].downcase.strip len = val.length ngrams = [] # Make ngrams as small as 3 characters in length up to # the length of the string. We may need to whittle this # down significantly to avoid severe computational burdens. DEFAULT_NGRAM_SIZES.each {|n| ngrams.concat val.ngrams(n) } ngrams.uniq! ngrams.each do |ng| unless @covariables.has_key?(ng) # these probabilities are temporary and will get erased after learning newcovar =, @name, ng, [0.5, 0.5]) count = 0 @covariable_parents.each {|p| newcovar.add_parent(p) } @covariable_children.each {|p| newcovar.add_child(p) } @covariables[ng] = newcovar end @covariables[ng].add_sample_point(evidence) end end # returns an array of the variable's string covariables in alphabetical order def covariables # :nodoc: returnval = [] @covariables.keys.sort.each {|key| returnval << @covariables[key] } returnval end def to_xmlbif_variable(xml) # :nodoc: super(xml) do |x| covars = @covariables.keys.sort parents = {|p| }"Covariables = #{covars.join(',')}") unless covars.empty? # A string variable's parents cannot be specified in the "given" # section below, because only its covariables actually have them."Parents = #{parents.join(',')}") unless parents.empty? end end def to_xmlbif_definition(xml) # :nodoc: # string variables do not have any direct probabilities--only their covariables end # This node never influences the probabilities. Its sole # responsibility is to manage the co-variables, so it should # always appear to be set in the evidence so that it won't # waste time in the inference process. def set_in_evidence?(evidence) # :nodoc: true # raise "String variables should never be used in inference--only their covariables" end # This method is used when reconstituting saved networks def add_covariable(covariable) # :nodoc: @covariable_children.each {|child| covariable.add_child(child) } @covariable_parents.each {|parent| covariable.add_parent(parent) } @covariables[covariable.text_to_match] = covariable end # This node never has any parents or children. It just # sets the parents or children of its covariables. def add_child_no_recurse(variable) # :nodoc: return if variable == self or @covariable_children.include?(variable) if variable.is_a?(StringVariable) @covariable_children.concat variable.covariables @covariables.each {|ng, covar| variable.covariables.each {|varcovar| covar.add_child(varcovar) } } else @covariable_children << variable @covariables.each {|ng, covar| covar.add_child(variable) } end variable.generate_probability_table end def add_parent_no_recurse(variable) # :nodoc: return if variable == self or @covariable_parents.include?(variable) if variable.is_a?(StringVariable) @covariable_parents.concat variable.covariables @covariables.each {|ng, covar| variable.covariables.each {|varcovar| covar.add_parent(varcovar) } } else @covariable_parents << variable @covariables.each {|ng, covar| covar.add_parent(variable) } end generate_probability_table end def generate_probability_table # :nodoc: @covariables.each {|ng, covar| covar.generate_probability_table } end def is_complete_evidence?(evidence) # :nodoc: parent_names = {|p| } super(evidence) {|varnames| varnames.concat(parent_names) } end def transform_evidence_value(val) # :nodoc: val.to_s.downcase end private def test_equal(variable) returnval = true returnval = false unless self.class == variable.class and self.is_a? StringVariable returnval = false unless returnval and @name == returnval = false unless returnval and @covariable_children == variable.instance_eval('@covariable_children') returnval = false unless returnval and @covariable_parents == variable.instance_eval('@covariable_parents') @covariables.each do |key, val| break unless returnval returnval = false unless val == variable.instance_eval("@covariables[:#{key.to_s}]") end returnval end end end