module JSONAPIonify::Api module Resource::Definitions::Pagination class PaginationLinksDelegate def initialize(url, params, links) @url = url @params = params @links = links end %i{first last next prev}.each do |method| define_method method do |**options| @links[method] = URI.parse(@url).tap do |uri| page_params = { page: options }.deep_stringify_keys uri.query = @params.deep_merge(page_params).to_param end.to_s end end end def self.extended(klass) klass.class_eval do include InstanceMethods inherited_hash_attribute :pagination_strategies define_pagination_strategy 'Object' do |collection| collection end define_pagination_strategy 'Enumerable' do |collection, params, links, per, context| size = Integer(params['first'] || params['last'] || per) slice = if (params['before'] && params['first']) || (params['after'] && params['last']) error :forbidden do message 'Illegal combination of parameters' end elsif (after = params['after']) key_values = parse_and_validate_cursor(:after, after, context) array_select_past_cursor( collection, context.sort_params, key_values ).first(size) elsif (before = params['before']) key_values = parse_and_validate_cursor(:before, before, context) array_select_past_cursor( collection, context.sort_params.reverse, key_values ).last(size) elsif params['last'] collection.last(size) else collection.first(size) end links.first first: size links.last last: size links.prev before: build_cursor_from_instance(context.request, slice.first), last: size unless slice.first == collection.first after: build_cursor_from_instance(context.request, slice.last), first: size unless slice.last == collection.last slice end define_pagination_strategy 'ActiveRecord::Relation' do |collection, params, links, per, context| size = Integer(params['first'] || params['last'] || per) slice = if (params['before'] && params['first']) || (params['after'] && params['last']) error :forbidden do message 'Illegal combination of parameters' end elsif (after = params['after']) key_values = parse_and_validate_cursor(:after, after, context) arel_select_past_cursor( collection, context.sort_params, key_values ).limit(size) elsif (before = params['before']) key_values = parse_and_validate_cursor(:before, before, context) ids = arel_select_past_cursor( collection, context.sort_params.reverse, key_values ).reverse_order.limit(size).pluck(:id) collection.where(id_attribute => ids) elsif params['last'] ids = collection.reverse_order.limit(size).pluck(id_attribute) collection.where(id_attribute => ids).limit(size) else collection.limit(size) end links.first first: size links.last last: size links.prev before: build_cursor_from_instance(context.request, slice.first), last: size unless slice.first == collection.first after: build_cursor_from_instance(context.request, slice.last), first: size unless slice.last == collection.last slice end end end def define_pagination_strategy(mod, &block) pagination_strategies[mod.to_s] = block end def enable_pagination(per: 50) param :page, :after, actions: %i{list} param :page, :before, actions: %i{list} param :page, :first, actions: %i{list} param :page, :last, actions: %i{list} context :paginated_collection do |context| collection = context.sorted_collection _, block = pagination_strategies.to_a.reverse.to_h.find do |mod, _| Object.const_defined?(mod, false) && context.collection.class <= Object.const_get(mod, false) end links_delegate = context.request.url, self.class.sticky_params(context.params), context.links ) instance_exec( collection, context.request.params['page'] || {}, links_delegate, per, context, &block ) end end module InstanceMethods def array_select_past_cursor(collection, sort_params, key_values) do |i| set = sort_params[0..i] *contains_fields, outside_field = set # Collect the contains results contains_results = do |field| do |item| value = item.send( expected_value = key_values[] value && value.send(field.contains_operator, expected_value) end end # Collect the outside results outside_results = do |item| value = item.send( expected_value = key_values[] value && value.send(outside_field.outside_operator, expected_value) end # Finish the query [*contains_results, outside_results].reduce(:&) end.reduce(:|) || [] end def arel_select_past_cursor(collection, sort_params, key_values) subselect = do |i| set = sort_params[0..i] *contains_fields, outside_field = set contains_fields.reduce(collection.reorder(nil)) do |relation, field| relation.where <<-SQL.strip, value: key_values[] "#{}" #{field.contains_operator} :value SQL end.where(<<-SQL.strip, key_values[]).to_sql "#{}" #{outside_field.outside_operator} ? SQL end.join(' UNION ') collection.from("(#{subselect}) AS #{collection.table_name}") end def parse_and_validate_cursor(param, cursor, context) should_error = false options = JSON.parse(Base64.urlsafe_decode64(cursor)) # Validate Type unless options['t'] == self.class.type should_error = true error(:page_parameter_invalid, :page, param) do detail 'The cursor type does not match the resource' end end # Validate Sort unless options['s'] == context.params['sort'] should_error = true error(:page_parameter_invalid, :page, param) do detail 'The cursor sort does not match the request sort' end end raise Errors::RequestError if should_error options['a'] end end end end