# frozen_string_literal: true # Load all the classes implementing AST nodes require_relative '../ast/all_lox_nodes' require_relative 'binary_operator' require_relative 'function' require_relative 'symbol_table' require_relative 'unary_operator' module Loxxy module BackEnd # An instance of this class executes the statements as when they # occur during the abstract syntax tree walking. # @note WIP: very crude implementation. class Engine # @return [Hash] A set of configuration options attr_reader :config # @return [BackEnd::SymbolTable] attr_reader :symbol_table # @return [Array] Data stack for the expression results attr_reader :stack # @return [Hash { Symbol => UnaryOperator}] attr_reader :unary_operators # @return [Hash { Symbol => BinaryOperator}] attr_reader :binary_operators # @param theOptions [Hash] def initialize(theOptions) @config = theOptions @ostream = config.include?(:ostream) ? config[:ostream] : $stdout @symbol_table = SymbolTable.new @stack = [] @unary_operators = {} @binary_operators = {} init_unary_operators init_binary_operators init_globals end # Given an abstract syntax parse tree visitor, launch the visit # and execute the visit events in the output stream. # @param aVisitor [AST::ASTVisitor] # @return [Loxxy::Datatype::BuiltinDatatype] def execute(aVisitor) aVisitor.subscribe(self) aVisitor.start aVisitor.unsubscribe(self) stack.empty? ? Datatype::Nil.instance : stack.pop end ########################################################################## # Visit event handling ########################################################################## def after_seq_decl(aSeqDecls) # Do nothing, subnodes were already evaluated end def after_var_stmt(aVarStmt) new_var = Variable.new(aVarStmt.name, aVarStmt.subnodes[0]) symbol_table.insert(new_var) end def before_for_stmt(aForStmt) before_block_stmt(aForStmt) end def after_for_stmt(aForStmt, aVisitor) loop do aForStmt.test_expr.accept(aVisitor) condition = stack.pop break unless condition.truthy? aForStmt.body_stmt.accept(aVisitor) aForStmt.update_expr&.accept(aVisitor) stack.pop end after_block_stmt(aForStmt) end def after_if_stmt(anIfStmt, aVisitor) # Retrieve the result of the condition evaluation condition = stack.pop if condition.truthy? anIfStmt.then_stmt.accept(aVisitor) elsif anIfStmt.else_stmt anIfStmt.else_stmt.accept(aVisitor) end end def after_print_stmt(_printStmt) tos = stack.pop @ostream.print tos ? tos.to_str : 'nil' end def after_return_stmt(_returnStmt, _aVisitor) throw(:return) end def after_while_stmt(aWhileStmt, aVisitor) loop do condition = stack.pop break unless condition.truthy? aWhileStmt.body.accept(aVisitor) aWhileStmt.condition.accept(aVisitor) end end def before_block_stmt(_aBlockStmt) new_env = Environment.new symbol_table.enter_environment(new_env) end def after_block_stmt(_aBlockStmt) symbol_table.leave_environment end def after_assign_expr(anAssignExpr) var_name = anAssignExpr.name variable = symbol_table.lookup(var_name) raise StandardError, "Unknown variable #{var_name}" unless variable value = stack.pop variable.assign(value) stack.push value # An expression produces a value end def after_logical_expr(aLogicalExpr, visitor) op = aLogicalExpr.operator operand1 = stack.pop # only first operand was evaluated result = nil if ((op == :and) && operand1.falsey?) || ((op == :or) && operand1.truthy?) result = operand1 else raw_operand2 = aLogicalExpr.subnodes[1] raw_operand2.accept(visitor) # Visit means operand2 is evaluated operand2 = stack.pop result = logical_2nd_arg(operand2) end stack.push result end def logical_2nd_arg(operand2) case operand2 when false False.instance # Convert to Lox equivalent when nil Nil.instance # Convert to Lox equivalent when true True.instance # Convert to Lox equivalent when Proc # Second operand wasn't yet evaluated... operand2.call else operand2 end end def after_binary_expr(aBinaryExpr) operand2 = stack.pop operand1 = stack.pop op = aBinaryExpr.operator operator = binary_operators[op] operator.validate_operands(operand1, operand2) if operand1.respond_to?(op) stack.push operand1.send(op, operand2) else msg1 = "`#{op}': Unimplemented operator for a #{operand1.class}." raise StandardError, msg1 end end def after_unary_expr(anUnaryExpr) operand = stack.pop op = anUnaryExpr.operator operator = unary_operators[op] operator.validate_operand(operand) if operand.respond_to?(op) stack.push operand.send(op) else msg1 = "`#{op}': Unimplemented operator for a #{operand.class}." raise StandardError, msg1 end end def after_call_expr(aCallExpr, aVisitor) # Evaluate callee part aCallExpr.callee.accept(aVisitor) callee = stack.pop aCallExpr.arguments.reverse_each { |arg| arg.accept(aVisitor) } case callee when NativeFunction stack.push callee.call # Pass arguments when Function new_env = Environment.new(symbol_table.current_env) symbol_table.enter_environment(new_env) callee.parameters&.each do |param_name| local = Variable.new(param_name, stack.pop) symbol_table.insert(local) end catch(:return) do callee.call(aVisitor) throw(:return) end symbol_table.leave_environment else raise Loxxy::RuntimeError, 'Can only call functions and classes.' end end def complete_call callee = ret_stack.pop symbol_table.leave_environment if callee.kind_of?(Function) end def after_grouping_expr(_groupingExpr) # Do nothing: work was already done by visiting /evaluating the subexpression end def after_variable_expr(aVarExpr, aVisitor) var_name = aVarExpr.name var = symbol_table.lookup(var_name) raise StandardError, "Unknown variable #{var_name}" unless var var.value.accept(aVisitor) # Evaluate the variable value end # @param literalExpr [Ast::LoxLiteralExpr] def before_literal_expr(literalExpr) stack.push(literalExpr.literal) end # @param aValue [Ast::BuiltinDattype] the built-in datatype value def before_visit_builtin(aValue) stack.push(aValue) end def after_fun_stmt(aFunStmt, _visitor) function = Function.new(aFunStmt.name, aFunStmt.params, aFunStmt.body, stack) new_var = Variable.new(aFunStmt.name, function) symbol_table.insert(new_var) end private NativeFunction = Struct.new(:callable, :interp) do def accept(_visitor) interp.stack.push self end def call callable.call end def to_str '' end end def init_unary_operators negate_op = UnaryOperator.new('-', [Datatype::Number]) unary_operators[:-@] = negate_op negation_op = UnaryOperator.new('!', [Datatype::BuiltinDatatype, BackEnd::Function]) unary_operators[:!] = negation_op end def init_binary_operators plus_op = BinaryOperator.new('+', [[Datatype::Number, :idem], [Datatype::LXString, :idem]]) binary_operators[:+] = plus_op minus_op = BinaryOperator.new('-', [[Datatype::Number, :idem]]) binary_operators[:-] = minus_op star_op = BinaryOperator.new('*', [[Datatype::Number, :idem]]) binary_operators[:*] = star_op slash_op = BinaryOperator.new('/', [[Datatype::Number, :idem]]) binary_operators[:/] = slash_op equal_equal_op = BinaryOperator.new('==', [[Datatype::BuiltinDatatype, Datatype::BuiltinDatatype]]) binary_operators[:==] = equal_equal_op not_equal_op = BinaryOperator.new('!=', [[Datatype::BuiltinDatatype, Datatype::BuiltinDatatype]]) binary_operators[:!=] = not_equal_op less_op = BinaryOperator.new('<', [[Datatype::Number, :idem]]) binary_operators[:<] = less_op less_equal_op = BinaryOperator.new('<=', [[Datatype::Number, :idem]]) binary_operators[:<=] = less_equal_op greater_op = BinaryOperator.new('>', [[Datatype::Number, :idem]]) binary_operators[:>] = greater_op greater_equal_op = BinaryOperator.new('>=', [[Datatype::Number, :idem]]) binary_operators[:>=] = greater_equal_op end def init_globals add_native_fun('clock', native_clock) end def add_native_fun(aName, aProc) native_fun = Variable.new(aName, NativeFunction.new(aProc, self)) symbol_table.insert(native_fun) end # Ruby-native function that returns (as float) the number of seconds since # a given time reference. def native_clock proc do now = Time.now.to_f Datatype::Number.new(now) end end end # class end # module end # module