Feature: Double command line applications In order to double command line applications As a developer using Cucumber I want to use the "double of" steps Scenario: Double default behaviour Given a double of "foo" When I run `foo` Then the exit status should be 0 And the stdout should contain exactly: """ """ And the stderr should contain exactly: """ """ Scenario: Double with stdout Given a double of "foo" with stdout: """ hello, world. """ When I successfully run `foo` Then the stdout should contain exactly: """ hello, world. """ And the stderr should contain exactly: """ """ Scenario: Double with stderr Given a double of "foo" with stderr: """ error: something crashed! """ When I successfully run `foo` And the stdout should contain exactly: """ """ Then the stderr should contain exactly: """ error: something crashed! """ Scenario: Double with exit status Given a double of "foo" with exit status 255 When I run `foo` Then the exit status should be 255 And the stdout should contain exactly: """ """ And the stderr should contain exactly: """ """ Scenario: Double with exit status and stdout Given a double of "foo" with exit status 255 and stdout: """ hello, world. """ When I run `foo` Then the exit status should be 255 And the stdout should contain exactly: """ hello, world. """ And the stderr should contain exactly: """ """ Scenario: Double with expected arguments Given a double of "foo --bar baz" with stdout: """ hello, world. """ When I run `foo` Then the exit status should not be 0 And the stdout should contain exactly: """ """ And the stderr should contain exactly: """ expected: foo --bar baz got: foo """ @repeat_arguments Scenario: Double with repeating arguments Given a double of "foo" When I run `foo` Then the stdout should contain exactly: """ foo """ And the stderr should contain exactly: """ """