module Schemacop class Validator TYPE_ALIASES = { hash: [Hash], array: [Array], string: [String], integer: [Integer], boolean: [TrueClass, FalseClass] } # Validates `data` against `schema` and throws an exception on missmatch. # # @param [Hash] schema The schema to validate against # @param [Object] data The data to validate # @return [void] def self.validate!(schema, data) new(schema, data) return nil end private def initialize(schema, data) validate_branch '', schema, data end def prepare_schema(schema) schema = { types: schema } unless schema.is_a?(Hash) schema = schema.dup if schema.include?(:type) schema[:types] = schema.delete(:type) else schema[:types] = :array unless schema[:array].nil? schema[:types] = :hash unless schema[:hash].nil? end schema[:types] = [*schema[:types]] schema[:types].map! do |type| alias_type = { |_, v| v.include?(type) }.keys.first type = alias_type unless alias_type.nil? type end schema[:types].each do |type| if type == :hash if schema.include?(:fields) schema[:hash] = schema.delete(:fields) end schema[:hash] = schema[:hash] || {} if schema[:hash].is_a?(Hash) schema[:hash].each do |key, value| schema[:hash][key] = prepare_schema(value) end end end schema[:array] = prepare_schema(schema[:array]) if type == :array end schema end def assign_data_type(type) if type.is_a?(Symbol) fail Exceptions::InvalidSchema, "Type alias #{type} is not supported." if TYPE_ALIASES[type].nil? TYPE_ALIASES[type] elsif type.is_a?(String) type.to_s.classify.safe_constantize else type end end def validate_branch(path, schema, data) schema = prepare_schema(schema) # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Type validation # --------------------------------------------------------------- supported_types = schema[:types].map { |type| assign_data_type type }.flatten # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Check root path rules # --------------------------------------------------------------- if path.empty? supported_types << NilClass if schema[:null] == true if schema.include? :require fail Exceptions::InvalidSchema, "The :require property can't be used on top level of schema." end end if schema[:types].present? && !supported_types.any? { |t| data.is_a?(t) } fail Exceptions::Validation, "Property at path #{path} must be of type #{supported_types.inspect}." end # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for allowed values # --------------------------------------------------------------- if schema[:allowed_values] && !schema[:allowed_values].include?(data) fail Exceptions::Validation, "Value #{data.inspect} of property at path #{path} is not valid. Valid are: #{schema[:allowed_values].inspect}." end # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Validate children # --------------------------------------------------------------- if data.is_a?(Hash) data = data unless schema.include? :hash fail Exceptions::InvalidSchema, "Missing schema entry :hash at path #{path}." end schema_keys = schema[:hash].keys.collect(&:to_s) unless schema_keys.empty? data_keys = data.keys.collect(&:to_s) unless (obsolete_keys = data_keys - schema_keys).empty? fail Exceptions::Validation, "Obsolete keys at path #{path}: #{obsolete_keys.inspect}." end end schema[:hash].each do |sub_key, sub_schema| if sub_schema[:required] != false && !data.include?(sub_key) fail Exceptions::Validation, "Missing property at path #{path}.#{sub_key}." end if data[sub_key].nil? unless sub_schema[:null] == true fail Exceptions::Validation, "Property at path #{path}.#{sub_key} can't be null." end else validate_branch("#{path}.#{sub_key}", sub_schema, data[sub_key]) end end elsif schema[:types].include?(:array) data.each_with_index do |value, index| validate_branch("#{path}[#{index}]", schema[:array], value) end end end end end