* We cannot execute predicates dependent upon local context unless
* we know for sure we are in the correct context. Because there is
* no way to do this efficiently, we simply cannot evaluate
* dependent predicates unless we are in the rule that initially
* invokes the ATN simulator.
* closure() tracks the depth of how far we dip into the outer context:
* depth > 0. Note that it may not be totally accurate depth since I
* don't ever decrement. TODO: make it a boolean then
* For memory efficiency, the {@link #isPrecedenceFilterSuppressed} method
* is also backed by this field. Since the field is publicly accessible, the
* highest bit which would not cause the value to become negative is used to
* store this field. This choice minimizes the risk that code which only
* compares this value to 0 would be affected by the new purpose of the
* flag. It also ensures the performance of the existing {@link ATNConfig}
* constructors as well as certain operations like
* {@link ATNConfigSet#add(ATNConfig, DoubleKeyMap)} method are
* completely unaffected by the change.
size_t reachesIntoOuterContext;
/// Can be shared between multiple ATNConfig instances.
Ref semanticContext;
ATNConfig(ATNState *state, size_t alt, Ref const& context);
ATNConfig(ATNState *state, size_t alt, Ref const& context, Ref const& semanticContext);
ATNConfig(Ref const& c); // dup
ATNConfig(Ref const& c, ATNState *state);
ATNConfig(Ref const& c, ATNState *state, Ref const& semanticContext);
ATNConfig(Ref const& c, Ref const& semanticContext);
ATNConfig(Ref const& c, ATNState *state, Ref const& context);
ATNConfig(Ref const& c, ATNState *state, Ref const& context, Ref const& semanticContext);
ATNConfig(ATNConfig const&) = default;
virtual ~ATNConfig();
virtual size_t hashCode() const;
* This method gets the value of the {@link #reachesIntoOuterContext} field
* as it existed prior to the introduction of the
* {@link #isPrecedenceFilterSuppressed} method.
size_t getOuterContextDepth() const ;
bool isPrecedenceFilterSuppressed() const;
void setPrecedenceFilterSuppressed(bool value);
/// An ATN configuration is equal to another if both have
/// the same state, they predict the same alternative, and
/// syntactic/semantic contexts are the same.
bool operator == (const ATNConfig &other) const;
bool operator != (const ATNConfig &other) const;
virtual std::string toString();
std::string toString(bool showAlt);
* This field stores the bit mask for implementing the
* {@link #isPrecedenceFilterSuppressed} property as a bit within the
* existing {@link #reachesIntoOuterContext} field.
#if __cplusplus >= 201703L
static constexpr size_t SUPPRESS_PRECEDENCE_FILTER = 0x40000000;
enum : size_t {
} // namespace atn
} // namespace antlr4
// Hash function for ATNConfig.
namespace std {
using antlr4::atn::ATNConfig;
template <> struct hash
size_t operator() (const ATNConfig &x) const
return x.hashCode();
template <> struct hash>>
size_t operator() (const std::vector[> &vector) const
std::size_t seed = 0;
for (const auto &config : vector) {
seed ^= config->hashCode() + 0x9e3779b9 + (seed << 6) + (seed >> 2);
return seed;