#:nodoc: module Settings #:nodoc: module Plugin ## # Base class used for individual settings. # # @author Yorick Peterse # @since 0.2.5 # class SettingBase include ::Zen::Validation ## # Array containing all possible setting types. # # @author Yorick Peterse # @since 0.2.5 # Types = [ 'textbox', 'textarea', 'radio', 'checkbox', 'date', 'select', 'select_multiple' ] # The name of the setting attr_accessor :name # The title of the setting, displayed in the GUI attr_accessor :title # A small description about the setting attr_accessor :description # The name of the settings group this setting belongs to attr_accessor :group # The type of setting (e.g. textbox) attr_accessor :type # The possible values for the setting attr_writer :values # The default value of the setting attr_accessor :default ## # Validates all attributes of this class. # # @author Yorick Peterse # @since 0.2.5 # def validate validates_presence([:name, :title, :group, :type]) # Validate the setting type if !Types.include?(type) raise(::Zen::ValidationError, "The setting type #{type} is invalid.") end # Check if the setting hasn't been registered yet if ::Settings::Plugin::Settings::Registered[:settings].key?(name) raise( ::Zen::ValidationError, "The setting #{name} has already been registered" ) end # Validate the group if !::Settings::Plugin::Settings::Registered[:groups].key?(group) raise(::Zen::ValidationError, "The settings group #{group} doesn't exist.") end end ## # Updates the value of a setting both in the cache and the SQL database. # # @author Yorick Peterse # @since # @param [String] value The value to set the setting to. # def value=(value) # First we'll update the SQL database ::Settings::Model::Setting[:name => name].update(:value => value) # Sync the cache ::Ramaze::Cache.settings.store(name, value) end ## # Retrieves the setting. If it exists in the cache the cache's value is used, # otherwise it will be retrieved from the SQL database and cached. # # @author Yorick Peterse # @since # def value val = ::Ramaze::Cache.settings.fetch(name) # Get the setting from the database if val.nil? setting = ::Settings::Model::Setting[:name => name] # If the value is also nil we'll use the default value if setting.value.nil? or setting.value.empty? val = setting.default else val = setting.value end ::Ramaze::Cache.settings.store(name, val) end return val end ## # Retrieves the possible values for the setting. If the value is a Proc or Lambda # (or anything else that responds to call()) it will be called and it's return # value is used. # # @author Yorick Peterse # @since 0.2.8 # @return [Mixed] # def values if @values.respond_to?(:call) return @values.call else return @values end end end # SettingBase end # Plugin end # Settings